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Part 2; Selected chapter review question And Answers

1. Discuss how roles, norms, conformity, status systems, groups size and group cohesiveness
influence group behavior

 Guidelines:-Define all the above terms

 Discuss how those terms influence group behavior with example
 Conclusion from findings


Role:- The set of expected behavior patterns attributed to someone who occupies a given
position in a social unit that assist the group in task accomplishment or maintaining group
member satisfaction.

Role conflict: experiencing differing role expectations

Role ambiguity: uncertainty about role expectations

Example; Group members roles are important to the ability of a function effectively and

Norms:- Acceptable standards or expectations that are shared by the group’s members. Norms
dictate factors such as work output levels,absenteeism,promptness, and the amount of
socializing allowed on the job.

• Common types of norms

 Effort and performance

Output levels, absenteeism, promptness, socializing

 Dress, Loyalty

Example; The workday begins at 8:00A.M. most employees typically arrive a few minutes
before and put their purses and other personal item on their table or chair. They then go to the
company canteen to get coffee and chat. Employees who disobey this norm by starting work
sharply at eight o’clock are teased and pressured to promote behavior that conforms to the
group’s standard.
Conformity: - Individuals conform in order to be accepted by groups.

Group pressures can have an effect on an individual member’s judgment and attitudes.

The effect of conformity is not as strong as it once was, although still a powerful force.

Groupthink: The extensive pressure of others in a strongly cohesive or threatened group that
causes individual members to change their opinions to conform to that of the group.

Example; As group members ,find it more enjoyable to be in coming together to be a positive

part of the group then to be a troublemaking force, even if problem is necessary to improve the
effectiveness of the group’s decisions.

Status systems:- The formal or informal prestige grading, position, or ranking system for
members of a group that serves as recognition for individual contributions to the group and as a
behavioral motivator.

Formal status systems are effective when the perceived ranking of an individual and the status
symbols accorded that individual are congruent.

Example; Status for Latin Americans and Asians have a tendency to come from family position
and formal roles held in organizations.

Group size:-
• Small groups
Complete tasks faster than larger groups.
Make more effective use of facts.
• Large groups
Solve problems better than small groups.
Are good for getting diverse input.
Are more effective in fact-finding.
• Social Loafing
The tendency for individuals to expend less effort when working collectively
than when work individually.
Example; Small groups complete tasks faster than larger groups. Because they have minimum
number of members all members working together more effectively.Larger group members
waste so many time to solve problems and receiving ideas. and some persons are not working.
Group cohesiveness:- The degree to which members are attracted to a group and share the
group’s goals.

Members of group share several behavioral characteristics. They are organized with each other,
select high performance norms, cooperate, show interdependence, and trust one another.

Example:-.The group attitude aligns with its goals or with the goals of the organization. It is a
close relation ship with group members to complete the goals.

2- Discuss how conflict management influence group behavior.


The perceived incompatible differences in a group resulting in some form of interference with or
opposition to its assigned tasks.

Traditional view: conflict must be avoided.

Human relations view: conflict is a natural and inevitable outcome in any group.

Interactions view: conflict can be a positive force and is absolutely necessary for effective
group performance.

Functional conflicts: conflict a group goals and improve its performance.

Dysfunctional conflicts: conflict a group from achieving its goals.

Task conflict: conflict over content and goals of the work.

Relationship conflict: conflict based on interpersonal relationships.

Process conflict: conflict over how work gets done.

• Techniques to Reduce Conflict:

Avoidance : resolving conflicts by withdrawing from or suppressing them.

Accommodation : Resolving conflicts by placing another’s needs and concerns

above your own.

Forcing: Resolving conflicts by satisfying one’s own needs at the expense of


Compromise: Resolving conflicts by satisfying one’s own needs at the expense of


Collaboration: : Resolving conflicts by seeking an advantageous solution for all


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