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List of Fields

Note: Star (**) below signify fields that will be viewed if Organic is selected.

Create campaign Fields

1. Campaign Name (Dropdown)

 social media platform
 Market Medium (facebook)
 Optional ex: video
2. Paid Or Organic (checkbox)
3. Product name (Checkbox, radioButton or dropdown(MULTIPLE SELECTION ALLOWED) ) **
4. Select Tag / HashTag / Keywords (Multiple selection allowed from list of options) **
5. Select Type (Dropdown Menu)
 Individual
 Group
 Self Channel
 Community
 Social Page Etc..
6. Select Age (Dropdown)
7. Select Gender
8. Fields: Country ,Zone Country , City , Zone city , Area (Limited list in dropdown for all fields) **
9. Designation
10. Salary (If designation Not Equal to Student)
11. Interest (Dropdown Options)
12. Remark (Text field)
13. Next Button

Note :

All Fields after “Product name” will be based on Product selection, social media platform.
In Tag , Hashtag and keyword fields these fields will be viewed based on media platform selected above and the color will be
changed based on rank of tags. New tags request can also be made.


1. Self payment / Company (based on limit)

2. Enter Amount (if selected company : hint mentioned for e.g. – “Please enter amount less than or equal to 500” )
3. Enter Bit Price
4. Morning , evening **
5. time (9 to 6, 3pm to 12am ) option will be provided (Multiple selection allowed) **
6. Start date (calendar) **
7. End date **
8. Enter Days (Multiple selection allowed) **
9. Goals (Description box) (hint: write your goals how many leads will bring etc.) **
10. Next

Requirement (same Fields for organic and paid)

1. No. of days you’ll Post (dropdown with list of days )

2. “Select or Upload” material (Dropdown Image, video, infographic etc.)
3. Material Required date (If Material = Selected, In 2nd)
4. Enter Description (hint: Your requirement and need for material )
5. Size (text field)
6. Remark (text fields)
7. Post Button
8. Make Notes (Field will be text form or dropdown )
9. If Text Filters will be their to select.

Note: All filters which are not mentioned in forms, Request can be made for all of them.

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