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The group is always a powerful instrument, that group members always have a sense for
others. If a group should be effective, it is always required to respect difference and individuality
while reinforcing shared concerns and common bonds. The group always focuses on reaching
people struggling with the typical life issues of growing up, getting along with others, sharing,
working, dealing with partners, adjusting to economic and health changes, and growing older and
consequently addressing the needs and difficulties faced by people.
Tobacco is addressed as one of the causes that increase the mortality rate in many
countries. The Objective of the intervention that is done among the villages was to determine the
efficacy of community-based Group intervention for the use tobacco termination. The
practitioner was able to develop the sessions by including tobacco-related health problems,
benefits of quitting, and coping strategies for withdrawal symptoms. The steps and principles
that he has taken stands justified to the principles and methods of group work intervention.

What is Group work ?

“group work a method of working with personal and social problems where there are three or more
people, towards some common end or purpose. Group work can involve self-help with all group members
nominally having the same ‘status’ or they can have leaders or facilitators who might be social
workers.”[ CITATION Joh10 \l 1033 ]

Social Group Work is defined as a method of social work whose purpose is the
enhancement of the psychosocial functioning of individuals and improvement of their
environments. Enhancement of functioning includes both prevention and treatment. Group work
is a method of reducing and it eliminates the roadblocks to social interaction and for
accomplishing socially desirable purposes. The social group worker or the practitioner always
uses the knowledge of group work interventiona and its and functioning to affect the
performance and adjustment of the individual. In group work the individual remains the focus of
concern and the group the vehicle of growth and change. The individuals Enhancement of social
functioning through the use of the group is the primary aim of group work.  The process of
group work can help a group reach effectiveness more quickly and less painfully.
Community-based group intervention for tobacco cessation in rural Tamil Nadu, India an

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