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Social casework is a young profession; many ideas are not precisely defined in casework

literature, even though they are extensively used. The non-judgmental attitude is one of these
notions. The primary goal of the project is to clarify the concept of Non Judgemental attitude
with a social casework report review [ CITATION SRe14 \l 1033 ]

The Tittle of the report, "A social casework report of adolescent adjustment disorder with
borderline intelligence."

Reason for the Study.

Adolescent adjustment disorder (AD) is widespread; however, there are few treatment studies.
The application of a behavioral paradigm of "social casework for an adolescent girl with AD is
described in this study. It discusses how a teenage girl with borderline intelligence can react to
various of expectations placed on her and how these demands could be sources of
maladjustment. It highlights how assisting people in transition necessitates identifying the
original or combination of sources that have resulted in the adjustment problem and then
implementing an appropriate helping technique. [ CITATION Upa16 \l 1033 ]

An Analyzis of Case Worker’s dealing pattern with the principle Non Judgemental

The attitude of the caseworker clearly conveyed the idea to the patient that he is merely trying to
figure out why she acts and feels the way she does. During all the sections he was mainly
focusing on accepting the client and her background, countertransferrence, the dignity of the
client was never questioned the diognizing pattern clealrt illustrates this that she was not
mentally made disturbed, identification of the problems in all levels touched her peer groups,
parents, Social Systems which made her more open, individual differences, interviewing pattern
is the most significant are where the social worker should be carefull during stage if the patient
discovers the antisocial behavior from the case worker it may critically affect the entire case
works result. The case worker made an interview pattern that never hinders the dignity of the
client. [ CITATION Upa16 \l 1033 ][ CITATION VIJ06 \l 1033 ]
The Case workers nonjudgmental attitude demonstrates that he respects the client as a person.
The client's right to respect might be seen from a variety of perspectives. The client, being a
human personality, has potential for development. The case worker values the individual's
personality, seeing him not as a tool to be used but as a human being with potential for
development. Each individual has the right to make his or her own decisions and plans as a
human personality. Focuisng to this the case worker clearly mentions all the abilities and
potential that she had in the past. The right of the individual without questioning the her dignity
he has clearly brought out. [ CITATION Upa16 \l 1033 ][ CITATION Rut53 \l 1033 ]

Justification to the Client’s Right for not to be Judged

The client's need for a nonjudgmental attitude is best exemplified the needs he brings to the
casework setting. In order to undertake me type c casework where the client's requirements will
be satisfied, observe th nonjudgmental approach is required. The client feels compelled to expr
himself so that the worker can understand his genuine position. The fol examples demonstrate
the importance of a nonjudgmental approach in the client to express himself freely[ CITATION
Upa16 \l 1033 ]

Works Cited
1. Baruah, U. (2016). A social casework report of adolescent adjustment disorder .
Bengaluru: National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences.

2. S.Rengasamy. (2014). Social Case Work. Madurai: Madurai Institute of Social Sciences.

3. SHARMA, V. K. (2006). Recording in Social Case Work. Bihar.

4. Sherlock, R. E. (1953). The Nonjudgmental Attitude in Social Casework. Chicago:

Loyola University .

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