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Martinez, Maica Janine


The two articles are A short Introduction to counseling by Sally Aldridge and The Emerging of
Counseling among Adolescent School by Dr. Prescila Sharon. Dr. Sally Aldridge has been
actively involved in counseling since qualifying as a counselor at the University of Keele. A
short Introduction to counseling by Sally Aldridge was originally published on February 10,
2023. Dr. Prescila Sharon is a health care provider and primarily located in Jamestown, NC,
with another office GREENSBORO, NC. she has 33 years of experience. Her specialties include
General Dentistry.

The articles discusses a variety of viewpoints regarding the definition of counseling and its
frequent use to characterize treatments in various institutions and articles. Counselling is
often used in contexts beyond therapeutic settings, such as debt advice and employment
and consumer law assistance. It is a range of talking therapies, not advice, delivered by
trained professionals, and is often used interchangeably with psychotherapy. The purpose of
the current paper is to explore the significance of adolescence counseling in an Indian
educational system. The purpose of the study is to analyze the role of the school counselor in
dealing with adolescents and to emphasize the importance of adolescent counseling in the
India School. This chapter should have made it apparent that the author would not attempt
to define counseling and that doing so would be unsuccessful. In counseling, a person sets
aside their own issues and formally agrees to focus on another person. The goal is to help
the other person realize what is bothering them more clearly and perhaps make some
changes. While some states mandate school counselor appointments, school counseling
remains experimental in India, aiming for maximum personal development. The growth of
counselling and talking therapies faces challenges due to disputes and struggles for
superiority within psychological therapies. The lack of a clear definition can be both
advantageous and disadvantageous. Adolescence is a pivotal period, necessitating a
supportive environment for adolescents to navigate their turbulent journey. This requires
collective efforts from various agencies, including family, school, and government.
Education systems aim to promote optimal student development across all spheres, while
counseling facilitates maximum personal growth for productive and useful citizens. In India,
youth face academic stress, violence, sexual permissiveness, drug abuse, and social rifts.
School counseling is crucial for addressing these issues and preventing and responding to
psychosocial needs. This paper examines the significance of adolescent counseling in Indian
schools, examining its current status and the role of school counselors in addressing

One of the problems is that the term ‘counselling’ is used in contexts other than the
therapeutic: a debt counsellor gives you debt advice and help with employment and
consumer law. There are several definitions of counselling in circulation. The clients
definition of counseling, Counselling provides another person who is willing to help the client
do that. Counselling was defined in the Differentiation Project as, an activity entered into by
a person seeking help. The title ‘counsellor’ came into use after the end of the Second World
War, first in the voluntary sector and later in schools and colleges. Counseling in harmony
with the goals of education, aims to facilitate maximum personal development of children in
all spheres of life. A good counselor can find out the exact problems of pupils and there by
lead them to a successful life. The author provided proof to support their claims, indicated
where they obtained their information, and offered information on the claim’s owner. The
fact that they discussed the many viewpoints of people on counseling and psychotherapy
demonstrates a fair view of the situation. They considered multiple viewpoints, it was
impartial and balanced.

After comparing the two articles, I found that both had consistent organization of their
concepts. The narrative flow of the articles is straightforward and well-structured. We can
easily follow the author’s thought process because different sections, words, and ideas flow
together seamlessly. Transitions and logical links were used deftly to give the articles
coherence. Additionally, the order is logical and improves comprehension. The progression of
historical occurrences and counseling evolutions is natural. While it completed on purpose, I
still find it troublesome that these articles not only effectively engage readers but also easily
absorb their intended message or information. Overall, though, it had no impact on the
ideas’ logical sequence. It was clearly explained and well-presented. The first article used a
topical theme to organize the ideas it was addressing. The definition of counseling, talking or
psychological therapies, the evolution of counseling in the UK, the controversy over the
difference between counseling and psychotherapy, the development of the talking therapies,
and counseling as a profession are the main topics that Sally Aldridge divided into various
sections. She added her own conclusion as well. The bigger ideas are accompanied by data
and bullets in the second article. It was divided into smaller parts on topics such as defining
school counseling and adolescence, recent developments in the emergence of counseling
centers, reasons to build school counseling in Indian schools, typical adolescent problems,
different types of adolescent counseling needs, and the roles of adolescent counselors.
However, I noticed that the first article by Sally Aldrid’s details were a bit off.

These articles are filled with useful information, from various therapy modalities and
methods to the significance of getting professional assistance for mental health. The authors
examined counseling concepts, shared counseling techniques for dealing with different
mental health disorders, or looked into the training and practitioner roles. These articles
contribute to a broader understanding of counseling and psychotherapy by providing this
important information.These articles can be used by anyone in need of help to explore ideas
related to counseling and its subtopics. Sally Aldridge and Dr. Prescila Sharon, the writers of
the two articles, have used a thorough study and evidence-based method to establish solid
support for their claims. The authors strengthen the truthfulness of their statements and
give us a firm platform on which to assess and comprehend all the notions presented
regarding counseling by including specific facts and statistics in their writing.

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