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Poverty ranks first among the various impediments to obtaining an

education. Poverty is defined as a lack of financial resources that prevents a person

from meeting the basic standard of living (World Bank, 20218). The Philippines,

as a developing country, has poverty as one of several issues affecting its economic

progress. Education, on the other hand, provides children with the knowledge,

skills, and training they need to build a brighter future (World Bank, 2010).

Chances of having a good education can make a difference in a poor person's life.

The impact of higher education on poverty reduction in the lives of college grads

of the University of Cebu-Main Campus is investigated in this study.

The apparent linear association between education and incomes is one factor

that stands out regarding the importance of educational attainment in poverty

reduction (Njong, 2010). He says that education improves one's chances of finding

work and improves one's quality of life. Once employed, those with higher

education earn significantly more than those with lower education. Educational

levels (primary, secondary, higher, and tertiary) are beneficial in boosting the

household's per capita expenditure. Furthermore, educational levels play an

essential role in minimizing the likelihood of a home becoming impoverished

(Okojie, 2002).
Higher education's contribution to poverty reduction is considered a good

and significant impact on economic growth. Completing college and earning a

degree has aided the progress of UC-Main Campus graduates. However, against

these backdrops, the proposed study will evaluate if obtaining higher education

lessened poverty-stricken existence. What impact does education have on their

lives? Is it beneficial to their financial situation? What are the actual effects of

higher education on poverty reduction?

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