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Name: Julián David Cifuentes

course: Religión
Activity: N°5
Grade: 7-1
Teacher: Deicy Johana Cubides T.
School: Institución Educativa
Técnica Chicamocha
NOMBRE: Julián David Cifuentes Martínez
Grado: 7-1

Flu H1N1

The signs and symptoms of influenza caused by the
H1N1 flu, generally known as swine flu it is a type of
H1N1 virus are similar to those of infections caused
influenza A virus and is one of a variety of strains of
by other strains of the flu and may include:
the influenza virus that can cause seasonal flu.
Symptoms for H1N1 flu are the same as for seasonal
Fever, but not always
-Shaking chills
In the spring of 2009, scientists recognized a
particular strain of the flu virus known as H1N1. This
-Throat pain
virus is a combination of pig, bird, and human viruses
-Stuffy or runny nose
that makes humans sick. During the 2009-2010 flu
-Red and watery eyes
season, the H1N1 strain caused a respiratory infection
-Body aches
in humans, commonly referred to as swine flu. Given
the large number of people who became ill around the
world, in 2009, the World Health Organization
(WHO) declared influenza caused by the H1N1 strain
-Nausea and vomiting
to be a pandemic.
Flu symptoms develop between one and three days
after exposure to the virus.
NOMBRE: Julián David Cifuentes Martínez
Grado: 7-1

TRATMENT Habits to protect yourself from the virus

Supportive care, such as drinking fluids, pain relievers -Stay home if you are sick.
for fever and headaches, and rest can be helpful. If -Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
you have a chronic respiratory disease, your doctor -Cover your nose and mouth.
may prescribe additional medications to help relieve -Wash your hands.
symptoms. -Avoid touch your eyes, nose or mouth.

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