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Peace – Work – Fatherland
Paix – Travail – Patrie
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1. Which is a common characteristic of philosophical questions?
A. They are strictly empirical questions
B. They involve fundamental concepts that are unavoidable by the thoughtful person
C. They are purely semantic question. D. They aren't relevant to ordinary, everyday situations
2. Which is of the following is a common myth about philosophy?
A. Philosophical questions are hard to answer, and which answers often give rise to further
philosophical questions
B. Reading philosophy in a way that makes it understandable can be hard work
C. Philosophy deals with important and fundamental questions left on unanswered left by more
specialized discipline
D. Philosophical questions are simply semantic despite in which no one opinion is any better or
worse than another is.
3. What did Aristotle call metaphysics? A. Cosmology B. First Philosophy. C. Psychology. D.
4. If you assume that a set of statement is true, and yet you can deduce a force or absurd
statement from it, then the original set of statement as a whole must be false. This kind of
argument is known as
A. Modus ponens. B. modus Tollens. C. hypothetical syllogism. D. reducio ad absurdum
5. What is an argument in philosophical sense?
A. A factual disagreement between people. B. Giving reasons for a belief
C. A shouting match. D. Any verbal attempt to persuade.
6. What fallacy is it when an argument attacks the person rather than the persons beliefs?

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A. Red Herring B. Begging the Question. C. Strwa Man. D. Ad Hominem
7. The following paragraphs- "It's true that I smoke, but I'm not going to worry about every habit
it have. I could die tomorrow by slipping on a banana peel, so I will enjoy life today" is an
example of:. A. Petitio Principii. B. Appeal to ignorance. C. Slippery slope. D. Red
8. Naturalism is the philosophical belief that the world process is.
A. Created by God in accordance with the laws of nature. B. Purposeless and deterministic
C. Primarily for human beings. D. Only understood through religious belief
9. In the philosophy of science what is meant by the term 'reflexivity'?
A. The confounding of cause and effect. B. The sense in which a research finding reflects
reality. C. The tendency to generate premature conclusions that are not warranted by the
evidence. D. The extent to which a particular research finding is replicable.
10. Which of the following definitions appropriately defines the term humanism?
A. The philosophical belief that the welfare and happiness of human beings is only incidental to
the world process.
B. The philosophical belief that the welfare and happiness of human beings is important but not
as important as God's purpose.
C. The philosophical belief that the welfare and happiness of human beings is of primary concern
in the world process
D. The philosophical belief that the welfare and happiness of human beings is dependent on
ecological and biological processes
11. Which one of the following expressed best the thesis of psychological hedonism?
A. Everyone ought to desire pleasure. B. The aim of every action is pleasure
C. Everyone seeks to avoid pain. D. Every sentient creature dires pleasure
12. Which of the following expressed best the thesis of determinism?
A. Whatever happens is bound to happen. B. Whatever happens is principle predictable
C. Whatever happens is pre-ordained. D. No one can do other what he does
13. According to Kant, morality requires us to
A. Act only on Maxim's that we can will to become universal laws
B. Perform the action that leads to the greatest total happiness
C. Behave only in such a way as a perfectly virtuous person would behave

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D. Place the interests of others above the interests of ourselves
14. According to Kant, laws of nature are lawas according to which______, and lawas of
freedom are laws according to which:
A. Everything will happen; everything will happen. B. Everything ought to happen;
everything out to happen. C. Everything ought to happen; everything will happen. D.
Everything will happen; everything ought to happen
15. Which of the following questions falls within the domain of normative ethics?
A. What is good life? B. Do the ends always justify the means? C. What is good life? D.
What are the principles of morality
16. Which of the following commonly motivates people to be skeptical about morality?
A. The existence of moral disagreement. B. The belief that science is the only way of
discovering truth. C. The review that all moral rules have exceptions. D. None of the above
17. Which political philosopher raised concerns over "tyranny of the majority"? A. Arendt. B.
Marx. C. Stuart Mill. D. Rawls
18. According to Playing, in a well-ordered city there are three kinds of people
A. The Craftsmen, soldiers and Rulers. B. Slaves, farmers and politicians
C. The watchdogs, slaves and Craftsmen. D. Politicians, watchdogs and merchants
19. Which best describes Hobbes' social contract theory?
A. The people collectively agree to let the most intelligent among them, the philosophers, rules
B. The people collectively give up their natural rights to a single sovereign power who is not a
party to the agreement
C. The people delegate or entrust their natural rights to a divided government, retaining the right
to revolt if the government violates its trust
D. Hobbes was not a social contract theorist
20. In order to establish any form and lasting knowledge, for Descartes, what must he do?
A. Trust in his senses. B. Consider what he can know if he assumes that God exists. C. Prove
that God exists. D. Find something certain and indubitable that can act as a foundation for
whatever one knows
21. Descartes find reasons to doubt everything because:
A. It is possible that he is dreaming. B. His senses sometimes deceive him

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C. He has limited mental capacities D. It is possible that there is an evil denin deceiving him
about everything
22. Which of the following thinkers believe that humans have an iinate capacity to learn any
A. Noam Chomsky. B. Ludwig Wittgenstein. C. Edmund Husserl. D. Sigmund Freud
23. Which philosophical tradition includes existentialism and phenomenology?
A. Analytic philosophy. B. Rationalism. C. Continental philosophy. D. Pragmatism
24. Which best describes what Sartre means by bad faith?
A. Being dishonest and shying away from our responsibility. B. Believing in God no matter
what. C. Taking responsibility for the choices we make. D. Wanting to do the objectively right
25. In saying that art is an imitation of that which is real, Plato attacks art on the basis of it's
failure to direct us to the truth. Art(he says) draws us away from truth insofar as it's purpose is to
entertain us by showing or telling us:
A. How the appeal to the emotions and results in antisocial and personally destructive behavior
B. Which the realm of the Forms is really like, understood in primarily mathematical terms
C. How the morally good life is based on correct ontological and epistemological principles
D. Deceptions, things that are simply fictions (even when they describe the sensible world)
26. To say that art has "intrinsic" value and gives meaning to nature and life means that art:
A. Needs no other justification than itself and that even nature and life depend on art
B. Is valuable insofar as it expressed the feelings of artists who describe nature and life
C. Is valuable insofar as it imitates it reproduces the way that nature, life or the world is
D. Undermines the possibility that there is any ultimate meaning in nature and life
27. How can you tell me I should exercise to lose weight? All you do is sit behind a desk all day.
I have never seen you do a lick of exercise. A. Bandwagon argument. B. Look who is talking
(Tu quoque). C. Personal attack. D. Appeal to pity
28. Capital punishment for repeatedly convicted drug dealers is absolutely justifiable because
people who are found guilty of selling drugs again and again should be given the death penalty
A. Begging the question. B. Red Herring C. Attack the motive. D. Equivocation
29. All politicians are liars; All liars are cunning people; So?
A. All cunning people are politicians. B. All politicians are cunning people

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C. Some politicians are cunning people. D. None of the above validlg follows
30. Who among the following denies that we can prove that God exists?
A. Boethius. B. William Paley. C. Thomas Aquinas. D. G.W. Leibniz
31. Kierkegaard, like most existentialists, suggested a balance between
A. Life and Death. B. Freedom and responsibility. C. Hope and Despair. D. Consciousness
and unconsciousness
32. Existentialism is the philosophical doctrine according to which our being as subjective
individuals is more important than: A. What we have in common objectively with other human
beings. B. Our ability to exercise individual choices. C. Our choice of belief. D. Our
objective relationship with God
33. In Heidegger's philosophy what does the term Dasies mean?
A. The ultimate form of love. B. The world of things or objects. C. The essential unity of
person and environment. D. The world as a whole
34. According to Hume, no claim can be proven to be true unless:
A. The denial of the claim entails a contradiction B. We can conceive it clearly in our minds
C. It's a clear and distinct proposition. D. There is evidence eliminating all other
35. According to Leibniz's "Best of All Possible World's" response to the problem of evil:
A. God is not benevolent. B. There is no evil in the world. C. God is not omniscient. D. God
permits some human suffering in the world, although it's the least amount logically possible.
36. What is central argument of untilitarians about morality?
A. Actions are right if and only if they tend to produce the greatest amount of happiness to the
most powerful
B. Actions are right if and only if they tend to produce happiness to the needy
C. Actions are right if and only if they tend to produce the highest amount of happiness over
D. Actions are right if and only if they tend to satisfy the old in the society
37. What is not true of John Rawl's original position?
A. It leads to an entitlement view of Justice. B. It is hypothetical, imaginary situation
C. It involves dropping a veil of ignorance. D. It assumes that people are rational and self-

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38. According to John Rawl's Justice is:
A. The first virtue of morality. B. The first virtue of truth. C. The first virtue economic
institutions. D. The first virtue of social organization
39. Which if the following philosophical doctrines consider workability as the criterion of truth?
A. Rationalism. B. Idealism. C. Pragmatism. D. Skepticism
40. Hume divided truths into two categories. What and what?
A. Relationship of ideas and matters of fact. B. Truth and falsehood. C. Theoretical and
practical facts D. Relation of ideas and Theoretical fact
Section Two African Social Thought (20%)
1. What is the philosophical merit of African Traditional Medicine?
A. It is less expensive. B. It is supernatural. C. It is primitive in character. D. It is holistic in
2. Which of the following arguments testify that Africa is the cradle if Philosophy?
A. Augustine, a mediaval philosopher is an African. B. Plotinus is an Egyptian. C. Jesus
was born in Egypt. D. Egypt as source of Greek Philosophy
3. These are historical issues in African Philosophy
A. Conscienism, Colonialism, Pan-Africanism and Negritude. B. Colonialism, Tribalism,
Democracy and Pan-Africanism. C. Conscienism, Democracy, Pan-Africanism and Ujamma.
D. Ujamma, Communalism, Pan-Africanism and Democracy
4. The Egyptian philosopher of the Hellenistic tradition is A. Plato. B. Plotinus. C.
Aristotle. D. Socrates.
5. "The metaphysical categories of Bantu people are reflected in their linguistic categories".
What does this mean?
A. Language is a source of genuine philosophizing. B. Language is not necessary for a
philosophical enterprise. C. All languages express same values of thought. D. Languages are
vehicles of communication.
6. The individual has little latitude for self-determination outside the context of traditional
African community. This statement refers to A. Communism. B. Ubuntu. D. Ujamaa. D.
7. What is the central philosophical value of African oral Thought
A. Metaphysics. B. Theodicy. C. Ethics. D. Epistemology

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8. What is the meaning of Placide Tempels' presentation of God as the stronger one?
A. God is force a priori. B. God is force a posteriori C. God is force sythetically. D. Force
is Good synthetically
9. What was the main objective of Senghor's Negritude?
A. An affirmation of African personality. B. Deliverance from slavery. C. Restoration of
freedom. D. Expression of African literary ingenuity
10. One of the major effects of Colonialism on African educational system is:
A. Corruption. B. Slavery. C. Alienation. D. Tyranny
11. What is the implicit assumption of ethno-philosophy?
A. A specific culture has philosophy that is not applicable and accessible to all cultures
B. Some cultures have philosophies that are applicable and accessible to all cultures
C. No culture has a philosophy that is applicable and accessible to all cultures
D. All cultures have philosopies that are applicable and accessible to all cultures
12. What constitutes African thought?
A. Any philosophy produced by Africans and involves African themes
B. Any philosophy involvinh African themes and produced by people of African descent
C. Any philosophy produced by Africans, people of African descent and others involvimg
African themes
D. Any philosophy produced by anyone irrespective of.the context of the themes
13. What are the three parts of the human being in Bantu Philosophy?
A. Body, soul And flesh. B. Body, shadow and Breath. C. Mind, body and soul. D. Body,
shadow and spirit
14. "When the general good is calling, personal sacrifice should not be too important to forgo"
which African value is expressed in the statement above. A. Conscienism. B. Communism.
C. Socialism. D. Communialism
15. What is the major deficiency of tribal mentality?
A. It posits phobia for other cultures. B. It is deeply rooted in culturalism. C. It conserves
communal spirit. D. It fosters cultural sensitivity
16. It depicts a counter-productive character of Colonialism in Africa
A. Introduction of foreign languages. B. Formal education. C. Uprootedness of being. D.

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17. This phrase resumes the philosophical conscienism of Kwame Nkrumah
A. Food cooked in borrowed pots cannot kill hunger. B. A goat does not eat all the grass it
sees. C. A person is a person because of others. D. As you do the sowing, you do the
18. What is the antithesis to the advancement of democracy in Africa?
A. Dictatorship of the masses? B. Rulenof law. C. Social Unrest. D. Human rights
19. Which branches of philosophy are intrinsically inseparable in the context of African thought?
A. Metaphysics and Logic. B. Logic and Epistemology. C. Metaphysics and Cosmology.
D. Theodicy and Religion
20. Which developmental value in African Philosophy advocates the use of national languages?
A. Negritude. B. Colonialism. C. Ujamaa. D. Ubuntu

Section Four: Structured Essay (20marks)

1. a Analyze the stucture of the following prepositions
i. Some people are not creative individuals
ii. Either is a reasonable departure or it is simply an ascent of the soul to be in union with the
iii. If the Lions win the upcoming African Nations Cup, they will be appealing to their fans
b. Criticize the following definitions
A teacher is a person who teaches
A wealthy man is a person with a lot money
c. Translate the following propositions into the Standard Logical Form
Those who eat rice don't eat fruits
Most lazy students need assistance from teachers
Few doctors are not rich
Half of the teachers came late to school
d. Identify two terms in the prepositions above

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INSTRUCTIONS: Answer all questions! Select the correct answer to each of the questions in
Section One, Two and Three, and write the corresponding letter (A, B, C or D) in the Answer
Booklet provided. Section Four comprises two structured essay.
Make sure that you insert the question paper inside the Answer Booklet before you leave the
examination hall!
1. Who is a philosopher in the original sense of the word?
A) Someone who studies the stars and planets.
B) A person primarily interested in the truth about moral matters.
C) A lover and pursuer of wisdom, regardless of the subject matter.
D) A clever and tricky arguer.
2. Which philosophical tradition includes existentialism and phenomenology?
A) Analytic philosophy B) Rationalism C) Continental philosophy D) Pragmatism.
3. Which of the following is a common myth about philosophy?
A) Philosophical questions are hard to answer, and the answers often give rise to further
philosophical questions.
B) B) Reading philosophy in a way that makes it understandable can be hard work.
C) Philosophy deals with important and fundamental questions left unanswered by more
specialized disciplines
D) Philosophical questions are simply semantic disputes in which no one opinion is any better
or worse than another is.
4. Existentialism is the philosophical doctrine according to which our being as subjective
individuals is more important than:
A) What we have in common objectively with other human beings.
B) Our objective relationship with God. C) Our ability to exercise individual choices.
D) Our choice of inner beliefs.
5. The fact that the world seems to have a purposive order serves as a premise in the:

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A) Ontological Argument. B) Cosmological Argument.
D) Argument from Design. D) Argument from First Cause.
6. According to Hume, no claim can be proven to be true unless:
A) The denial of the claim entails a contradiction. B) We can conceive it clearly in our minds.
A) It's a clear and distinct proposition. D) There is evidence eliminating all other possibilities.
7. According to Leibniz's "Best of All Possible Worlds" response to the problem of evil:
A) God is not benevolent. B) There is no evil in the world. C) God is not omniscient.
D) God permits some human suffering in the world, although it's the least amount logically
8. What role do moral judgments perform, according to the emotivists?
A) Guide Conduct B) Assert facts C) Create value
D) Express emotion and encourage others to feel the same Way.
9. What is not true of John Rawls's original position?
A) It leads to an entitlement view of justice. B) It is a hypothetical, imaginary situation.
C) It involves dropping a veil of ignorance D) It assumes that people are rational and self-
10. What is the first virtue of social institution, according to Rawls?
A) Wealth B) Strength C) Militarism D) Justice
11. Which of the following philosophical doctrines consider workability as the criterion of
A) Rationalism B) Idealism C) Pragmatism D) Skepticism
12. Why do post-colonial societies generally value an education in philosophy?
A) It is practical and useful for most people in their everyday lives.
B) It promotes the self-awareness and consciousness-raising necessary to overcome colonialism
and promote true justice.
C) It helps to replace old, worn-out traditions with modem, western ideas.
D) Who are you trying to kid, here? They don't generally value this sort of useless education at
13. Which best describes what Sartre means by good faith?
A) Being honest and keeping our promises. C) Believing in God no matter what.
B) Taking responsibility for the choices we make D) wanting to do the objectively right thing.

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14. In saying that art is an imitation of that which is real, Plato attacks art on the basis of its
failure to direct us to the truth. Art (he says) draws us away from truth insofar as- its purpose is
to entertain us by showing or telling us:
A) I low the appeal to the emotions results in antisocial and personally destructive behavior.
B) What the realm of the Forms is really like, understood in primarily mathematical terms.
C) How the morally good life is based on correct ontological and epistemological principles.
D) Deceptions, things that are simply fictions (even when they describe the sensible world),
15. To say that art has "intrinsic" value and gives meaning (o nature and life means that art:
A) Needs no other justification than itself, and that even nature and life depend on art.
B) Is valuable insofar as it expresses the feelings of artists who describe nature and life.
C) Is valuable insofar as it imitates or reproduces the way that nature, life, or the world is.
D) Undermines the possibility that there is any ultimate meaning in nature and life.
16. How can you tell me Í should exercise to lose weight? All you do is sit behind a desk all day.
Í have never seen you do a lick of exercise.
A) Bandwagon argument B) Look who is talking (Tu.quoque)
B) Personal attack D) Appeal to pity
17. Capital punishment for repeatedly convicted drug dealers is absolutely justifiable because
people who are found guilty of selling drugs again and again should be given the death penalty.
A) Begging the question C) Red Bering
C) Attacking the Motive D) Equivocation
18. Every revolution is a trade disruption. Some trade disruptions cause financial anxiety. So,
A) Ail trade disruptions cause financial anxiety. B) Some revolutions cause financial anxiety.
C) Some revolutions don't cause financial anxiety. C) None of these validly follows,
19. Who among the following denies that we can prove that God exists?
A) William Paley B) Anselm C) Thomas Aquinas D) G.W. Leibniz
20. When Kierkegaard said we must make a "leap of faith," he meant we:
A) Should believe in God because the evidence supports our doing so.
B) Should believe in God specifically because the evidence suggests we should not.
C) Cannot construct a decisive argument for or against a belief in God, so we must believe in
God without any appeal to reason whatsoever.

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D) Cannot construct a decisive argument for or against a belief in God, so we must suspend our
21. A metaphysician would be least likely to study
A) The nature of ultimate reality
B) The relative contribution of the senses and reason to our knowledge
C) The mind-body problem D) Freedom and determinism
22. If you assume that a set of statements is true, and yet you can deduce a false or absurd
statement from it, then the original set of statements as a whole must be false. This kind of
argument is known as:
A) Modus ponens B) modus tollens
C) hypothetical syllogism C) reductio ad absurdum
23. Questions like "What is knowledge?" and "What is truth?" are mainstays in the branch of
philosophy known as: A) Epistemology B) Ethics C) Metaphysics D) Logic
24. For Descartes, because the mental and the physical can be conceived distinctly, there is good
reason to think that they are really different kinds of things and are distinguishable insofar as:
A) Mental things (e.g., ideas) exhibit characteristics that some bodies exhibit, just as physical
things (e.g., brains) exhibit characteristics that some minds exhibit.
B) When compared to real physical, sensibly experienced things in the world, mental things
must ultimately be considered ' as imaginary or illusory.
C) Mental things are not in space, they have no weight or shape and are not sensibly
experienceable; whereas physical things do have these characteristics.
D) Mental things (for example, my own ideas) are the only real things in the world, everything
physical or bodily is really a projection of my own mind.
25. Idealism explains physical reality as a function of thought just as materialism explains
thought as a function of matter. In this way both theories can induce the physical or the mental
to one monistic account, only by assuming a basic ontological distinction, namely that between:
A) Appearance and reality. B) Truth and falsity.
C) Reason and experience. D) Rationalism and empiricism.
26. What is wrong with the claim that experimental research must be possible for a field to be
considered a science?
A) True experiments are impossible in all sciences B) True experiments are always possible

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C) Fields such as astrophysics, paleontology, and meteorology are uncontroversially recognized
as sciences, and yet are no amenable to experimental research
D) Science is determined by the body of knowledge that is constituted, and not by the methods
of reasoning used to genera the knowledge
27. In the philosophy of science, what is meant by the term 'reflexivity'?
A) The confounding of cause and effect B) The sense in which a research finding reflects
C) The tendency to generate premature conclusions that are not warranted by the evidence
D) The extent to which a particular research finding is replicable
28. Some thinkers have argued that even if a computer looked human and imitated emotions like
love and fear, it would still not think, because it would have to rely on something else to bring it
into existence (e.g., construction) and to maintain it ability to act (e.g., electricity). However, this
argument can be turned around to show that no human being can be said t think, because:
A) Thinking is not learned or programmed; it is what human beings do naturally.
B) Human emotional activity is unconnected with rational or cognitive activity.
C) They cannot "imitate" emotions like love or fear as well as computers can.
D) They likewise do not cause their own existence and they depend on other sources of energy.
29. According to Augustine's hierarchy of being ……………..
A) Goodness correlates to reality B) God is the penultimate reality
C) Everything that is, is equally real D) There is no nothingness
30. The most powerful trend in the Medieval period was …………..
A) The rise of pagan cults B) The rise of Christianity
C) The rise of Islam D) The rise of Neoplatonism
31) According to Kant, the moral worth of an action depends on:
A) The maxim that is acted on. B) The consequences of the action.
C) The moral character of the agent who performs it. D) All of the above
32. According to Kant, laws of nature are laws according to which ………, and laws of freedom
are laws according to which:
A) Everything will happen; everything will happen
B) Everything will happen; everything ought to happen
C) Everything ought to happen; everything will happen

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D) Everything ought to happen; everything ought to happen
33. Which of the following questions falls within the domain of metaethics?
A) What are our fundamental moral duties?
B) Do the ends always justify the means?
C) What are our fundamental moral duties? D) What is the good life?
34. Which of the following commonly motivates people to be skeptical about morality?
A) The existence of moral disagreement
B) The belief that science is the only way of discovering truth
C) The view that all moral rules have exceptions D) None of the above
35. What is the form of the ideal state for Aristotle?
A) It is an absolute monarchy run by the most powerful for his or her own sake.
B) It is a direct, participatory democracy in which every citizen has an equal share in ruling.
C) G) It is an aristocracy ruled by an elite group of intellectually superior individuals.
D) Aristotle didn't think there is any single form that the ideal state must take.
36. Karl Marx viewed history as the struggle between two classes. What are they?
A) A dominant class consisting of men and a subordinate class consisting of women and
B) A dominant class that owns and controls the means of production and a subordinate class that
C) A dominate class of white Europeans and a subordinate class of nonwhite non-Europeans.
D) A dominant class of the priesthood and a subordinate class of the laity.
37. Which best describes Locke's social contract?
A) The people collectively give up their natural rights to a single sovereign power who is not a
party to the agreement.
B) The people delegate or entrust their natural rights to a divided government, retaining the right
to revolt if the government violates its trust.
C) The people collectively agree to let the most intelligent among them, the philosophers, rule
D) Locke was not a contract theorist.
38. Descartes argues that we are capable of error, even if God exists, because:
A) God is not all powerful. B) Our understanding can extend further than our will,

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C) God can deceive. D) Our will can extend further than our understanding:
39. Descartes argues against trusting the senses on the grounds that ………
À) They sometimes deceive him B) They never directly deceive him
B) God allows sensory deception D) Sense perception is indubitable
40. Who argued against the notion of private languages?
A) Noarn Chomsky B)Ludwig Wittgenstein C)Edmund Husser D) Sigmund Freud


1. At what moment should a teacher carry out evaluation? / A quel moment un enseignant
doit-il procéder à une évalation?
During revision; B) AJ1 through the lesson; C) At the end of lesson D) None of the above

2. Which of these areas is least developed in the Cameroon Educational system? / lequel de
ces domaines est le moins développé dans le système éducatif camerounais?
A) Special education C) Children education C) Sport education D) inclusive education
3. All of the following are closely related to pedagogy except: / Tous les éléments suivant sont
étroitement lié à la pédagogie, sauf.
A) Animation B) Insurance C) Assistance D) Teaching
4 All of these concepts are necessary in pedagogy except: / Tous sont les concepts nécessaires
en pédagogie sauf:
A) Playing B) Discussion C) Withdrawal D) Drawing
5. How will you assist a student with speech disorder the moment he is called to recite?/
Comment allez-vous aider un élève qui a des troubles de langage au moment où il est
appelé à réciter.
A) explain to your class his type of disorder B) shout at your class to stop them from
C) encourage the whole class that he is also a learner and should be accepted
D) laugh also with them
6. Individual attention is important in the teaching-learning transaction because : / Dans le
processus d'apprentissage l'attention individuelle à l'apprenant est important parce, que :
A) its offers better opportunities to teachers to discipline each learner B) learners always
learn better in groups C) children develop at different rates and learn differently

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C) teacher training programmes prescribe it
7. Of the following, the main purpose of state certification of teachers is to : / l’objectif
principal de la certification d'Etat des enseignants est de:
A) monitor the quality of teacher training institutions B) exclude those who are not gifted in
C) provide for a uniform standard of entry -level teacher competency throughout the state
D) exclude from the profession those who are not trained in pedagogy
8. When a child gets bored while doing a task, it is a sign that : / Quand un enfant s'ennuie
lorsqu 'il est entrain de faire une tache, c’est un signe que :
A) the task may have become mechanically repetitive B) the child is not intelligent
C) the child is not capable of learning D) the child needs discipline
9. Which of these is the primary focus of schools? Quel est le principal centre d'intérêt des
A) To provide a purposeful environment that enhances learning C)To promote literacy
among learners
B) To promote cognitive and intellectual development of the learners. D) To enhance
teacher/learner effectiveness
10. If back-benchers are always talking in the classroom an effective teacher should/ Si les
élève du fond de la classent bavardent tout le temps un bon enseignant doit
A) let them do what they are doing B) punish them
C) ask them to sit on the front benches D) Send them to the discipline master
11. In the context of education, socialisation means/ Dans le contexte de l'éducation, la
socialisation signifie
A) creating one's own social norms B) respecting elders in the society
C) adapting and adjusting to social environment D) always following social norms

12. Television is superior to radio as teaching aid because it/ La télévision est supérieure à la
radio comme aide à l'enseignement, car il

A) Most children learn better when they see B) TV has more interesting programmes than

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C) TV invites two senses- hearing and vision simultaneously leading to more accurate form of
D) Generally TV has highly educative programmes than radio
13.If you teach a new lesson and it is not well- understood by your learners, what will you do /
Si vous enseignez une nouvelle leçon et qu'elle n'est pas bien comprise par vos apprenants,
qu'allez-vous faire
A) Tell the students to learn from their mates in other schools B) Change your method of
teaching the lesson
C) Give at assignment on the lesson to help them understand D) Stop the lesson altogether

14. Which service is provided by a teacher who attends to emotionally disturbed students?
/quel service est fourni par un enseignant qui assiste des étudiants souffrant de troubles

A.) Counseling B) orientation C) follow-up D) information

15. The most important quality of a teacher is : la qualité la plus importante

d'un enseignant est
A) deep knowledge of subject taught B) a strict disciplinarian
C) good rapport with students D) a good motivator
16. Which of this technique is best for teaching/ learning, activities? Quelle est la
meilleure technique pour les activités d'apprentissage ?
A) Lecturing B) Participatory C) Listening D) Firmness
17. A student comes late in your class. Then you will : / Un élève arrive en retard dans
voire classe. Alors vous allez:
A) Pay no attention B) Punish him/her C) Inform his/her parents D) Try to know the
18. Identify the first component of a lesson plan./Identifier la première composante d'un plan
de leçon
A) Teaching aid B) Motivation C) Subject matter D) Objectives.
19.Teacher's professionalism means. / Le professionnalisme des enseignants signifie
A) the extent to which a teacher subscribes to a professional code
B) a teacher has to teach in order to complete her workload

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C) Teacher is more knowledgeable than the learners
D) a teacher must have completed professional teachers training course before her
20. Inclusive education /l'éducation inclusive:
A) Encourages strict admission procedures; B) Celebrates Diversity in the classroom
C) Includes indoctrination of facts D) Includes teachers from marginalized groups


1. Comment traduisez-vous en anglais la phrase ' Ils durent accepter de quitter le
pays ' ?
A) They had to leave the country; B)They had to submit to leave the country;
C) They had to submit to leaving the country; D) They had to submit before leaving
the country
2. Fotokol est une commune du Cameroun située dans la région suivante : A).Adamaoua
; B) Extrême-nord ; C) Nord ; D) Est
3. The structure of French differs in many aspects from the structure of English. As far as
the inversion verb-subject is concerned, when is it compulsory in English and optional
in French?
A) In interrogative sentences;
B) After negative adverbs (never, not only, etc.) or semi-negative adverbs (seldom,
rarely, hardly, etc.);
C) Before noun phrases; D)Anytime the focus is the object rather than
the subject;
4. Qu'est-ce qu'un anglicisme ?
A) One phrase anglaise incorrecte ; B) Une phrase anglaise mal ponctuée ;
C) Un terme anglais contenu dans une phrase française ;
D) Un calque d'un terme ou d'une syntaxe anglaise contenu dans une phrase en langue
5. Who is the author of Great Expectations?
A) Charles Dickens B) David Copperfield C) Jules Verne D) James Joyce.
6. Quelle est la disposition des six premières lettres d'un clavier français ?

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7. L'icône sud-africaine, Nelson Mandela fut :
A) Le premier président d'Afrique du Sud ; B) un homme d'État sud-africain ;
C) un ministre sud-africain ; D) le premier noir d'Afrique du Sud
8. In the history of Cameroon how many prime ministers have ruled the country?
A) 4 B) 5 C) 6 D) 8
9. The document that spells out the rules governing relationships between employers and
employees in Cameroon is called:
A) Criminal procedure Code; B) OHADA Laws C) Labour Code D) Penal
10. When the state is observing a national mourning, the flag is
A) Flown for 24 hours, B) Flown at half-mast; C) Flown for 12 hours; D) Not hoisted
Question 1
a) Construct a Valid EAE2 syllogism /Construire un EAE2 valide syllogisme (3marks)
b) Rebut the following dilemma by escaping between the horns: If Awemo plays professional
football, he will make much money; and if he refuses to play professional football, his family will
remain poor. But either Awemo plays professional football or he refuses to play professional
football. Therefore, either he will make much money or his family will remain poor / Réfuter le
dilemme suivant en s'échappant entre les cornes: Si Awemo joue au football professionnel, il
gagnera, beaucoup d'argent; et s'il refuse de jouer au football professionnel, sa famille restera
pauvre. Mais soit Awemo joue au football professionnel ou il refuse de jouer au football
Par conséquent, soit il fera beaucoup d'argent ou sa famille restera pauvre. (3marks)
c) With the help of examples, explain the following fallacies: / à l'aide d'exemples, expliquez les
erreurs suivantes:
(i) Equivocation / équivoque (2 marks)
(ii) Complex question / question complexe (2 marks)
Question 2
a) What is an enthymeme? Qu'est-ce qu'un enthymème? (1 mark).
b) Construct an enthymeme of the second order/ Construisez une enthymème du second
ordre (2 marks)
c) Following the necessary steps, provide the inverse for the following proposition:

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"No politicians are honest people » /En suivant les étapes nécessaires, fournir l'inverse
pour la proposition suivante: " Aucun politiciens n'est honnêtes" (2 points)
d) Symbolize the following argument and test its
validity by means of the truth table:
If musicians are dancers, then they are very creative.
Musicians are not creative.
Therefore, they are not dancers.
Symbolisez l'argument suivant et testez sa validité au moyen de la table de vérité:
Si les musiciens sont danseurs, alors ils sont très créatifs.
Les musiciens ne sont pas créatifs. Par conséquent, ils ne sont pas danseurs (5 marks)

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Instructions: Answer all the questions in Section A and Section B by selecting the most
appropriate option that answers each MCQ. Write the letter (A, B, C, D) that corresponds
to the most correct option in the Answer Booklet provided. Make sure you insert this
Question Paper inside YOUR Answer Booklet before you leave the Examination Hall.
Time allowed: 3 hours


1) What is the advantage of the Cartesian Methodic doubt?4

A) It permits us to acquire knowledge that is incomplete
B) It permits us to acquire morally acceptable knowledge
C) It permits us to acquire partial and tentative knowledge
D) It permits us to acquire objective and indubitable knowledge
2) Both Science and Religion try to understand and explain the nature of the world, but why is
religion not considered as a scientific discipline?
A) Scientific discipline employ calculation and measurement as their principal methods of
investigation which are not used in non-scientific disciplines like religion
B) Scientific disciplines employ distinctive methods of enquiry like experimentation which
are not found in non-scientific disciplines
C) Scientific disciplines employ speculation and analysis as their principal methods of
investigation which are not found in non-scientific disciplines
D) Scientific disciplines employ dialectics as their principal method of investigation which is
not found in non-scientific disciplines
3) In Plato’s Moral theory, the three parts of the soul: Appetite, Spirit and Reason, are supposed
to attain their individual virtues and when they each attain their virtues, a fourth type of
virtues is derived. What are these virtues? State them in the correct order.
A) Temperance, Courage, Wisdom and Justice

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B) Temperance, Justice, Wisdom and Courage
C) Courage, Temperance, Wisdom and Justice
D) Justice, Courage, Temperance and Wisdom
4) Which of the following statements provide one of the main philosophical implications of the
Heraclitian Philosophy of change?
A) That change is natural and unavoidable in the universe
B) It is one of the earliest formulations of the principle of dialectics
C) It is the earliest formulation of the natural law theory
D) That fire is the principal cause of change in the universe
5) In his phenomenology, Edmund Husserl shows that Descartes ‘cogito does not describe
human experience adequately. How does Husserl revise Descartes’ “I think” (egocogito)?
Consciousness of nothing.
A) FOR Husserl, “I think nothing” (ego cogito cogito). That is, Consciousness is
consciousness of nothing
B) For Husserl, “I think my being” (cogito ego sum). That is, consciousness is consciousness
of my being.
C) For Husserl, “I think something” (ego cogito cogitatum). That is, consciousness is
consciousness of something.
D) For Husserl, “I thing myself” (cogito ego sum). That is, consciousness is consciousness
of myself
6) What is Process Philosophy?
A) It is a philosophical view which maintains that science provides only a partial knowledge
of reality. Ethics needs to complement it.
B) It is a philosophical view which maintains that science provides only a partial knowledge
of reality. Logic needs to complement it
C) It is a philosophical view which maintains that science provides only a partial knowledge
of reality. Epistemology needs to complement it
D) It is a philosophical view which maintains that science provides only a partial knowledge
of reality. Metaphysics needs to complement it.
7) Which of these 19th century philosophers are considered Process Philosophers and what was
their view about science?

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A) Hegel and Bergson, and their view were science provides only a partial view of nature.
There is need to understand the metaphysical processes that form reality.
B) Bergson and Whitehead, and their view were science provides only a partial view of
nature. There is need to understand the metaphysical processes that form reality.
C) Whitehead and Frege, and their view were science provides only a partial view of nature.
There is need to understand the metaphysical processes that form reality.
D) Russell and Bergson, and their view were science provides only a partial view of nature.
There is need to understand the metaphysical processes that form reality.
8) In his definition of existentialism, Jean Paul Sartre classifies existentialists under two groups:
________ and _________
A) Protestant and Theistic existentialism
B) Christian and atheistic existentialism
C) Religious and Christian existentialism
D) Christian and theistic existentialism
9) Which fallacy is committed in the following sentence? “Guinness Smooth is good because
many people prefer it”
A) The fallacy of PetitioPrincipii
B) The fallacy of IgnorayioElenchi
C) The fallacy of Accident
D) The fallacy of Converse Accident
10) What is required in the construction of an Enthymeme of the second order?
A) The major premise is omitted, and minor premise and conclusion are stated
B) The conclusion is suppressed, and the two premises are stated
C) The minor premise is suppressed; and the major premise and conclusion are stated
D) The major and minor premises are suppressed and conclusion is stated
11) Which of the following mood names represent the valid moods of the fourth figure?
A) Barbara, Celarent, Darii and Ferio
B) Darapti, Disamic, Datisi, Felapton, Bocardo, and Ferison
C) Bramantip, Camenes, Dimaris, Fesapo, and Fresison
D) Cesare, Camestres, Festino and Baroco
12) What is the difference between totumdivisum and membradividentia?

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A) The totumdivisumis the species into which the genus is divided while the
membradividentia is the divided whole.
B) The totumdivisumis the connotative meaning of a term while the membradividentia is the
denotative meaning of the a term
C) The totumdivisum is the divided whole while the membradividentia is the species into
which the genus is analyzed
D) The totumdivisum is the denotative meaning of a term while membradividentia is the
connotative meaning of a term
13) The Kantain maxim: “Act in such way that you treat humanity, whether in your own person
or in the person of another, always as an end and never as a means” forms the basic for:
A) Respect for Nature
B) Respect for Animals
C) Respect for Persons
D) Respect for Plants
14) According to David Hume morality is based on:
A) Reason B) Culture C) Sentiment D) Intuition
15) The three are usually considered as the proponents of the Social Contract Theory.
A) Locke, Hume and Hobbes
B) Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau
C) Hobbes, Montesquieu and Locke
D) Locke, Rousseau and Hume
16) John Rawls’ idea of the Original Position aimed at setting up a fair procedure so that any
principle agreed to will be just is called?
A) The Original Position B) The just society C) A well-ordered society D) The veil of
17) Three principal issues preoccupied the Scholastic Philosophers. What were they?
A) The problem of the existence of God, the relation between human beings and God, and
the problem of Universals
B) The problem of knowledge, the problem of universals and the problem of evil
C) The problem of the existence of God, the relation between faith and reason, and the
problem of universals

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D) The problem of evil, the relation between faith and reason, and the problem of
18) The global economic inequality in the world today can be accounted for by two main factors:
A) Laziness on the part of poor nations and the creativity on the part of the rich nations
B) The economic exploitation of the rich by the poor and the naivety of poor nations
C) Disparity in natural resources and the effects of climate change on poor countries.
D) Colonialism and the persistence of Neo-colonialism perpetuated by rich countries
19) According to Hume causality is not possible; it is merely
A) The link between an effect and a cause which are necessary connected
B) The association of a cause to an effect without any necessary connection
C) The link between impressions and ideas
D) The association of object and subjects in the mind
20) According to St. Augustine,, how does the human mind attain knowledge of eternal and
necessary truths?
A) Through Experience B) Through the power of Reason C) Through Divine
illumination D) Through Devine Intuition
21) What is the main message of Nicolo Machiavelli’s The Prince?
A) That the ruler should develop the art of deception and do whatever is necessary, even if it
is morally evil, for his political survival
B) That the ruler should develop an honest attitude and do whatever is morally acceptable
for political survival
C) That the ruler should develop a democratic attitude and do whatever is morally
acceptable for his political survival
D) That the ruler should be charismatic and do whatever is necessary for his political
22) The Copernican Revolution was the result of the shattering of the Ptolemaic view that the
earth was the centre of the universe. How is this epistemological rupture called?
A) The rupture from the Geocentric to the Empirical Principle
B) The rupture from the Heliocentric to the Rationalistic principle
C) The rupture from the Heliocentric to the Geocentric principle
D) The rupture from the Geocentric to the Heliocentric Principle

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23) In this attack of ancient ways of thinking, Francis Bacon maintained that the human being is
corrupted by four idols. What are they?
A) Idols of the Tribe, the Cave, the Market Place and the Theatre
B) Idols of the People, the Cave, the Market Place and the Theatre
C) Idols of the Village, the Cave, the Market Place and the Theatre
D) Idols of the City, the Cave, the Market Place and the Theatre
24) Which German philosopher is usually associated with this quote and which idea does it
represent in his thought? “The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas:
i.e, the class which the ruling materials force of society is at the same time its ruling
intellectual force.”
A) Hegel, the idea of the Dialectics B) Kant, the idea of apriosi knowledge
C) Marx, the idea of class struggle D) Husserl, the idea of intentionality
25) What are the cardinal principles of legitimate political power according to John Locke?
A) Power, wealth and property B) property, force and Freedom C) Cunning, Force
and Freedom D) Freedom, Consent and property
26) What is the main distinction between the principle of Beneficence and non-maleficence?
A) Beneficence is the positive obligation to act for the good/benefit of others/patients, and
non-maleficence is the negative obligation to avoid harm to others
B) Beneficence is the negative obligation to avoid harm to others, and non-maleficenece is
the positive obligation to act for the good of others.
C) Beneficence is the positive obligation to treat others faily and non-maleficenece is the
negative obligation to avoid harm to others
D) Beneficence is the positive obligation to promote the autonomy of others, and non-
maleficence is the negative obligation to avoid harm to others.
27) Which of the following constitute one of the main weaknesses of the verification principle of
the logical positivity?
A) The principle is based on “sense experience” but the experience of one person can not be
the same as those of another
B) The principle is a serious attack against metaphysics
C) The principle is a serious attack against epistemology

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D) The principle is based on intuition but the intuition of one person can not be the same as
those another
28) What does Hegel understand by the absolute mind?
A) It is what produces all the objects of human knowledge
B) It is the entity on human knowledge depends
C) It is the mind of God
D) It is the mind of the absolute spirit
29) Mechanism is a metaphysical concept which states that:
A) Some natural phenomena can be explained entirely in terms of masses in motion
B) All natural phenomena can be explained entirely in terms of masses in motion
C) All natural phenomena can not be explained in terms of masses in motion
D) Some natural phenomena can not be explained in terms of masses in motion
30) What was Edmund Husserl’s problem with modern philosophy?
A) Modern Philosoply’s departure from its true goal, which is to provide the best possible
answers to scientific problems
B) Modern Philosoply’s departure from its true goal, which is to provide the best possible
answers to cultural problems
C) Modern Philosoply’s departure from its true goal, which is to provide the best possible
answers to human problems
D) Modern Philosoply’s departure from its true goal, which is to provide the best possible
answers to metaphysical problems
31) Which ancient Greek philosopher is the following statement often associated why? “Justice is
the interest of the stronger party.”
A) Plato B)ThrasymachusC)ProtagoraD)Gorgias of leontini
32) According to Wittgenstein when we think or speak we make use of rules that respect a
particular subject or context. What name does he give to these rules?
A) Language Rules B) Language principles C) language games D) Language plays
33) Which of the following metaphysical problems has been at the foundation of western
A) The problem of essence and existence
B) The problem of Appearance and reality

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C) The problem of Freedom and Determinism
D) The problem of Substance
34) Hume’s greatest criticism against rationalism is the rationalist notion of causality. What does
he say is the problem of causality?
A) Causality is a quality in the object we observe; it is a habit of association in the mind
produced by the repetition of instances of B and C
B) Causality is a quality in the object we observe; it is not the habit of association in the
mind produced by the repetition of instances of A and B
C) Causality is a quality in the object we observe; it is not the habit of association in the
mind produced by the repetition of instances of C and D
D) Causality is a quality in the object we observe; rather it is a habit of association in the
mind produced by the repetition of instances of A and B
35) Which of the following is one of the main characteristics of modern philosophy?
A) Philosophy became a more autonomous science from the metaphysical framework which
had characterized ancient philosophy
B) Philosophy became a more autonomous science from the theological framework which
had characterized mediaeval philosophy
C) Philosophy became a more complementary science with theological framework which
had characterized mediaeval philosophy
D) Philosophy became a more autonomous science from the theological framework which
had characterized contemporary philosophy
36) In which book does J:S. Mill argue that Democracy may result in the worse form of tyranny:
The tyranny of the majority?
A) The Subjection of Women B) Principles of Political Economy C) Utilitarianism D)
On Liberty
37) The Socratic method of cross-examination or refutation in which he shows his interlocutor
that what he thinks he knows is inconsistent with his other opinions is called:
A) Dialectics B) Dialogue C) Maieutics D) Elenchus
38) Which of the following expressions describes Kant View of arts?
A) Arts is the representation of a beautiful thing
B) Art is the beautiful representation of a thing

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C) Art is the reflection of a beautiful thing
D) Art is the artistic representation of a thing
39) What is the source of sovereignty according to Rousseau?
A) The people B) the state C) the ruler D) the Government
40) It is a branch of philosophy which is concerned with the study of nature of reality:
A) Ethics B) Aesthetics C) Metaphysics D) Epistemology


1) What constitutes the main point of Marcien Towa’s critic of Negritude?
A) Negritude is not philosophy and only supports the idea of the lack of philosophy in Africa
B) Negritude is true philosophy and reinforces the idea of African equality with the West
C) Negritude is ethno philosophy and simply reinforces the idea of African inferiority
D) Negritude is authentic philosophy and simply reinforces the idea of African rationality
2) Which of the following two African philosophers can be considered as the main proponents
of conceptual decolonization?
A) D. A. Masolo and OderaOruka
B) Kwame Nkrumah and Peter Budunrin
C) Godfrey Tangwa and OlusegunOladipo
D) KwasiWiredu and Valentine Mundimbe
3) The three are some of the most influencial Egyptian philosophy
A) Marcien Towa, Cheikh Anta Diop, and TheophileObenga
B) L.S Senghor, Cheikh Anta diop, and TheophileObenga
C) PaulinHountondji, Cheikh Anta diop and TheophileObenga
D) M.G.M. James, Cheikh Anta Diop and TheophileObenga
4) The main difference between the Western and the African conception of a person is that:
A) For the Western conception of persons emphasizes rationality while the African
conception lays emphasis on compassion is the condition for the ascription of moral
B) For the Western conception of persons emphasizes on the mind while the African
conception lays emphasis on the body is the condition for the ascription of moral worth

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C) For the Western conception of persons emphasizes sentiment while the African
conception lays emphasis on intuition is the condition for the ascription of moral worth
D) For the Western conception of persons emphasizes compassion while the African
conception lays emphasis on rationality is the condition for the ascription of moral worth
5) One of the main reasons why Hountondji Denies the existence of African philosophy is
A) African thought is not dialectical but philosophical thought must be dialectical
B) African thought is not dialectical but philosophical thought must be dialectical
C) African thought is not propounded by great philosophers as seen in Western philosophy
D) There are no great philosophical figures in Africa
6) One of the main weaknesses of tribalism is that:
A) It overrules reason B) It encourages laziness C) It encourages the preservation of
culture D) It is not universal
7) One of the key merits of African Traditional Medicine is that:
A) It is easy to produce C) It is holistic D) it is hygienic D) it is lucrative
8) Which of the following African philosophers think that “ignorance, superstition, and
illiteracy” are the symbols of underdevelopment?
A) Hubert Mono NdjanaB) Kwame GyokyeC) Peter BodurinnD) Ebenezer NjohMouelle
9) In his discussion of the notion of being in African/Bantu thought, Alexis Kagame classified
being into four categories. Which of the following is in the most accurate?
A) Place and time, Thing, Quality and Modality
B) Quantity, human being, modality and place and time
C) Human being, thing, place and time and modality
D) Quality, human being, place and time and modality
10) Which of the following rightly described post-colonial African philosophy?
A) Postcolonial African Philosophy is the quest for self-definition
B) Postcolonial African Philosophy is the quest for epistemological independence
C) Postcolonial African Philosophy is the quest for cultural rival
D) Postcolonial African Philosophy is the quest for freedom
11) Henry O, Oruka Identified four trends in contemporary African Philosophy. What are they?
A) Written philosophy, oral philosophy, professional philosophy and modern philosophy

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B) Written philosophy, modern philosophy, post-independence philosophy and Nationalism
C) Philosophic sagacity, ethno-philosophy, professional philosophy and nationalism
D) Contemporary philosophy, oral philosophy, nationalism philosophy and professional
12) The main difference between the African and Western conception of human nature lies in the
fact that:
A) The African conception of human nature is communitarian and character centered while
the Western view is individualistic and being-centered
B) The Western conception of human nature is communitarian and character centered while
the African view is individualistic and being-centered
C) The African conception of human nature is anthropocentric while the Western view is
D) The Western conception of human nature is eco-bio-communitarian while the African
view is anthropocentric
13) The Southern African concept of humanity which involves alms giving, sympathy, care,
sensitivity to the needs of others, respect, consideration, patience and kindness is called?
A) Ununtu B) Ushintu C) Ubantu D) Ubintu
14) What does Senghor mean by “Civilisation of the Universal”?
A) It is the sociological and mental miscegenation , a symbiosis of the different civilizations
B) It is the sociological and rational miscegenation, a symbiosis of the different civilizations
C) It is the sociological and cultural miscegenation, a symbiosis of the different civilizations
D) It is the biological and psychic miscegenation, a symbiosis of the different civilizations
15) Which of the following concepts is at the heart of the debate between Western philosophers
and African philosophers as to whether or not there exists an African philosophy?
A) Emotion B) Reason C) Intuition D)m Mysticism
16) In his “Essay on the Variety of Different Races of Man” Kant classifies humanity into four
races and in the degree of rationality. Which is the most appropriate order?
A) White (Very Blond/Northern Europe), Copper Red (American), Black, and Olive Yellow

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B) Cooper Red (American), White (Very Blond/Northern Europe), and Olive Yellow
(Indians) and Black
C) Olive Yellow (Indians), White (Very Blond/Northern Europe), Cooper Red (American)
and Black
D) Cooper Red (American), Olive Yellow (Indians), White (Very Blond/Northern Europe),
and Black
17) Which of the following African scholars has argued that Africans do not have a sense of the
A) KwasiWireduB) Henry O. OrukaC) John S. MbitiD)BolajiIdowu
18) Modern anthropological scholarship on Africa was to emphasize the idea of difference
between Africans and Europeans under the following categorization. What is the correct
order of categorization?
A) Savage vs. civilized, pre-logical vs. logical, perceptual vs. conceptual, oral vs. written
and religious vs. scientific
B) Civilized vs. Savage, logical vs. pre-logical, perceptual vs. conceptual, oral vs. written,
and scientific vs. religious
C) Written vs. oral, civilized vs. primitive, rational vs. irrational, analytical vs. synthetic and
advanced vs. backward
D) Oral vs. written, civilized vs. primitive, rational vs. irrational, analytical vs. synthetic and
advanced vs. backward
19) The word Ujama’a is derived from ______ word which means _______:
A) Kom. It means togetherness B) Swahili. It means brotherhood C) Shona. It means
community D)Ashante. It means brotherhood
20) According to Nkrumah there are three main factors that characterized the African traditional
society. What are they?
A) Capitalism, humanism, hospitality
B) Equality, humanism, and communalism
C) Inequality, brotherhood, socialism
D) Humanism, family hood, imperialism

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For each question, select the best answer and record your choice on the response form
provided. Using a blue pen, completely star the box that has the letter corresponding to
your answer. You must submit your question paper together with the response form.
Nothing should be written on the question paper.

1. “Wonder is a feeling of a philosopher, and philosophy begins with wonder”. Who is the
author of this stamen?
A) Aristotle B) plato; C) Socrates D) pythagora.
2. Which of the following is not a philosophical question:
A) Do people have natural rights? B)what is beauty?; C) is it possible to know anything
with absolute certainty?; D) none of the above
3. A formal fallacy is:
A) Reductio ad absurdum; B) by necessity, a contradiction; C) A mistake in the
formulation of an argument; D) incorrect use of a term
4. Which is a common characteristic of philosophical question?
A) They are strictly empirical question; B) they involve fundamental concepts that are
unavoidable by a thoughtful person; C) they are purely semantic questions; D) they
aren’t relevant to ordinary everyday situations.
5. Which is a common characteristic of philosophical questions?
A) Philosophical questions are hard to answer and the answer often give rise to further
philosophical questions;
B) Reading philosophy in a way that makes it understandable can be hard work;
C) Philosophy deals with important and fundamental questions left unanswered by more
specialized disciplines;
D) Philosophical questions are simply semantic disputes in which no one opinion is any
better or worse than another is.

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6. What fallacy is it when an argument assumes only two options when in fact there are
A) Straw man; B) black or white Fallacy;
C) Begging the question; D) appeal to emotion.

7. “I don’t agree with Paul when he says that we should wait for a trail, and I’ll tell you
why. I don’t approve of letting someone get away with murder! That’s why I say let’s
hang him now!” what fallacy does this most clearly illustrate?
A) Straw man’ B) black or white;
C) Argumentum ad Hominem; D) red Herring.

8. What must be the case for an argument to succeed with a rational person?
A) The premises must be acceptable;
B) The conclusion must be acceptable;
C) The premises must logically support the conclusion;
D) The premises must be acceptable and they must logically support the conclusion.
9. What is reality according to the followers of parenides?
A) One and changing; B) one and unchanging;

C) Many and changing; D) many and unchanging

10. What is the cause of change for Empedocles?
A) Nous; B) condensation and rarefaction;
C) Lagos; D) love and strife.
11. What did Anaxagoras do?
A) He introduced the mind/matter distinction to philosophy;
B) He though that the basic particles where indivisible;
C) He held that there were four different kinds of particles;
D) He believed that the particles were always in motion.
12. Which is a theme common to all the pre- Socratics?
A) Nothing changes; B) everything is made of particles;
C) The experienced world is a manifestation of a more fundamental underlying reality;
D) True reality is unknowable.
13. What did Socrates hope to achieve by practicing the Socratic Method?

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A) He hope to show that knowledge is impossible;
B) He wanted to show that a skilful debater could win any side of any argument;
C) He wanted to display the fact that he was indeed the wisest man in all of Greece;
D) He wanted to discover adequate definitions that could give knowledge of the essential
nature of things
14. How are the forms apprehended, according to Plato?
A) By reason; B) by the sense; C) by intuition; D) by mystical experience
15. Which would Plato have agreed with?
A) The sense alone can provide knowledge;
B) Physical objects are eternal, perfect, and unchanging;
C) Man is the measure of all things;
D) The sense are a source of error, illusion and ignorance
16. Which of the following is not one of the ten basic categories of Aristotle used to describe
the ways in which human think about things?
A) Posture; B) weight’ C) activity; D) quality
17. What does Aristotle mean by the efficient cause of a thing?
A) What it is made of; B) where it came from; C) what sort of thing it is;
D) what it is good for.
18. Which of the following is an example of what Aristotle called a universal?
A) The state of lonia; B) this particular piece of paper; C) an atom
D) the property of being red
19. Which ancient philosophical tradition did platinum represent?
A) Neo- Platonism; B) Epicureanism; C) stoicism; D) scepticism
20. St. Augustine rejected this Neo- platonic claim:
A) There are two realms of reality;
B) The immaterial realm is more real than the physical realm;
C) The highest reality is the one, an impersonal, indefinable, and indescribable god;
D) The ground of all reality, knowledge and truth lies beyond the physical world.
21. What is asserted by the principle of non-contradiction?
A) People who don’t contradict themselves are rational;
B) A proposition and its contradictory opposite can not both be false at the same time;

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C)A proposition and its contradictory opposites can’t be both free at the same time;
D) If two propositions don’t contradict each other, then both of them are true
22. Which view did Thomas Aquinas Accept?
A. Physical things are matter plus form; B) All reality is material.
C) Forms exist independently of matter. D) Nothing changes.
23. Which view of Aristotle did Thomas Aquinas disagree with?
A) Physical things are always a blend of matter and form;
B) The essence of a thing is the same as its existence;
C) One and the same form (universal) can be in more than one physical thing (particular);
D) Charge is explained in term of four causes, the formal material, efficient and final.
24. What was clarity and distinctness a mark of, for Rene Descartes?
A) God; B) goodness; C) truth; D) Rationality
25. Which statement would Thomas Hobbes have accepted?
A) The mind and the body are separate and distinct substances;
B) All psychological states derive ultimately form perception;
C) Reasoning is not based on perception;
D) To be is to be perceived.
26. What did Benedict Spinoza think a person is?
A) a mode of God; B) an immaterial mind; C) a physical body;
D) an immaterial mind in a physical body
27. What did John Locke believe about perception?
A) Knowledge of the external world is based on the fact that some of the ideas we get
through sense impressions represent the way things actually are in the external world;
B) Our senses give us direct acquaintance with the objects in the external world;
C) Our sense impressions only give us knowledge of the external world when they are
clear and distinct;
D) The sense can provide us with no knowledge whatsoever about a world when they are
clear and distinct; D) the senses can provide us with no knowledge whatsoever about a
world beyond the mind.
28. What did George Berkeley mean about such things as tables and chairs when he denied
the existence of matter?

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A) There are no unperceived tables and chairs;
B) There are no tables and chairs;
C) Tables and chairs are really just swarms or particles in motion;
D) Everything, including tables and chairs is an illusion.
29. Why can’t we have cause and effect knowledge according to Hume?
A) We can never observe a constant conjunction between events;
B) We can never observe the cause and the effect at the same time;
C) We can never observe a necessary connection between events;
D) We can never observe the atoms that make up the cause and the effect.
30. Why can we know that all our future experiences will be in space and time according to
A) Because all our past experiences have been;
B) Another trick question, Kant says that we can’t know this;
C) Because these are preconditions of all possible experiences based on the mind’s own
organizing principles;
D) Because a good God would no deceive us about such matters.
31. According to Absolute idealism, what is the relationship between being real and being
A) No reality is knowable; B) all reality is knowable; C) some reality is
knowable and some isn’t; D) only God is ultimately knowable
32. Which philosophical tradition includes existentialism and phenomenology?
A) Analytic philosophy; B) absolute idealism; C) continental philosophy; D)
33. Why is man abandoned according to Jean-Paul Sartre?
A) Because technology no longer serves human needs; B) because there is no God;
C) because there is no other life in the solar system; D) because we must all die.
34. How was Edmund Husserl’s philosophy similar to Descartes?
A) He too advocated mind/matter dualism;
B) He too advocated subject/ object dualism;
C) He too applied the method of doubt;
D) He too sought to achieve rational certainty by grounding the truth in a deeper source.

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35. Which would the late Heidegger accept?
A) Language is human- centered;
B) A human being should be one who simply and quietly dwells in being;
C) Humans should impose their will on being;
D) Humans must look to themselves for enlightenment.
36. What determines the meaning of a proposition, according to the logical positives?
A) The intention of the writer or speaker;
B) The public definitions of the words involved;
C) The use to which the proposition is put;
D) The possible observation that would verify it.
37. Antirepresentationalists like Richard Rorty always deny this claim:
A) True beliefs somehow picture or mirror reality;
B) True beliefs are those which hang together in a coherent fashion;
C) True beliefs are those which most members of our group consent to;
D) True beliefs are those that work for the individual.
38. Which view maintains that although mutual states require a physical system to exist, they
are not reducible to states of any particular physical system?
A) Dualism; B) behaviourism; C) identity theory; D)
39. Which desire did Epicureans say you should occasionally satisfy?
A) Those that are both natural and necessary;
B) Those that are nature but not necessary;
C) Those that is neither natural no necessary;
D) All of the above.
40. What are people naturally like, according to Thomas Hobbes?
A) They are fundamentally selfish;
B) They are fundamentally kind and caring;
C) They are fundamentally timid and shy;
D) They are fundamentally moral creatures with a conscience of right and wrong.
41. What is the form of the ideal state according to Plato?
A) It is absolute monarch run by the most powerful for his or her sake;

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B) It is direct, participatory democracy in which every citizen has an equal share in ruling;
C) It is an aristocracy ruled by an elite group of intellectually superior individuals;
D) Plato did not think that there is any single form that the ideal state must take.
42. What is not true of the natural law, for St. Augustine and Thomas Aquinas?
A) It is the eternal moral law of God made manifest to human conscience and reason;
B) It is the same for all people everywhere;
C) When there is a conflict between it and human law, human law takes precedence;
D) It is the standard by means of which the justice of human law is measured.
43. What is true of Rawls’s original position?
A) It leads to an entitlement view of justice;
B) It is a hypothetical imaginary situation;
C) It involves dropping a veil of ignorance;
D) It assumes that people are rational and self- interested.
44. Why do post-colonial societies generally value an education in philosophy?
A) It is practical and useful for most people in their everyday lives;
B) It helps to replace old; worn-out traditions with modern western ideas;
C) It promotes the self- awareness and consciousness- raising necessary to overcome
colonialism and promote justice;
D) They don’t generally value this sort of useless education at all.
45. According to most post-colonial thinkers what best explains the shared revolutionary
consciousness of dominated people everywhere?
A) Basic, universal human psychology;
B) The conceptual similarities of ideas introduced by the colonizing power;
C) shared similarities in each people’s experience of foreign domination;
D) They don’t think an explanation is needed, since there aren’t such commonalities to
speak of.
46. What best represents the general goal of pan-African philosophy?
A) A return to pure African traditionalism;
B) The creation of a purely modern African consciousness that will replace various tribal
and ethnic traditions;
C) The total political and economic unity of Africa into a single nation;

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D) The reconciliation of the traditional and modern in Africa and among the descendants
of Africans.
47. Which concept did Leopold Seder Senghor develop and Pauline Hountondji rejected?
A) Negritude; B) Ethno philosophy; C) positivism; D)
48. Who is most likely to have written this? “The relation of technical progress and social life-
world and the translation of scientific information into practical consciousness is not an
affair of private cultivation”.
49. Philosophy is:
A) At the root of political thought;
B) Expressible in various art forms;
C) Hypothetical interpretation of the inexactly known;
D) All of the above.

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1- Theearly Greek thinkers were generally known as:

a- Milesians
b- Iconians
c- Pre-socratics
d- Eleatics
2- What was the pre-occupation of the philosophers mentioned above?
a- To investigate the true source of knowledge
b- The immutable root from which all things come
c- To know therelationsip between apperance and reality
d- Denying change and permanence in the world
3- Knowing oneself according to Socrates entails
a- Knowing the good
b- Knowing the nature and value of oneselfto cultivate virtues
c- Knowing the merit of knowing oneself
d- B and C only
4- According to him there is constant change and perpetual change to nature
a- Thales
b- Heraclitus
c- Parmenides
d- None of the above
5- In trying to solve the problem ofillusion of change and permanence. He claimed that:
a- Being is and not being is not
b- What is cannot be
c- Being is that is not

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d- What is not is what is
6- According to plato in the metaphor of divided line, images and things as mode
thoughtwhich relate to
a- Imaginig and belief
b- Imagining and thinking
c- Belief and thinking
d- None of the above
7- “Man is the measure of all things, of the things that are, that they are, and of the things
that are not, that they are not.” Who made this statement
a- Protagoras
b- The Sophists
c- Gorgias
d- zeno
8- The Sophists wereinterested with the problem of truth and knowledge. They believed
a- There is objective is truth
b- Rhetoric is important to politics
c- Appearance is reality
d- Knowledge begins with opinion and belief
9- Unlike the Sophists who believed that moral principles areconvectionaland relative.
Socrates argued that they are:
a- Rational and universal
b- Natural and convectional
c- Universal and convectional
d- Natural and universal
10- All these methods of acquiring knowledge were usedby Socrates except one. Which is the
a- Socratic Irony
b- The maieutics
c- The maieutics
d- The dialectics

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11- According to Plato in the Theory of Forms, Knowledge of things are apprehended
a- The senses
b- The mind
c- Rationality
d- Mind and the senses
12- Plato’s concept of the soul has a tripartite nature. It is divided into:
a- Reason, spirit and appetite
b- Wisdom reason and appetite
c- Wisdom, courage and temperance
d- Spirit, appetite and reason
13- “All things that cometobe,come to beby some agency and from something and come to
be something.” This summarises Aristotle’s
a- Formal cause
b- Material cause
c- Final cause
d- four causes
14- Aristotle’s oral theory centresontheview that everything in nature has a distinctive “end”
to achieve or a function to fulfil. This is also known as:
a- intrinsic ends
b- instrumental ends
c- teleogical
d- the Golden mean
15- The main tenets of scholasticism is that
a- Reason and faith are uncomplimentary
b- Theology and philosophy are complimentary
c- Theology supplements philosophy
d- Theology and philosophy are the same
16- Aquinas’ Five Proofs of God’s existence are also known as:
a- Via Negative
b- QuinqueViae

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c- Univocal
d- equivocal
17- The most appropriate tenet of rationalism is that
a- Reason and sense can give us certitude
b- Only certitude can lead to true knowledge
c- Reasonis the universal principle of knowledge
d- Only reason can give us certitude independent of sense experience
18- To Descartes, the mental powers by which one can arrive at knowledge of things without
“fear of illusion” are called
a- Intuition and deduction
b- Intuition and induction
c- Induction and deduction
d- Deduction and induction
19- Descartes’ “Cogito ergo sum” mean
a- I think, that Iam
b- I think because I am
c- I think therefore I am
d- I think then I am
20- According to empiricists, experience can take two forms. Which are these two forms?
a- Sensation and reflection
b- Sensation and intuition
c- A and B
d- None of the above
21- In Kant’s view analytical judgements is:
a- When subject is not implicit in the predicates
b- When the predicates is implicit on the subject
c- A and B
d- A only
22- According to Kant Copernican Revolution, it is the
a- Operation of themind that conform to subject
b- Objects that conform to operation of themind

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c- Sense experience also provides us with knowledge
d- All of the above
23- Kant’stheory of the possibility and limits of human knowledgeis proposed in the:
a- Transcendental analytic
b- Transcendental aesthestics
c- Transcendental dialectics
d- None of the above
24- According to him, “the rational is real and the real in rational”
a- Kant
b- Hegel
c- Nietzsche
d- Hume
25- Following from the statement of the author mention above,he claims that:
a- Everything is real
b- Everything is rational
c- Everything is knowable
d- Everything is unknowable
26- The Utilitarians understood the principle of happiness as:
a- The greatest good to be the greatest number
b- The greatest good to the individual
c- None of the above
d- All of the above
27- Which of this is thefamous expression of Marxists?
a- Religion is the opium of the capitalists
b- Religion is the opium of the mass
c- Religion is the opium of thebourgeoisie
d- Religion is the opium of people
28- When Rousseau made this statement that “man is born free but everywhere in chains”
what did he want to say?
a- That all men areslaves
b- No man is free

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c- No man can be free
d- Man can not attain absolute freedom
29- Who is the author of this, “God is dead”
a- Hegel
b- Kant
c- Nietzsche
d- kierkegaard
30- One of the themes of existentialism include
a- Man’s existence is his essence
b- There is no basis human essence
c- A and B
d- None of the above
1- African philosophy in its loose and broad sense has received different names from African
philosophers such as these except one
a- Ethno-philosphy
b- Folk-philosophy
c- Traditional thought of African peoples
d- Mythical folklores
e- African concerns
2- ................. argues that philosophy constitutes the intellectual mark sheet anchor of a
people’slife in its totality
a- Kwame Nkrumah
b- AlasaneN’daw
c- Leopold Senghor
d- Momoh C
e- None of the above
3- African philosophy is concerned with ........................
a- African belief
b- African margical experiences
c- Africanfolk-law

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d- African myths
e- None of the above
4- ................. defines African philosophy as “ that which concerns itself itself with the way in
which the African people of the past and present make sense of their existence, of their
destinyand of the world in which they live
a- A.K Anyanwu
b- Kant
c- Heidegger
d- Kwame Nkrumah
e- NjohMoulle
5- ............... describes the nature of reality in Bantu philosophy in terms of ”force”
a- Bernadette Eboh
b- Marcien Towa
c- J.S Mbiti
d- Alexis Kagame
e- Placid Tempels
6- African philosophy is dividedinto branches. These include
a- Logic,and Metaphysics
b- Metaphysics and ethics only
c- Metaphysics, ethics and logic only
d- Metaphyscis,logic, ethics and aesthetics
e- Epistemology, Logic, Metaphyscis, Ethics, Aesthetics and Political philosophy
7- Being in African philosophy is hierarchically classified as follows
a- God, Spirits, Divinities Man
b- God, Divinities, Spirits, Man
c- God, Man, Divinities,Spirits
d- God,Man, Spirits, Divinities
e- God, Spirits, Divinities, Man
8- The view that the culture of a people constitutes aphilosophy
a- Ethno-philosophy
b- African metaphysics

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c- African cosmology
d- Ethnicity
e- None of the above
9- The following are orders in African cosmology except one
a- Visible order
b- Moral order
c- Ontological order
d- Mystical order
e- Magical order
10- .................. is the study of African’s conception of the origin, structure and nature of the
a- African philosophy
b- Causally
c- African cosmology
d- African metaphyscis
e- African ontology
11- The ability to tap the forces of nature and employ them for whatever motive is
a- Witchcraft
b- Metaphysics
c- Myth
d- Mystical order
e- All of the above
12- ............ is the believe pattern of supernatural dieties and the altimate submission to them
a- Visible order
b- Moral order
c- Ontological order
d- Mystical order
e- Religious order
13- The intellectual doctrine which is aimed at intellectual revolution,todecolonise, to revive
cultures, traditional values and an appeal to social cohesion of the African.
a- Conciencism

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b- Communism
c- Colonialism
d- A and B
e- None of the above
14- The world-view or gateway to the true African family-hood
a- Ujama’a
b- Conciencism
c- Communalism
d- Pan-Africanism
e- Socialism
15- The assertionthat ethno-philosophy is neither philosophy nor ethnology and thus betrays
the two disciplines was made by
a- PaulinHountondji
b- KwasiWiredu
c- E.A Ruch
d- Marcien Towa
e- NjohMoulle
16- An ideology which entails a unitary vision of a people their place and prospects in the
universe is
a- Pan- Africanism
b- Negritude
c- Consciencism
d- Communalism
e- Tribalism
17- The distinction of African philosophy into the following four trends (ethno-philosophy,
philosophic sagacity, nationalistic ideological philosophy and professional philosophy)
wasdone by
a- Kwame Nkrumah
b- Henry OderaOruka
c- PtahHotep
d- Cheik Anta Diop

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e- Antoine G. Amo
18- ....... argues that God has created avital force, which keep the created order going
a- K.C Anyanwu
b- AlasaneN’daw
c- TchiamalengaNtomba
d- Placid Tempels
e- NkombeOleko
19- ............. is the invisble reality that exist but is superior to man
a- God
b- Divinities
c- Life force
d- Reason
e- None of the above


1- The etymological definition of philosophy has its roots in

a- Latin
b- Arab
c- Greece
d- Greek
e- C and D
2- Philosophy is the search for
a- Love
b- Affinity
c- Truth
d- Inquiry
e- All of the above
3- Logic deals with
a- Thought
b- Operations of the mind
c- Thinking

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d- Wisdom
e- None of the above
4- According to ............... logic is the study of general
a- J.N Keynes
b- Watson
c- Goefried Von Leibniz
d- Karl Popper
e- montesquieu
5- Logic.............. is the science of reasoning
a- Socrates
b- Plato
c- John Locke
d- Edith Watson
e- Voltaire
6- Philosophy differs from other disciplines such as psychology in that it is :
a- Normative and prescriptive
b- Normative and descriptive
c- Utopic and prescriptive
d- All of the above
e- None of the above
7- ............. introduced the use of symbols in logic
a- Leibniz
b- Aristotle
c- J.N Keynes
d- Plato
e- wittgeinstein
8- The Venn Diagram Technique in logic was developed by:
a- John Venn
b- Jevons Venn
c- Joseph Venn
d- De Morgan

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e- GottlobFrege
9- According to ............. with the aid of symbolism we can make transition in reasoning
almost mechanically by the eye.
a- GottlobFrege
b- John Venn
c- Alfred North Whitehead
d- Leibniz
e- Ernst Shroder
10- Symbolic logic make use of ..........
a- Constants
b- Variables
c- A and B
d- All of the above
e- None of the above
11- Symbol is derieved from the Greek word ..............meaning..............
a- Symbolom meaning embelm
b- Symbol meaning logic
c- Signe meaning variable
d- Physke meaning variable
e- Norms meaning reasoning
12- “P.Q” what is the truth functional connective used here?
a- Negation
b- Implication
c- Conjunction
d- Disjunction
e- Bi-conditional
13- “P >Q” what is the truth functional connective used here?
a- Negation
b- Implication
c- Conjunction
d- Discojunction

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e- Bi-conditional
14- “P v Q” what is the truth functional connective used here
a- Negation
b- Conjunction
c- Implication
d- Disconjunction
e- Bi-conditional
15- The use of paratheses, brackets and braces is meant to
a- Add meaning
b- Avoid ambiguity
c- For emphasize
d- For punctuation
e- To conceptualize
16- Indicate the line and rulesof inference or replacement used
i. p>q
ii. q>~r
iii. s>r
iv. p/:~s
v. p>~r 1,2(H.S)
vi. ~r
vii. ~s 3,6 (M.T)
a- 4.5 (M.P)
b- 4.5 (M.T)
c- 4.5 (H.S)
d- 3.5 (M.P)
e- 2.5 (M.T)
17- related to an arguments whereas .............. is related to proposition
a- Truth, Validity
b- Validity, Truth
c- Reason,Thought
d- Thought, Reason

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e- None of the above
18- A mental engagement whereby we move from premise to conclusion
a- Deduction
b- Proposition
c- Reasoning
d- Logic
e- None of the above
19- It is a method of reasoningfrom general principles to particular cases is called
a- Induction
b- Deduction
c- Formal logic
d- Deductive logic
e- logic
20- The mean concern of a logician is to distinguishbetween
a- Valid and invalid arguments
b- Truth and falsity
c- Correct and incorrect reasoning
d- Correct and incorrect arguments
e- None of the above
21- Certain fundamental and necessary principles which at the basis of human reasoning are
refferred to as
a- Rational principles
b- Laws of thought
c- Rationallaws
d- Principle of contradiction
e- Operation of the mind
22- What kind of terms are terms these ”husband-wife”
a- Contrary terms
b- Contraditory terms
c- Common terms
d- Concrete terms

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e- Correlative terms
23- Stating the essential attributes of terms is
a- Denotation
b- Connotation
c- Significance
d- Ideas
e- Lexical definition
24- The activity of the mind wherby, it denies oraffirms the predicates of a certain subject is
a- Simple apprehension
b- The knowing
c- Reasoning
d- Judging
e- experience
25- What is thefallacy committed by this argument
Some students are honest
All teachers are students
Therefore some teachers are honest
a- Fallacy of undistributed middle
b- Fallacy of division
c- Illicit major
d- Illicit minor
e- Fallacy of ambivalence
26- A term that refers to several person or things is known as
a- A positive term
b- A concrete term
c- Collective term
d- Common term
e- General term
27- The formula which evidently exposes the connotation of an idea,reality or term is known
A- Reasoning

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B- Vocabulary
C- Definiens
D- Definiendum
E- definition
28- Identify the fallacy committed by this definition, “a teacher is a person who teaches in a
a- Fallacy of extraneous definition
b- Fallacy of incongruous definition
c- Fallacy of obscure definition
d- Fallacy of repetition
e- Fallacy of circular definition
29- In logical division, the genus which is being subdivided is:
a- Fundamentumdivisionis
b- Mebradividentia
c- Totumdivisum
d- A and C
e- None of the above
30- A kind of proposition that brings in the speaker’s mind by expressing his attitude is:
a- Hypothetical proposition
b- Disjunctive proposition
c- Categorical proposition
d- Standard-form categorical proposition
e- Modal proposition
31- Translate this into a standard form proposition: “whoever is Osaga is a boy
a- No girl is Osaga
b- Some Osagas are not boys
c- All boys are Osaga
d- Some Osagas are boys
e- All Osagas are boys
32- Symbolize the following
a- SP=0

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b- SP=O
c- SP=O
d- SP=O
e- SP=O
33- Give the contradition of “some teachers are not honest persons”
a- All teachersare honest persons
b- All honest persons
c- No teacher are honest person
d- Some teachers are honest person
e- None of the above
34- What is the converse of, “all doctors are intelligent persons”
a- No doctors are non-intelligent person
b- Some non-intelligent persons are not doctors
c- Some doctors are intelligent person
d- Some intelligent persons are doctors
e- No non-intelligent persons are doctors
35- In a syllogism, there must be three terms, each appearing twice.if not it commits the
fallacy of?
a- QuarternioTerminorium
b- Illicit major
c- Illicit minor
d- Undistributed Middle
e- affirmation
36- Which of these syllogistic arguements are valid
a- EIO-2, ELO-1, AII-1
b- IAI-3,EAO-1, EIO-3
c- AEE-1, EAE-1, AII-1
d- OAO-3, AII-4
e- AAA-1, AII-4, OAO-4
37- When the conclusion affirms one of the alternatives of themajor premises such that the
minor premises denies theotheralternative, it is a

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a- Modus Ponens
b- Modus Tollens
c- Disjunctive syllogism
d- Modus Tollendo Ponens
e- Modus TollendoTollens
38- A syllogism with a condition major premise havingmore than one antecedent and
disjunctive minor premise is
a- Dilemma
b- Modus Tollens
c- Modus Ponens
d- Disjunctive syllogism
e- Categorical syllogism
39- Given that the “I proposition” is false, what can be inferred of the “A, E and O
a- False, true, true
b- True, false, true
c- False, false, true
d- True, doubtful,true
e- True, true, true
40- Refuting the delimma by rejecting one part of the hypothetical major premise,while
maintaining the discunjuctive minor premise is?
a- Grasping or taking by the horns
b- Rebuttal
c- Escaping between the horns
d- Counter dilemma
e- Complex dilemma


1- Philosophy of language for ............. is concerned with four. Central problems that are: the
nature of meaning, language use language cognition and the relationship between
language and reality

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a- Aristotle
b- Wittgenstein
c- David Kellog
d- Analytical philosophers
e- Continental philosophers
2- Philosophy of language for ................. is dealt with, notas a separate topic, but as an art
of logic, history or politics
a- Aristotle
b- Wittgenstein
c- David Kellog
d- Analytical philosophers
e- Continental philosophers
3- Philosophers of language are much concerned with
a- How meaning can be true or false
b- Successful translation of words
c- Communication
d- Learning of language
e- synonymy
4- The common claim is that language is governed by social convections. Convections
accord to .................... is a rationally self-perpetuating regularity in behaviour
a- Leibniz
b- Noam Chomsky
c- Wittgenstein
d- David Kellog Lewis
e- None of the above
5- Metasematics was introduced in the philosophy of language by
a- Robert Stainton
b- Leibniz
c- Wittgenstein
d- Noam Chomsky
e- Kalvin Gray

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6- ............... is the study of particular wordsthatpeopleuse in orderto achieve the proper
emotional and rational effects in the listener
a- Rhetoric
b- Philosophy of philosophy
c- Stylistics
d- Linguistics
e- Metasematics
7- .............. has application to the study and interpretation of law, and helps give insight to
the logical concept of the domain of discourse
a- Rhetoric
b- Philosophy of philosophy
c- Stylistics
d- Linguistics
e- Metasematics
8- .............argued for the indeterminacy of meaning and refernce base on the principleof
radical translation
9- ............. extended the idea of radical translation to the interpretation of utterances and
behaviour within a single linguistics community
a- Wittgenstein
b- Noam Chomsky
c- MbihTosam
d- W.V Quine
e- Roberto del Grivo
10- ............. emphasizes the role of syntax as a characteristics of any language
a- W.V Quuine
b- Noam Chomsky
c- Karl Proper
d- Emmanuel Levinas
e- Donald Davidson
11- Linguistics philosophy is a philosophical movement that started in the .............. century
a- 16th

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b- 17th
c- 18th
d- 19th
e- 20th
12- According to Rusell’s principia mathematica, the world is made up of .................
a- Words
b- Facts
c- Concepts
d- B and C
e- A and B
13- According to the ................ philosophy doesnotproducepropositios which are true or false
but merely clarifies meaning of statements as be scientific,nonsensical and mathematics
a- Logical atomists
b- Logical positivists
c- Verificationists
d- Linguistic philosophers
e- None of the aboveS


1- the taking over, to dorminate and to exploit a group of people

a- Colonization
b- colonialism
c- commercialization
d- A and B
e- All of the above
2- According to the taxonomy made by.............. whites are at the top and Africans as the
uncivilized are below.
a- Immanuel Kant
b- Emmanuel Levinas
c- Jacques Maritain

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d- John Stuart Mills
e- Peter Singer
3- ............ is of the opinion that history passed through continents but evaded Sub-Saharan
a- J.S Mills
b- Hubert Mono
c- Marcien Towa
d- Hegel
e- Charles Dimi
4- The worst thing about domination of Africa is
a- Intellectual domination
b- Proselytizing
c- Commerce
d- All of the above
e- None of the above
5- The super imposition of Western categories on African thought fostered by renowned
scholars in the likes of
a- Kant
b- Hegel
c- Levy Bruhl
d- All of the above
e- None of the above
6- Weltanschauugen stands for
a- World view
b- African rationality
c- Colonization
d- Economic domination
e- decolonization
7- According to ............. the problem with the West is that,the means, the methods, rules
and systems used toexplain African rationality do not reflect the African locus

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a- KwasieeWiredu
b- Valentine Mundimbe
c- Marcien Towa
d- Tata Mbuy
e- NgalimBanfegha
8- KwasiWiredu defines ............... as two complimentary things
a- Colonization
b- Colonialism
c- Conceptual decolonization
d- African philosophy
e- A and B
9- Colonization for Wiredu began with the super-imposition of ................ on the African
a- Language
b- Religion
c- Thought
d- A and B
e- All of the above
10- Philosophy is culture bound. Ipso facto.............provides the raw material for
philosophical investigation
a- Language
b- Culture
c- Reason
d- Existence
e- None of the above
11- Anyone who believes anything in the country should be governed by them is
a- Nationalists
b- Republican
c- Socialists
d- Communists
e- Convectionalists
12- ................. and.............. binds the African together

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a- Love and trust
b- Love and language
c- Social rule and trust
d- Social rule and language
e- All of the above
13- According to ................ ”I am because we are, and since we are, therefore I am”
a- Ebenezer Njomeuelle
b- Marcien Towa
c- John Mbiti
d- Joseph Omoregbe
e- Levy Strause
14- ................refuted the fact that the African has a mind
a- Levy Bruhl
b- Kant
c- Hegel
d- A and B only
e- None of the above
15- .................. is detaching or withdrawing one’s self from the captivity or chains of domination,
exploitation and subjugation
a- Revolution
b- Decolonization
c- Strife
d- Strike
e- All of the above

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