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ince time immemorial
man has been using
plant extracts to protect
himself against several diseases
and also to improve his health
and life-style. No doubt, plants
are serving several purposes
whether health, nutrition, beauty
or medicinal. With the
development in techniques and
recent researches, it has been
proved that certain non-nutritive
chemicals in plants such as
terpenoids and flavonoids which were earlier thought to be of no importance to
human diet, possess antioxidant properties.

The plants are susceptible to damage caused by active oxygen and thus develop
numerous antioxidant defense system resulting in formation of numerous potent
antioxidants. Many aromatic, medicinal and spice plants contain compounds that
possess confirmed strong antioxidative components. The essential oils derived from
aromatic plants not only serve as fragrance and flavour agents but also as dietary
antioxidant expected to prevent several diseases caused by free radicals.

The essential oils are the secondary metabolites of the aromatic plants which include

the fragrant material extracted from the root, bark, wood, seed, fruit, leaf or flower of
a single plant. Essential oils are extracted from the plants by various methods such
as distillation (steam distillation, hydro distillation or hydro-steam distillation),
mechanical compression, expression or solvent extraction etc. due to their volatile
nature. These oils are very potent containing the odour, taste, and medicinal
properties of the plant in concentrated form. The therapeutic properties of essential
oils are utilized in massage, inhalation, diffusers, fresheners etc. The recent
researches have also proved that these can also be used as antioxidants in order to
protect our body from various disastrous and chronic diseases, like cancer, arthritis,
common cold cough, cataracts etc. which weaken the immune system of the body.
This article aims to focus on aromatic and medicinal plant(s)/molecules used as
antioxidants and their behaviour to prevent the different disorders on human health
and life style.


Till date as such no set definition of antioxidants exists. Scientists are still striving
hard to find out the role of particular dietary supplements in body that have potent
health benefits. Since, different antioxidant compounds found in diet considerably
vary from one another, it is a difficult task to identify the role of a single compound.
In simple words, "Antioxidants are a type of complex compounds found in our diet
that act as a protective shield for our body against certain disastrous enemies
(diseases) such as arterial and cardiac diseases, arthritis, cataracts and also
premature ageing along with several chronic diseases. "

The above definition gives an idea about what actually an antioxidant is as still a lot
of work has to be carried on getting exact information about antioxidants, their exact
amount in one's diet and their function1. The recent researches on free radicals
promise a revolutionary improvement in health and life-style of humans.

Types of antioxidants: - Basically these are classified into three categories-

1. Enzymatic and Non-enzymatic antioxidants: - They are found both in extra

cellular as well as intracellular environment. These are tactically arranged within the
cell in order to provide maximum protection against free radicals. Some important
enzymatic and non-enzymatic physiological antioxidants are as follows-

S. Antioxidant Location Function/property
a) Enzymatic antioxidant

1. Glutathione Mitochondria& Cytosol Removal of H2O2 &

peroxidase (GSH) Organic hydro-peroxide
2. Catalase (CAT) Mitochondria & Cytosol Removal of H2O2
b) Non-enzymatic antioxidant
1. Carotenoids Lipid soluble Removal of reactive
antioxidants in oxygen species
membrane tissue
2. Bilirubin Product of heme Extracellular antioxidants,
metabolism in blood

3. Glutathione Non-protein thiol in cell Cellular oxidant defense

4. α-lipoic acid Endogenous thiol Serves as substitute for
Glutathione, recycling Vit-
5. Vitamin-C Aqueous phase of cell Free scavenger, recycle
6. Vitamin-E Cell Chain breaking
7. Uric Acid Product of Purine Scavenging of OH radical

2. Antioxidant derived from natural and dietary sources: - Plants develop several
antioxidants that aid in antioxidant defense system, protecting plants against damage
caused by active O2 formed due to exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Certain
seaweeds also function as antioxidants. Our daily diet contains vegetables, fruits,
tea, wine, etc. which possess compounds rich in anti oxidative properties2.

a. Antioxidants from natural sources: - Secondary products of plants which

are functioning as antioxidant are:-
i. Chlorophyll derivatives
ii. Essential oils
iii. Carotenoids
iv. Alkaloids
v. Phytosterols
vi. Phenolics- coumarines, flavonoids
vii. Polyphenolics - tannins, proanthocynidine
viii. Nitrogen containing compounds- alkaloids, indoles.

b. Dietary antioxidants: - These reduce the free radical formation as well as

oxidative stress & reduce the possibility of cardiovascular diseases4. Several
compounds such as phenolic diterpenoids- camosol, rosmanol, camosoic acid, etc.
obtained from several aromatic plants possess strong antioxidant properties.

3. Antioxidants based on defense mechanism:- These are of four types:

a. Preventive antioxidants - These suppress the free radical formation. ex. enzymes
such as peroxidase, catalase, lactoferrin, carotenoids, etc5.
b. Radical scavenging antioxidants - These suppress the chain initiation reaction.
ex Vitamin-C & Carotenoids.
b.Repair and de novo antioxidant- It comprise of proteolitic enzymes and repair
enzymes of DNA and genetic materials.
d. Enzyme inhibitor antioxidants- These induce production and reaction of free
radicals and the transport of appropriate antioxidants to appropriate active site.

Functions of Antioxidants:-
i. Antioxidants such as Vitamin-C & E boost our immune system.
ii. Certain phytochemicals have beneficial effect on heart diseases.
iii. Antioxidants lower the level of Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, thus
preventing plaque deposition in the blood vessels.
iv. It is beneficial in cancer prevention.
v. Antioxidants neutralize substances that can damage the genetic material by

Compounds that function as Antioxidants:-

Vitamin C - It prevents free radical damage due to its property of donating free
radicals. It is beneficial in boosting immune system. The main source of Vitamin-C is
carrots, peaches, sweet potatoes, oranges, broccolis, etc7.
Vitamin E - Both plants and animals serve as a source of vitamin E. It has been
found beneficial against certain types of cancer & cardiac problems. It is known as
'scavenger of free radicals’. Vitamin E is mainly present in nuts, whole cereal grains,
almonds, vegetable oils etc.

Phytochemicals- Plants contain certain chemicals such as carotenoids, flavonoids,

biflavonoids, phenols, phytosterols, etc. that possess antioxidative properties.

Carotenoids - These are a group of antioxidant nutrients present in many fruits and
vegetables and are found effective if taken with dark coloured fruits such as carrots,
tomatoes, beets, etc. These are further composed of α- carotene, β- carotene,
Cryptoxanthin, Lycopene, Lutein & Zeaxanthin. They are present in red, dark orange
& yellow fruits such as carrots, peaches, broccoli, pumpkins, sweet potatoes etc

Flavonoids - Plants contain flavonoids like quercetin, kaempferol which scavenge

free radicals and combat pathological disorders generated by phytochemicals’
Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS).

Phenols - Prevent oxidative damage of tissues from ROS of DNA, RNA, enzymes,
proteins and has anti-inflammatory properties.

Minerals - Selenium is an essential component of several enzymes that prevent free

radical formation & their removal from blood stream. It occurs in grains, low-fat dairy
products, poultry, organ meat, seafood etc.

Behaviour of Antioxidants:-
The free radicals play very important role in human health and beneficial in
combating against several diseases. Before we understand the working, it is
necessary to have a brief idea about free radicals. During a chemical reaction
(oxidation), one reactant loses an electron and is called oxidant or free radical8, while
the other gains an electron. In living organisms oxygen in unstable form is the most
common free radical. This is called Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS)9 and is
generated during various metabolic activities. Contaminants in the environment as
well as normal metabolism of a cell, can change molecule into a free radical. The
examples of ROS. are OH , O2 , H2O2, O3, HOCI, RO2, RO.

Any molecule can become a free radical by either losing or gaining an electron. Once
initiated these free radicals get involved in chain reaction with stable types. The
compounds thus formed have longer stability and in body and increase the potential
for cellular damage. Free radicals damage the cell at the site of their operation
causing serious disorders. Plaque may accumulate in arteries on oxidation. LDL
Cholesterol functions as free radical and damages the free artery lining. It hampers
the blood circulation which may lead to heart attack.

Stages of free radicals-

i) Initiation
ii) Propagation
iii) Termination

The initiation and propagation stages have already been discussed earlier. However
termination or neutralization of free radicals is achieved by antioxidants or enzymatic
mechanism10. It is necessary to balance the fee radical & antioxidant activity.

Effects of Excess of Free Radicals:

i. Free radicals damage DNA, RNA, proteins, enzymes

ii. Lead to the formation of tumours & cause cancers.
iii. Cardiovascular Diseases
iv. Nervous disorders
v. Premature ageing.
vi. Parkinson's & Alzheimer's Diseases
vii. Rheumatic & Pulmonary Disorders

Requirement of antioxidants in the body:-

A number of processes are taking place in our body like breathing, breaking up of
protein in the body or exposure of body to air pollution or UV radiation leads to the
formation of free radicals that aid in the process of oxidation which further leads to
several health problems.
If the body is healthy it is capable enough to break down these free radicals before
they become harmful. In case, the formation of the free radicals exceeds in the body,
it can damage the cells and tissues. This damage can be counteracted by
antioxidants which prevent the free radical formation and if the formation occurs it
helps in their removal from blood stream. Thus antioxidants play potentially beneficial
role in the risk reduction and treatment of diseases.


Essential oils

As discussed earlier these are a class of volatile oils that can be obtained by steam
distillation .. These oils may be extracted from plants , fruits, flowers, barks, roots and

seeds where each possesses its unique characteristics

Advantages of using Essential oils as antioxidants-

1. Due to their small molecular size, they can easily penetrate the skin tissue.
2. As essential oils are lipid soluble they are capable of penetrating the membranes
easily even in conditions when oxygen deficiency leads to hardening of membranes.
Studies reveal that essential oils serve as powerful antioxidants that produce adverse
environment for damaging free radicals thus prevent mutations and oxidants in cells.
Thus, they function as scavengers for free radicals.



1. Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)- Leaves, roots and berries of the plant

possess anti oxidative properties. It prevents premature ageing and arthritis,
enhances psychomotor co-ordination & immune system. Berries are blood tonifier
that improves circulation & absorption of nutrients by cells.Leaves are used for
treatment of tumors. Withaferin A, Viscosalactone B (12) inhibits the tumor formation.
2.Basil-linalool rich (Ocimum sanctum/canum)- The leaves of the plants are used to
prevent free radical formation and has been found useful in treating arthritis,
muscular pains & rheumatism. The main constituents responsible for anti oxidative
property of basil are Ascorbic acid, β-carotene, β -sitosterol, eugenol, palmitic acid
and tannin.
3.Black Pepper (Piper nigrum) - The fruit of the plant is used in the treatment of
arthritis, and effective against neuralgia, poor circulation, poor muscle tone, sprains
and stiffness. Ascorbic acid, β -carotene, Lauric acid, Myristic acid, Palmitic acid,
Piperine is the main constituents responsible for its antioxidative behaviour.
4.Burdock (Aretium lappalo)- The roots of the plant possess antioxidative properties
and provide protection against cancer by controlling cell mutation. It possesses
antibacterial and antifungal properties, purifies blood and supports immune system.
Inulin and tannic acid are the constituents present in burdock that possess anti
oxidative properties.
5.Barbed Skullcap (Scutellaria barbata)- The tea made from this herb is fruitful in
treating liver, lung & rectal cancer. It has also been found potent in reducing tumor
growth. Gallic acid in scutellaria is anticancerous in function.
6.Carrot (Daucus carota)- The β -carotene found in the carrot functions as
antioxidant. It prevents accumulation of toxins and is effective in treatment of arthritis,

edema & rheumatism. Alanine, α-tocopherol, ascorbic acid, camphene, eugenol, γ-
terpinene, histidine are the main constituents in carrot that possess antioxidant
7.Coleus (Coleus ferscoli) – Commonly called as Paterchur the roots of the plant are
used for fat lowering and prevent synthesis of high cholesterol in body. Ferscolin is
the main component in the tea that has antioxidative property.
8.Clary Sage (Salvia sclarea)- The plant prevents free radical formation and is
effective in treatment against arthritis and rheumatism. γ-terpinene, linalyl acetate,
myrcene, palmitic acid androsemarinic acid are the main antioxidative components in
the plant
9.Clove bud (Eugenia caryophyllata)- The inflorescence of clove is effective against
treatment of arthritis, rheumatism and sprains. Acetyl-eugenol, ascorbic acid, β-
carotene, β-sitosterol, caryophyllene-oxide, eugenol and isoeugenol are the main
constituents in clove that possess antioxidative property.
10. Garlic (Allium sativum)- The leaves and bulb protects against free radical
formation, reduce blood clotting & cholesterol level. Best when used with natural
antioxidant and vitamins. Alanine, α-tocopherol, ascorbic acid, camphene, eugenol,
γ-terpinene and histidine are the important anti oxidative constituents present in
11. Ginger (Zingiber officinalis)- The active compound of ginger is [6]-gingerol which
is responsible for ginger flavour and has been found to inhibit human cancer growth.
6-Gingerol, alanine, ascorbic acid, histidine, lauric acid, Methionine, Myristic acid,
palmitic acid and tryptophan are the main antioxidative constituents in the ginger
12. Green Tea (Camalia bensgalensis)- Tea extract, decreases cellular tissues
damage thus prevent ageing. It also supports immune system. The Green Tea
extract Epigallocatechin-3- gallate (EGCG) is thought to have anticancerous
properties and reduces liver cancer. EGCG and polyphenols are the main
antioxidative constituents of green tea.
13. Gingko (Ginkgo biloba)-The extract of the plant improves blood circulation,
prevents free radical damage and prevents premature ageing. EGB 761 and
ginkgogolide are the chief antioxidative constituents.
14. Grape (Vitis vinifera)- The OPC (Oligomeric proanthocynidine) is a powerful
component present in grape seed. It acts as super antioxidant, protecting cells
against free radical formation. It reduces LDL cholesterol and the risk of
cardiovascular tissue. It enhances the ability of collagen to repair itself preventing
degeneration. It also increases the strength & elasticity of blood vessels, protecting
against rupture, leakage & degeneration. OPC, reduces High Blood Pressure by

inhibiting the activity of Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE). It improves the
strength of capillaries & blood vessels. In comparison to Vitamin C, OPC is more
powerful antioxidant. It has sparing effect on Vitamin C by blocking the action of
ascorbate oxydase enzyme that destroys Vitamin C. Alanine, α-tocopherol, ascorbic
acid, β-carotene, β-Sitosterol, histidine, methionine, OPC, palmitic acid and selenium
are the main anti oxidative constituents found in grape.
15. GugguI (Commifera mukul)- The gum yielded from the plant is used for treatment
of arthritis and lowering blood pressure.
16. Lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexuosus)- It is found to have a refreshing effect on
the body and possesses immune modulatory properties. β-Sitosterol, Myrcene and
Selenium in lemongrass are responsible for its antioxidative behaviour.
17. Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha)- The resin exudates and sap content is found to be
effective against arthritis. β-Sitosterol, campestrol and eugenol in myrrh have
antioxidative effect.
18. Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans)-The fruit of nutmeg beneficial against arthritis,
muscular aches & pains, rheumatism, improves circulation. It protects nervous
system and provides immunity against bactericidal infection. Camphene, eugenol, γ-
terpinene, isoeugenol, lauric acid, Myrcene, palmitic acid and terpene-4-ol in nutmeg
possess antioxidative properties.
19. Olive (Olea europaea)- The leaf extract of olive contains α-tocopherol, apigenin,
β-carotene, γ-tocopherol, kaempferol and Luteolin which is immune modulatory,
maintains sugar & cholesterol level in the body.
20. Oregano (Origanum vulgare)- Thymol & rosamarinic acid in oregano prevents
oxygen based damage to the cells in the body. It is found to be 42 times more
antioxidant activity than apples, 30 times more antioxidant activity than potatoes, 4
times more antioxidant activity than blueberries, 12 times more antioxidant property
than oranges and acts as immune booster. Thymol and rosemarinic acid are the
antioxidative constituents in oregano.
21. Peppermint (Mentha piperita)- Limonene and menthol in the leaves of the plant
have been found anticancerous.
22.Periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus)- Alkaloids (Vincristin & Vinblastin) of the plant
are anticancerous.
23. Rosemary (Rosemarinus olficinalis.)- The oleoresin extract of the plant
scavenges superoxide radicals, inhibit lipid oxidation in food system. It contains oil
soluble antioxidants. Carsonic acid, rosemaric acid, β-Sitosterol, caryophyllene oxide,
eugenol and iso-eugenol in the plant have been found antioxidative in nature.
24. Sandalwood (Santalum album)- Alanine, β-Sitosterol, eugenol, palmitic acid,
phenol are the constituents found in the plant that have antioxidative effect. Mainly

the wood or the bark of the plant is used. It prevents premature ageing and
rejuvenates the skin. Alanine, β-Sitosterol, eugenol, palmitic acid and phenols are the
antioxidative constituents in sandalwood.
25. Thyme Serpolet (Thymus vulgaris)- The entire plant possesses antioxidative
properties. It enhances blood circulation. 4-terpenol, alanine, β-carotene, caffeic acid,
camphene, carvacrol, γ-terpinene, lycopene, myrcene and palmitic acid are the
active antioxidative constituents in thyme.
26. Turmeric (Curcuma longa)- Curcumin found in the turmeric prevents free radical
formation, premature ageing and possesses anticancerous properties.


Plant Part used Chemical Possible

Common Botanical Constituents antioxidative
name name effects
Ashwagand Withania Berries, WithaferinA, Psychomotor
ha somnifera Leaves, Viscosalactione co-ordinator,
Roots B(12) immune
ageing, blood
Basil Ocimum Leaves,see Ascorbic acid, β- Free radical
sanctum/can ds carotene, scavenger, used
um β-sitosterol, eugenol, against arthritis,
Palmitic acid, tannin muscular pains,
Black Piper nigrum Fruit Ascorbic acid, β- In arthritis,
pepper carotene, Lauric neuralgia, poor
acid, Myristic acid, circulation
Palmitic acid,
Burdock Aretium Root Inulin, tannic acid Treat painful
lappalo joints,antibacteri
al &antifungal,
Barbed Scutellaria Leaves,Tea Gallic acid Anticancerous
Skullcap barbata extract
Carrot Daucus Leaves,see Alanine, α- Antitoxin, used
carrota d, root tocopherol, ascorbic against arthritis,
acid, camphene, edema,
eugenol, γ - rheumatism
terpinene, histidine

Coleus Coleus Roots Ferscolin Lowering LDL
ferscoli cholestrol
Clary sage Salvia Entire plant, γ-terpinene, linalyl Free radical
sclarea seed acetate, myrcene, scavenger,
Palmitic acid, treats arthritis,
rosemarinic acid rheumatism
Clove bud Eugenia Inflorescenc Acetyl-eugenol, Treat arthritis,
caryophylla e ascorbic acid, β - rheumatism,
carotene, β- sprains

Garlic Allium Leaves, Alanine, ascorbic Anticancerous,
sativum bulb acid, β-sitosterol, lower blood
caffeic acid, pressure
Ginger Zingiber Leaves,rhiz 6-Gingerol, Anti-cancerous
officinalis ome alanine,ascorbic
acid, histidine, lauric
acid, methionine,
myristic acid,
Palmitic acid,
Green Tea Camatia Leaves-Tea Epigallocathecin-3- Effective in
bergalensis extract gallate,epigallocathe acute
cin, pancreatitis,
polyphenols anticancerous,
lower LDL
Ginkgo Ginkgo Plant EGB 761, Free radical
biloba extract ginkgogolide scavenger,
Grape Vitis vinifera Fruit, seed Alanine,α-tocopherol, Reduce LDL
ascorbic acid, β - cholesterol &
carotene, β - High Blood
sitosterol, histidine, Pressure,
OPC, strengthens
methionine, Palmitic blood vessel &
acid, selenium capillaries,
Lime Citrus Fruit Alanine, α -pinene, Prevents
aurantifolia ascorbic acid, β - oxidation of fats
Sitosterol, caffeic & cholesterol,
acid, eugenol, linalyl immune
acetate, Palmitic modulatory
acid, tannin
Lemongrass Cymbopogon Leaves β-sitosterol, Refreshing &
citratus Myrcene, immune
Selenium modulatory
Myrrh Commiphora Resin β-Sitosterol, Effective against
myrrha exudates, campestrol, arthritis
sap eugenol
Nutmeg Myristica Seed, leaf Camphene, eugenol, Protects
fragrance γ- nervous
terpinene,isoeugenol system,used

, lauric acid, against
Myrcene, Palmitic Arthritis,rheumat
acid, terpene-4-ol ism, poor

oregano Origanum Leaves Thymol, rosemarinic Prevent ROS
vulgare acid formation,
immune booster

Olive Olea Leaf extract α -tocopherol, Immune

europaea apigenin, β - modulatory,
carotene, γ - maintain sugar
tocopherol, & cholesterol
kaempferol, Luteolin level
Peppermint Mentha Leaves Menthol,limonene Anticancerous
Periwinkle Catharanthu Entire plant Vincristine,binblastin anticancerous
s roseus e
Rosemary Rosemarionu Leaf extract, Carsonic Scavenges free
s officinalis Oleoresin acid,rosemaric acid, radical,inhibit
L. extract β -sitosterol lipid oxidation
Sandalwood Santalum Fruit, wood Alanine, eugenol, Refreshing,
album β -sitosterol, prevents
Palmitic acid, phenol premature
Thyme Thymus Plant, leaf 4-terpenol,alanine, Enhances blood
vulgaris β -carotene, caffeic circulation,
acid, camphene, γ - effective against
terpinene, carvacrol, sprains,
lycopene, myrcene, muscular pains,
Palmitic acid arthritis

Turmeric Curcuma Rhizome Curcumin Prevents free

domestica radical damage,

This review throws light on the different medicinal and aromatic plants which do have
the potential to be used as antioxidants. The plants can be used as such in the form
of extracts, essential oils absolute, oleoresins or isolates. These compounds can find
use in food products as well as in herbal cosmetics where we need to store the
product for fairly long period before reaching in the hands of customer. There still
exists a potential to search even more medicinal and aromatic plants which do have
antioxidant properties or even much better when two or more of them are used
At present there does exist a dire necessity to conduct work on such issues where
the potential of utilizing these plants could be harnessed. Undoubtedly, such thing
will find a good scope in today’s world where back to nature movement is advancing.

1. Mayo Clinic Health Letter, 1995,11, 1-2.
2. Institute of Food Research, Annual Report, 1997.
3. Larson, R., Phytochemistry, 1988, 27(40), 969-978.
4. Bray, T.M., Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 1999, 195.
5. Parmer Lane, GNC News, 1995, 1.
6. Good, David, ed., The American Journal of Medicine, 1994, (3a-5s)-(3a-12s).
7. Burne, etal, eds., New York Academy of Sciences, New York, 1987, 498,
8. Halliwell, B., Free Radical. Res., 1999, 31, 261-272.
9. Freiz, Balz., American Journal of Medicine, 1994, 97, 58.
10. Halliwell, Barry, The Lancet, 1994, 721-724.

# Jyotsna Mishra, R.K. Srivastava, S.V. Shukla and C.S. Raghav

Fragrance and Flavour Development Centre, Kannauj
Govind Nagar, Kanpur-208006
Mob.- 9935999497, 9415334050


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