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Devils, Dem
mons and Nephilim…
N …Oh My!
By Fred DeRuvo
Lately, I have been reading
r a number of boooks that delve
into the area
a of the Nephilim,
N fouund in the Bible
B in Geneesis
6. Whatt is interestinng of course is that the Bible
B really does
not say a whole lot about
a it. Theey are mentioned and sinnce
their preesence occurs prior to thee global Floood of which only
Noah annd his familyy along with all the animals were savved, it
becomess clear that itt was like duue to their prresence on thhe
earth, thaat many became so evil. This level of evil requiired
God to taake drastic action.
a Everrything had tot go since thhere
was nothhing left untoouched by thhe presence of o the Nephiilim,
except Noah.

What I particularly
p f
find fascinatiing is the facct that even
though God
G destroyeed the earth, killing all human
h life, thhese
same typpe of beings were found again in the book of
Coverr of upcomin ng *book Numberss, when the nation
n of Isrrael first approached the
Land of Canaan. Thhey were suppposed to go in and conqquer
the land and
a God was also going to use Israeel as His arm m of judgmennt. Instead, out o of the 122
spies thatt were sent into
i the land to scope it out,
o only twoo came backk - Joshua annd Caleb - wiith a
report whhich indicateed that they should
s go innto the land to
t conquer itt, because thhey believed that
the Lord would surelly give them m the victory.

The other 10 spies baasically stateed that to go in and try too conquer thhe land wouldd be a suicidde
mission. In the fact, the text states that the 10 spies said,, "there we saw
s the Nephhilim (the sons of
Anak, whho come from m the Nephillim), and we seemed to ourselves
o likee grasshopppers, and so we w
seemed too them," (Nu umbers 13:33). So here again is the use of the wordw "Nephillim," the sam me
word thaat was used in n Genesis 6.. So the 10 spies
s saw thee outward apppearance off these giants,
and in sppite of what the
t Lord hadd continuallyy done for Isrrael, and how w He had ovvercome eveery
obstacle for them, theey could nott see beyondd the outwardd. Because of o the reportt of the 10 sppies,
the peoplle sided withh the 10 spiees and moaneed, groaned and complaiined about itt to Moses. In I
fact, in thhe next chap
pter - Numbeers 14:10 - we
w see that thhe people weere literally ready
r to kill
Moses! It I was only the
t Lord's diirect intervenntion that keept Moses aliive.

Moving ahead
a a few thousand yeears to the liffe of Christ, we read Hiss words as He
H explainedd to
His disciples what it would be likke in the endd times, priorr to His retuurn. We findd the text in the
Olivet Diiscourse fou und in Mattheew 24, Markk 13 and Lukke 21. Whatt is interestinng here is hoow
Jesus stattes that durin
ng the time prior
p to His return,
r the days
d will be very
v reminisscent of the days
of Noah. Christ elab borates in Maatthew 24:388-39 by stating, "For as in those dayys before thee
flood theyy were eatinng and drinkking, marryinng and givingg in marriagge, until the day
d when NoahNo
entered the
t ark, and they were unnaware untill the flood caame and sweept them all away, so will be
the cominng of the Son n of Man."

So on onne hand, Chriist is saying that life willl go on as noormal for moost. They will not see
anything that makes them thing something
s sttrange is happpening. Buut if we take our cue from
Genesis 6, could it be possible that the time before Christ's return will see a return of the
Nephilim to the earth? If you talk to New Agers and Occultists, the testimony of "transmissions"
they've received over the years points to this very fact. Interestingly enough, in a book I am just
putting the finishing touches on titled Some of Satan's Major Lies Seen as Truth, I discuss one
aspect of church doctrine that has been denied for some time; the Rapture. Many within
Christendom do not believe for one reason or another that the Rapture is going to occur. They
do not see it taught in Scripture and because of that, they do not agree that it is an actual event.

Interestingly enough though, there are many within the New Age movement who have been
taught this very doctrine, by aliens! Sounds bizarre? Of course it does, until you begin to see
that these aliens may in fact be none other than demons and fallen angels masquerading as
intelligent beings from other worlds. These beings who have the ear of many within the New
Age movement, blatantly teach that one day in the not-too-distant future, a major evacuation of
upwards of 20 million people will be taken from the earth in "the twinkling of an eye." In fact,
what they teach is very similar to what the Bible teaches and they use the verbiage from the
Bible to drive their point home to these lost individuals who believe that "we are all god because
god is in all and through all."

The question then becomes, Why on earth would Satan waste time teaching LOST individuals a
doctrine that is absolute fantasy?!" There can only be one reason; he knows it will occur. On
one hand, he is teaching those who are lost that the event will happen, and at the same time, is
getting the word out among many within Christendom that the event will not occur! He is
playing both ends against the middle. If the event was not going to occur, there would be
absolutely no good reason for teaching those within the New Age movement that it was going to
occur. When it does occur, these folks will simply understand the reason for the event's
occurrence, which is that the 20 million people who have been taken, were evacuated because
they are holding the planet and its citizens back from evolving to the next evolutionary and
spiritual level! For those who may doubt this, do some research on the New Age movement and
their teachings.

Satan knows his time is short and he has only one card left to play in the form of the Antichrist.
He is setting the stage (with God's permission) to mount a fullscale offensive against God the
Son, as He returns at the end of the Tribulation/Great Tribulation. We know it will not succeed,
but he has to try anyway.

These are some interesting times; moreso than possibly any other period of history, due to the
proximity with the events of Matthew 24. Some things have already occurred and each day
draws us closer to the end. Just as it was in the days of Noah, when he preached for 120 years
that the end was coming, so is it today. Noah preached and people laughed. We preach and
people laugh, saying "Where is the promise of His coming?" (cf. 2 Peter 3:4)

Psalm 2 informs us that God has the last laugh, but even then, He offers salvation to those who
recognize their need for it. The time is short and even if the Tribulation/Great Tribulation is
1,000 years away from today, no one knows when their last day on this earth will be. It seems to
me that it is too much to risk by putting off a decision that will make a difference in eternity.
Many within this world are currently looking to 2012 as the final countdown and last hurrah of
present earth. They believe an end will come (though not the biblical end), and a new beginning
with occur after that. The truth is that the end will come; the end of this age. Christ returns and
sets up His kingdom from which He will rule for 1,000 years. Those who are His share that time
and forever after that with Him. Those who are not, will not. It is very simple and very plain.
Those who ignore the warnings are putting their very souls at risk. I pray that you will recognize
your need for Him as Savior.

*This book is currently in progress. More information can be found at the following website:

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