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We all know the feeling: We’ve blazed through a productive morning, banged out a

few important items on our to-do list, enjoyed the benefits of some post-lunchtime
energy—and then boom. Sometime around three o’clock we begin to move with the
speed and mental acuity of a tranquilized hippopotamus. Drooping eyelids, heavy
sighing, zero enthusiasm to accomplish anything else—but there are still several
more hours in the workday.

There’s a biological reason for this. According to the Sleep Foundation, our circadian
rhythms cause our alertness levels to rise and dip throughout the day, and on
average, people are the most tired shortly after lunch.

You need to do something to boost your energy, but what? While caffeine is always
an option, with its propensity to disrupt sleep, it may not be the best one to pep you
up in the mid- to late afternoon. Here are some other ways to beat those 3 p.m.

To feel less sleepy, eat a low-carb, protein-rich breakfast and lunch. Carbohydrate-
heavy foods turn to glucose quickly, which often leads to a spike in your blood
sugar—inevitably followed by a crash. Common symptoms of a blood sugar spike are
fatigue, blurred vision, and headache. The same unwanted spike can happen after
ingesting pretzels, chips, candy, and sugary energy drinks. So if you’re feeling
peckish, go for a snack high in protein, fiber or complex carbohydrates such as
almonds, peanut butter, yogurt, or hummus.
And your mom was right: You need to drink more water. Did you know even mild
dehydration can inhibit brain functioning? A 2018 study conducted by Nina
Stachenfeld, a senior research scientist at the Yale School of Medicine, found that
“mild body water loss impairs memory and executive function” and that “water
intake to recommended daily levels will improve cognitive function.” So don’t let
anyone make fun of that 40-ounce hydroflask.

Anecdotally, people have found improved focus while working at a standing desk—or
any surface that can support their computer at eye-level while they remain upright—
and even while chewing mint gum. Others swear by the positive effects of essential
oils. Ryan Neinstein, a New York-based plastic surgeon says, “For a quick pick me up
in the afternoon or after a workout, turning to peppermint oil can help replace that
extra cup of coffee.” Concentrated whiffs of sweet orange, lavender, or rosemary
essential oils are also recommended.

It goes without saying—but we will remind you anyway—that the average healthy
adult needs seven to nine hours of sleep a night to reach peak functioning, and
around half of us aren’t getting it. Even one hour less can impair mental acuity. So if
you really want to crush the day, hitting the hay earlier is a non-negotiable.

Speaking of which, the blue light our computers and phones emit is messing with
our sleep, as may suppress our body’s natural production of melatonin, the brain
chemical that makes us sleepy. Unfortunately (and we’re bummed about this as you
are), those marathon pre-bedtime TikTok scrolling sessions have got to go.
If you don’t have time to hit the gym or go for a run (which will increase endorphin
levels and improve mental focus), there are still some “quick-fix” ways to generate
more afternoon energy. Studies have shown that short periods of physical activity
are more effective at boosting energy than caffeine. Whether it’s a quick walk
outside, some stair-climbing, jumping jacks, or a stretching session (preferably in
the sunlight), even a small amount of movement can combat the mid-day slump.

Just as music can motivate you while exercising, it can also snap your brain out of a
late-afternoon fog. Listening to tunes increases concentration levels—and it could
inspire you to rock out and dance, killing two energy-boosting birds with one stone.
A few minutes of meditation have also been shown to increase oxygen intake and
improve focus. (The only trick is not to fall asleep the second you close your eyes.)

I can remember the days of being at the office and around 2PM people would start making their
way into the break area to grab an afternoon cup of joe. We’d stand around for a few minutes
asking “how’s it going” and other such small talk. I think in person interaction is what I miss
most about going into the office.

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