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Deborah Jane T.

Auguis IT2R4
Ethics written quiz

Hedonism is the assumption that the absence of suffering, or

satisfaction, is the most important factor for deciding the morality of a possible
course of action. As a theoretical approach to life's meaning, it states that a life is
intrinsically or essentially valuable or worthwhile based on and on account of the
happiness it includes less the misery, or suffering. Example, drug abuse is justified
by hedonists because it provides a sense of pleasure, although temporary. Is more
likely to make a person spendthrift than to encourage him to invest for the future.
Hedonists are unaware that long-term satisfaction comes at the cost of short-
term misery when it comes to health and financial prudence.

One of the most well-known and popular moral philosophies is

utilitarianism. Its central idea, like that of other types of consequentialism, is that
whether acts are good or bad is determined by their consequences. The only
consequences of behaviors that are important are the positive and negative
outcomes that they achieve. The philosophy of utility, which is at the core of
utilitarian moral philosophy, states that the right decision is the one that results in
the greatest overall happiness. Jeremy Bentham's philosophy was adapted by
John Stuart Mill, who argued that happiness is pleasure and the absence of
suffering. Mill did clarify, though, that there are greater and lower pleasures. For
example, if you're selecting ice cream for yourself, the utilitarian viewpoint is that
you should choose the flavor that will provide you with the most pleasure.

The term "evolution of morality" refers to the development of moral

actions in humans over the course of their evolution. Morality may be described
as a set of beliefs on what is and is not acceptable behavior. Morality is usually
associated with human actions in daily life, with no attention given to the social
behaviors of other species. Evolution has nurtured in humans a moral sense, a
tendency to be decent, according to evolutionary ethics, which seeks to close the
divide between philosophy and the natural sciences by arguing that natural
selection has instilled in humans a moral sense, a disposition to be good.

Positivism is a philosophical concept that claims that "genuine"

knowledge (knowledge of something that isn't true by definition) can only be
gained by direct observation of natural events and their properties and
relationships. As a result, sensory experience information, as interpreted by
reason and logic, is the sole source of all such knowledge. Positivism is equal to
law. It is law that’s we need to follow it because it is moral. If you follow, it is
good, if you will not follow, it is bad. A Christian who is completely certain that
God exists is an example of positivism. Positiveness as a quality or state;

Benefits of Communism It is a symbol of equality. It provides people

with access to health services, schooling, and jobs. Monopolies in the corporate
world are not allowed. Communism has a number of disadvantages. It stifles
personal growth. It imposes its will on the people. It does not have financial

Humanism is a way of life built on reason and our shared humanity,

acknowledging that universal principles can be based solely on human existence
and experience. In education, the humanistic theory is included. Humanistic
psychology is a historical outlook or philosophy of thought that places a greater
emphasis on human beings than on mystical or spiritual wisdom. Humans are
intrinsically healthy, and fundamental needs are critical to human action,
according to this scheme.

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