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Far Eastern University offers a National Service Training Program that focuses on Civic

Welfare Training Service. This program component aims to make the students be more
responsible for the community. Further, it focuses on health improvement, teaching,
surroundings, safety and being a good citizen of your community. In addition, NSTP encourages
us, the youth, to be more open and conscious. Also, it can develop the students’ dimension of
wellness. Another, CWTS can improve our knowledge about having devotion and dedication to
be involved in governmental organizations.

As a BS Nursing student who takes NSTP with a learning modality of Mixed Online
Learning, I will make this course more meaningful and worthwhile by putting extra effort on
every assessment that I will pass. Also, I will cherish every moment on every synchronous class
because we will only meet once a week and this is my first time having NSTP.

Having this program is more enjoying when the classes are face-to-face. For that reason,
the students can enjoy the activities that they will done while learning. To be honest, I really like
activities that can help people on the society because I also want to share my knowledge to
others. On the other hand, I will do my best to pass this course even if it is done online.

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