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9/3/2021 Quiz 1 | ISMA

Quiz 1 | ISMA
IS Business Strategy and Information Resources
* Required

1. Email *

2. Name *

3. Section *

Mark only one oval.

BSIS 4-1

BSIS 4-2

BSIS 4-3

Answer the following questions below to the best of your knowledge. Remember INTEGRITY is the key to success.

4. Information Systems Strategy Triangle *

Mark only one oval.

Is a coordinated set of actions to fulfill objectives, purposes, and goals.

Are means of orchestrating a firm's resources in the face of turbulent environments.

The alignment of Business Strategy, IS strategy, and Organizational strategy.

Is a plan articulating where a business seeks to go and how it expects to get there. 1/10
9/3/2021 Quiz 1 | ISMA

5. Strategy *

Mark only one oval.

Is a coordinated set of actions to fulfill objectives, purposes, and goals.

Results when the organization aims to be the lower-cost producer in a marketplace.

Are means of orchestrating a firm's resources in the face of turbulent environments.

Is a clear and compelling statement that unifies an organization's effort and describes
what the firm is all about (its purpose)

6. Dynamic capabilities *

Mark only one oval.

Is a coordinated set of actions to fulfill objectives, purposes, and goals.

Results when the organization aims to be the lower-cost producer in a marketplace.

Are means of orchestrating a firm's resources in the face of turbulent environments.

Is a clear and compelling statement that unifies an organization's effort and describes
what the firm is all about (its purpose)

7. Hypercompetition *

Mark only one oval.

Allows an organization to limit its scope to a narrower segment of the market and tailor
its offerings to that group of customers

The speed and aggressiveness of the moves and countermoves in a highly competitive
and turbulent market create an environment in which advantages are rapidly created and

Is a plan articulating where a business seeks to go and how it expects to get there.

The organization offers its product or service in a way that appear unique in the
marketplace. 2/10
9/3/2021 Quiz 1 | ISMA

8. Business Strategy *

Mark only one oval.

Allows an organization to limit its scope to a narrower segment of the market and tailor
its offerings to that group of customers

The speed and aggressiveness of the moves and countermoves in a highly competitive
and turbulent market create an environment in which advantages are rapidly created and

Is a plan articulating where a business seeks to go and how it expects to get there.

The organization offers its product or service in a way that appear unique in the

9. Differentiation *

Mark only one oval.

Allows an organization to limit its scope to a narrower segment of the market and tailor
its offerings to that group of customers

The speed and aggressiveness of the moves and countermoves in a highly competitive
and turbulent market create an environment in which advantages are rapidly created and

Is a plan articulating where a business seeks to go and how it expects to get there.

The organization offers its product or service in a way that appear unique in the

10. Mission *

Mark only one oval.

Allows an organization to limit its scope to a narrower segment of the market and tailor
its offerings to that group of customers

Results when the organization aims to be the lower-cost producer in a marketplace.

Is a clear and compelling statement that unifies an organization's effort and describes
what the firm is all about (its purpose)

Destroy competitive advantage to gain a better advantage 3/10
9/3/2021 Quiz 1 | ISMA

11. Creative destruction *

Mark only one oval.

Allows an organization to limit its scope to a narrower segment of the market and tailor
its offerings to that group of customers

Results when the organization aims to be the lower-cost producer in a marketplace.

Is a clear and compelling statement that unifies an organization's effort and describes
what the firm is all about (its purpose)

Destroy competitive advantage to gain a better advantage

12. Cost leadership *

Mark only one oval.

Allows an organization to limit its scope to a narrower segment of the market and tailor
its offerings to that group of customers

Results when the organization aims to be the lower-cost producer in a marketplace.

Is a clear and compelling statement that unifies an organization's effort and describes
what the firm is all about (its purpose)

Destroy competitive advantage to gain a better advantage

13. Focus *

Mark only one oval.

Allows an organization to limit its scope to a narrower segment of the market and tailor
its offerings to that group of customers

Results when the organization aims to be the lower-cost producer in a marketplace.

Is a clear and compelling statement that unifies an organization's effort and describes
what the firm is all about (its purpose)

Destroy competitive advantage to gain a better advantage 4/10
9/3/2021 Quiz 1 | ISMA

14. A strategy begins with a *

Mark only one oval.





15. Bits of information stored in the system *

Mark only one oval.





16. Involve stakeholders in the business via blogs, communities, or parties. *

Mark only one oval.




Networking 5/10
9/3/2021 Quiz 1 | ISMA

17. Extend the reach of stakeholders to find and connect with one-another. *

Mark only one oval.





18. Identify, describe, prioritize new ideas. *

Mark only one oval.





19. It is where the nodes, wires, and other transport media are. *

Mark only one oval.




Networking 6/10
9/3/2021 Quiz 1 | ISMA

20. What are the key IS structure components. Select all that applies. *

Check all that apply.


21. What are the ways to gain competitive advantages? Select all that applies. *

Check all that apply.

Cost Leadership
Building Alliances
Creative Destruction

22. Designing, developing, implementing IS *

Mark only one oval.

Technical skills

Management skills

Relationship skills

IT Capabilities 7/10
9/3/2021 Quiz 1 | ISMA

23. Outside organization (vendors, customers); Within the organization (Managers,

employees) *

Mark only one oval.

Technical skills

Management skills

Relationship skills

IT Capabilities

24. Managing the IT functions and IT projects *

Mark only one oval.

Technical skills

Management skills

Relationship skills

IT Capabilities

25. All are examples of ASSETS except for: *

Mark only one oval.

Proprietary technology (e.g. platforms)

Online community

Customer information

Knowledge 8/10
9/3/2021 Quiz 1 | ISMA

26. All are examples of CAPABILITIES except for:

Mark only one oval.

Technical skills of IT staff

Friendly, helping nature of IT staff


IT Platforms

27. In order to maximize the effectiveness of an organization's business strategy, the

manager must be able to identify and use information resources. *

Mark only one oval.



28. A link between a firm's IS strategy and organizational strategy focuses more on its
external requirements than internal requirements. *

Mark only one oval.



29. is an example of SAAS (Software as a service). *

Mark only one oval.


False 9/10
9/3/2021 Quiz 1 | ISMA

30. Unlike most assets, information resources do not lose value over time. *

Mark only one oval.



31. IS Strategy Triangle are composed of Business, Organizational, and Information

Strategy *

Mark only one oval.



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Forms 10/10

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