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Lecturer: DR. I SHATIKA

Mode of study: Full time and part time

Module: ID – Introduction to Dental Health Education and Promotion

Due date: 18 May 2021


 Your assignment must have a cover page with your name, student number

and course, lecturer name

 You must collect your cover page at reception/front desk

 The assignment must be the work of the student and not shared or completed

by any other student and must be typed

 Students will be penalized for plagiarizing or simply copying passages from

the study notes or web sites, other texts and from another student’s

assignment/project/rough work etc.

 Students may work together but must not submit similar or identical

assignments. You must be able to show that you worked independently

 Retain a copy of each assignment before submitting it, in case the original

does not reach the lecturer

 Students who are posting their assignments must ensure that the

assignment reached the lecturer before or on the due date

 Assignment may not be submitted via fax

 Your assignment must have references written in alphabetical order

 Use Times New Roman-12 to type your work. Your work must be justified

 Consult the lecturer if you do not understand the assignment

 Please proof read your work before print. (Grammar/spelling mistakes will

affect yours marks)

1. Explain how untreated gingivitis can eventually lead to tooth loss. (3 marks)
2. Describe several examples of eating and drinking behaviours that can cause acid damage to
the teeth. (5 marks)
3. Describe the conditions that affect oral health in older adults, and discuss
recommendations for better oral health for seniors. (5 marks)
4. Describe how special dentifrices work and what cautions must be observed in using them.
(5 marks)
5. Explain the specific benefits of dental floss, oral irrigation, mouth rinses, and
interdental/periodontal aids. (5 marks)
6. Discuss the role of fluoride in tooth development, reasons for administering fluoride to
children, and risks associated with too much fluoride during childhood development.
(5 marks)
7. Describe the correct procedure for applying topical fluoride, including prep work, use of
equipment, and instructions to the patient. (5 marks)
8. Review and discuss the dietary recommendations and identify situations in which patients
can especially benefit from nutritional advice. (5 marks)
9. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of various brushing techniques, and give reasons
for your own personal preference. (9 marks)
10. Explain how to use disclosing agents, including steps to be taken before, during, and after
the procedure. (8 marks)

Total: 55 Marks

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