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Topic: Describe your house or your neighborhood

or your village or town

Don’t you also think that same as a human being communities

also have personalities like they all have certain ways of doing the
same things have you ever felt its effect on you its almost always
learning experience they always add something to you, I have
been privileged to be born on this land where we have such a
dense, loving and versatile culture that whichever community or
place I go whether it is a house, neighborhood, village or a town I
only find something to learn.
But, today I’ll especially talk about my house I have two elder
siblings who are like 7,8 years older than me so many times I
have to explain any joke or meme that I show to my family thanks
to this fast pacing content culture. Also, there is a habit of
debating in my family which is super good for creativity,reasoning
and everything but believe me whenever it comes to bad
arguments it becomes a total haywire. I have learned many things
from my family but handling an argument well is not one of them .
but at end of all these churnings valuable things do come out, I
think this one thing separates my family from most of the families
that I saw over these years is that we don’t only have those
‘sanskars’ which is a lineage but we also have created a
mechanism to question and make some sort of definition of things
in this changing reality which is also an important mechanism to
My siblings are the silent type which is again a very prominent
thing I think 1st children have so I try to balance it out with my
extroverted energy which is again I guess is a natural thing if one
kid is not talkative chances are 2nd one could be extreme
opposite again these are just speculations an aspiring data
scientist is stating so don’t take it seriously just now let me have
enough data.

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