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Name : Nguyễn Đăng Khoa

Class : 1B
Nowadays, the quality of people's lives is increasing, and people have to
face various health problems such as diabetes and heart diseases. Out of
them, obesity is one. This essay will cast light on some noticeable reasons
and effective preventions of obesity.
There are several reasons why people are obese. An unhealthy diet is one
of the main factors causing obesity. For example, a kid overeats high-fat
food, fast food intake and absorbs less nourishment that provides a lack
of essential nutrients such as vitamins, proteins, and fibers will lead to
obesity and health risk. Another reason is that having asedentary lifestyle.
It is undeniable that calories in the body will not be burned off if lacking
physical activities. As a consequence, it enables the whole body to gain
weight rapidly.
Several effective obesity prevention measures can be used to help people
stay healthy. Changing a lifestyle is one of the basic preventions. It is
essential to consult a doctor or dietitian for a reasonable and safe.
Furthermore, doing sports activities is a healthy method of helping to lose
weight. A prime example is that patients can voluntarily do physical
exercises such as going to the gymnasium and swimming to reach their
desired weight. Another crucial prevention is changing a patient's attitudes
towards obesity. The encouragement and motivation from a psychological
counselor, therapist, family, and friend can help patients have a positive
attitude to their loss-weight process.
In conclusion, obesity is indeed a serious disease in modern life. However,
it can be prevented and cured when people maintain a healthy lifestyle
regularly in their daily life.

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