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ane me.” (ve | 1) & Inabouti40 words, write a paragraph about the measures of protecting endangered animals. Measures: - learn about endangered species to know about the wonderful wildlife - open/ build many national parks and wild-life preserves > have a habitat to survive - impose serious punishment to prevent people from poaching rare animals - buy and recycle sustainable products instead of purchasing products made from endangered species Sample writing (1) There are a number of measures that should be taken to protect endangered animals. (2) Firstly, we should learn about endangered species in our world to know how interesting and important they are. (3) Teaching our friends and family to know about the wonderful wildlife plays an important part in protecting animals that are in danger. (4) Secondly, the governments all over the world should open as many national parks and wild-life preserves as possible. (5) Therefore, animals will have a suitable habitat to survive and good condition to grow when they can be kept ina natural and safe environment. (6) Moreover, each nation should impose more serious punishment to prevent people from poaching rare and valuable animals. (7) Besides, we should make our environment friendly by recycling and buying sustainable products instead of purchasing products made from endangered species. (8) In conclusion, if we take actions to protect endangered animals, our lives will become better. Vocabulary - measure /‘mezer/ (n) ~ method: a way of achieving something, or a method for dealing with a situation: bién phap (150 words) E.g: What measures can we take to avoid terrorism? (Ching ta cé thé thu hién nhiing bién phép gi dé tranh dugc khiing b6?) - take measures/ adopt measures/ implement measures: thyc hién/ tién hanh bién phép - endangered /in'demdgad/ (adj): c6 nguy co tuyét ching (déng thue vat) + endangered birds/plants/species: animals or plants that may soon not exist because there are very few now alive: nhitng loai cé nguy al co tuyét ching - wildlife /‘warldlarf/ (n): animals, birds, insects, etc. that are wild and live in a natural environment: chim tht hoang da, giéi hiru sinh, déng vat hoang da E.g: a wildlife habitat: mi truéng séng hoang da Awildlife sanctuary: khu bao ton déng vat hoang da + wildlife conservation: su bao ton nhing loai thd, chim ring, sy bao tn dong vat hoang da - wildlife preserve ~ wildlife reserve ~a wildlife sanctuary: an area of land kept in its natural state, especially for wild animals to live in and be protected: khu bao tén déng vat hoang da - play an important part/ role in: déng vai trd quan trong... - to be in danger: dang gap nguy hiém, cé nguy co tuyét ching ~ on the brink of extinction + animals in danger of extinction (nhitng d6ng vat s4p/cé nguy co tuyét ching) - national park: von quéc gia - sustainable /sa'stemabl (adj): bén ving E.g: sustainable economic growth (sw phat trién kinh té bén ving) - habitat /‘hzebiteet/ (n): the place where a particular type of animal or plant is normally found: méi trudng séng E.g: the destruction of wildlife habitat (sw pha hiy mdi truéng séng cua déng vat hoang da) - survive /sa'varv/ (v): s6ng sot, ton tai E.g: These plants cannot survive in very cold conditions. (Nhing loai thuc vat nay khéng thé ton tai trong diéu kién thdi tiét Ianh.) -condition /ken'difn/ (n): diéu kién, tinh trang E.g: to be in bad/good/excellent condition (trong tinh trang toi t6/ t6t/ xuat sac) - environment /in'vairanmant/ (n): méi trudng E.g: a pleasant working environment (mdi truéng lam viéc thoai mai) - the environment (singular): the natural world in which people, animals and plants live E.g: pollution of the environment (6 nhiém mdi trwéng) -impose /1m'pauz/ (v): 4p dung + impose sth on/upon sth/ sb: 4p dung/ ap dat cai gi vao cai gi/ ai dé E.g: A new tax was imposed on fuel. (Thué mdi duc 4p dung vao nhién liéu.) - punishment /‘panifment/ (n): hinh phat + punishment for sth: hinh phat cho cai gi E.g: What is the punishment for murder? (Hinh phat cho toi giét nguoi lagi?) + capital punishment ~ death penalty: an tir hinh - poach /pautf/ (v) to catch and kill animals without permission on someone else’s land: san trom, cau tr6m - rare animals (n): déng vat quy hiém - Ménh dé quan hé - Cau bi.déng - how + adj +$+be - as many + N sé nhiéu + as possible - prevent sb from doing sth: ngan can ai lam gi dé - instead of: thay vi - Rit gon ménh dé quan hé: + We should make our environment friendly by recycling and buying sustainable products instead of purchasing products made from endangered species. > We should make our environment friendly by recycling and buying sustainable products instead of purchasing products which are made from endangered species. - Cau diéu kién loai 1 Hal Oc Analysis Introduction: Cau sé 1 Body: Tir cau s6 2 dén cau s6 7 Conclusion: Cau s6 8 Linking words: Firstly; Secondly; Therefore; Moreover; Besides; In conclusion % ag) Phan dich & Dé bak: Viét mée doan van vé cdc bién phdp & bao vé déng vat cb nguy co tuyét chung. Bai mau C6 nhiéu bién phap nén dugc thuc hién dé bao vé dong vat cé nguy co’ tuyét ching. Trwéc tién, ching ta nén hoc vé nhiing loai cé nguy co tuyét ching trén thé gidi cia ching dé biét duoc ching thi quan trong va tuyét voi nhw thé nao. Day cho nhitng ngudi ban va gia dinh cia ching ta biét vé thé gidi dong vat hoang da, dong vai tro quan trong trong viéc bao vé déng vat dang gap nguy hiém. Thr hai, chinh phi khdp thé giéi nén mé nhiéu khu vudn quéc gia va khu bao tén d6ng vat hoang da. Vi vay, déng vat sé c6 mdi truong séng bén ving dé tin tai va diéu kién tét dé phat trién khi ching dugc & mét méi trwong an toan va ty nhién. Hon nita, mdi quéc gia nén 4p dung nhiéu hinh phat nghiém khac hon dé ngan chan viéc con ngudi sin trém dong vat quy hiém. Ngoai ra, chiing ta nén lam cho méi trwong cia ching ta tré nén than thién bang viéc tai ché va mua nhirng san phém bén ving thay vi mua nhirng san phdm duoc lam tir dng vat cé nguy co’ tuyét ching. Tém lai, néu chting ta hanh déng dé bao vé déng vat cé nguy co’ tuyét ching thi cuédc s6ng cia ching ta sé trénén t6t hon. (oe EB “Write a paragraph about the following topic: There are many people wearing skins of dead animals. Why do people like it? Reasons: - wearing skins of dead animals makes us feel comfortable (soft, beautiful) - need to wear warm clothes in cold weather to survive - copy celebrities’ clothes and fashions to resemble their idols E ig Sample writing (1) People these days tend to wear many things such as clothes, handbags and hats which are made from dead animals for a variety of reasons. (2) First, it is understandable that wearing these things can make us feel comfortable because they are soft and look visually beautiful. (3) For example, when wearing fur coats or leather purse, girls not only become attractive and graceful in front of public, but also look very fashionable. (4) Secondly, people need to own warm clothes in cold weather. (5) Without them, they could hardly survive in winter. (6) Finally, an increasing number of teenagers seem to imitate their favorite celebrities’ fashions and habits. (7) This means that they are willing to pay a huge amount of money to purchase luxurious clothes made from dead animals because of the fact that they want to make themselves resemble their idols. (8) In summary, people of all ages use dead animals to meet their own needs. (152 words) - understandable /,anda'staendabl/ (adj): dé hiéu, cé6 thé hiéu duge E.g: Their attitude is perfectly understandable. (Thai d6 cua ho thi hoan toan cé thé hiéu duoc.) - attractive /a'traektiv/ (adj): quyén rd, hap dan E.g: an attractive girl (mét cé gai quyén ra) - graceful /‘grersful/ (adj): duyén dang E.g: The dancers were all tall and graceful. (Tat ca cdc vii céng thi cao va duyén dang.) - fashionable /'feefnabl/ (adj): hop thdi trang, ding mét E.g: fashionable clothes (quan 4o hop thoi trang) - celebrity /sa'lebrati/ (n): ngwoi ndi tiéng E.g: TV celebrities (ngwéi ndi tiéng trén truyén hinh) - imitate /‘imitert/ (v): bat chuéc : Teachers provide a model for children to imitate. (Gido vién cung cap mét kiéu mau dé bon tré bat churéc theo.) - purchase /'ps:tfas/ ~ buy (v): mua - luxurious /lag'guarias/ (adj): xa hoa, xa xi, sang trong E.g: a Juxurious hotel (mét khach san sang trong) - resemble /ri'zembl/ (v): giéng E.g: She closely resembles her sister. (C6 ay gan giéng chi gai.) - meet own needs: dap tmg c4c nhu cau riéng - people of all ages: moi ngudi 6 tat cd moi dé tudi - Ménh dé quan hé - Rat gon ménh dé quan hé: This means that they are willing to pay a huge amount of money to purchase luxurious clothes made from dead animals ... (Ss - itis understandable that ... - C4u tric: not only ... but also: khéng nhirng ... ma con - Cau tric véi because - Ménh dé quan hé - Cau bi dong LYON araivsis) Introduction: cau sé 1 Body: tir cau s6 2 dén7 Conclusion: cau sé 8 Linking words: First, For example; Secondly; Finally; In summary “ rinacs) & 6 bai: Co rat nhiéu nguéi mac da cha d6ng vat chét. Tai sao con ngudi thich diéu d6? Bai mau Ngay nay con ngwoi cé xu huéng mac nhiéu thir nhw quan do, ti x4ch va mii duoc lam tir dng vat chét vi nhiéu ly do. Truéc tién, cé thé dé hiéu ring mac nhing tht nay cé thé lam cho ching ta cam thay thoi mai béi vi ching thi nhe va tréng rat dep. Chang han nhw khi mac do choang da long thi hoac deo vi da thi cdc cé gai khong nhirng tré nén quyén ri va duyén dang truéc dam déng ma cdn trong rat hgp thdi trang. Thit hai, con ngudi can cé nhiing bé quan 4o 4m vao thdi tiét lanh. Khéng cé 6 4o 4m thi ho khé cé thé ton tai vao mia déng. Cuéi cing, nhiéu thanh thiéu nién dwong nhw mu6n bit chuéc thoi trang va thdi quen cia nhi¢ng nguéi néi tiéng ma minh yéu thich. Didu nay cé nghia 1a ho s&n sang tra mét sé wong tién lon dé mua nhimg b6 quan 4o xa xi dugc lam tir dong vat chét bdi vi ho mu6n lam cho chinh minh tréng gidng véi than twong cia minh. Tém lai, con ngwdi & moi dé tuéi sir dung déng vat chét dé dap tng nhu cau riéng cia minh. Hal (983) & Inabout 140 words, write a paragraph about the benefits of zoos. - play an important role in wildlife conservation (protect endangered species, such as pandas). - provide job opportunities and income for the local people (employ many people. - be interesting, educational and fun (see animals, touch them and learn about them. | Sample writing (1) Itis true that a wide variety of zoos are being built to keep animals, which can have some advantages. (2) To begin with, zoos play an important part in wildlife conservation because they can help to protect endangered species such as pandas from being killed. (3) Secondly, zoological gardens provide employment opportunities for many local people. (4) In fact, there are a large number of people who are employed to feed, take care of and protect animals. (5) Lastly, zoos can help to educate and entertain children. (6) They can have the opportunity to learn about animals not only from books and TV programs but from observing them directly, which can help them broaden their knowledge. (7) Besides, it is interesting when they can see animals, touch them and even feed them. (8) In conclusion, zoos can be important because of their considerable benefits. (138 words) Vocabulary - conservation /,konso'verfn/ (n): sy bao ton E.g: to be interested in wildlife conservation (quan tam dén sw bdo tn d6ng vat hoang da) 2a - wildlife /‘waildlaif/ (n): animals, birds, insects, etc. that are wild and live in a natural environment: chim tht hoang da, gidi hiru sinh, dong vat hoang da. - endangered species (n): loai cé nguy co’ tuyét chting E.g: The sea turtle is an endangered species. (Rua bién 1a loai cé nguy co’ tuyét ching) - a conservation area for endangered species. (khu vc bao tin loai cé nguy co’ tuyét ching) - panda /'penda/ (n): géu trac - zoological /,zu:9'lnd3ikl/ garden ~ zoo (n): vwon bach thi - employment opportunities ~ job opportunities (n): co hdi nghé nghiép, co’ hdi viéc lam - employ /1m'plor/ (v): thué (ai) lam gi E.g: How many people does the company employ? (Céng ty thué bao nhiéu nguoi?) - take care of ~ look after: cham s6c - educate /'edzukert/ (v): giao duc > education (n): su gido duc E.g: The campaign is intended to educate the public to respect the environment. - entertain /enta'tem/ (v): giai tri, tiéu khién E.g: Most children’s television programmes aim to educate and entertain at the same time. (Da phan cdc chuong trinh ti vi cho tré nhé nham muc dich viva gido duc va giai tri dng thoi.) - observe /ab'z3:v/ (v): quan sat E.g: J want you to observe all the details. (T6i muén ban quan sat tat ca cdc chi tiét.) - broaden knowledge: mé rong kién thtrc E.g: J want to study in a prestigious university to broaden my knowledge. - Ménh dé quan hé - Ménh dé trang ngir véi because, when - protect sb/ sth from sth/ doing sth: bao vé ai/ cai gi tlr cai gi - provide sth for sb ~ provide sb with sth: cung cap cai gi cho ai - not only ...but also: khong nhiing ... ma con f IS Analysis - Introduction: Cau s6 1 - Body: Cau sé 2 dén cu s6 7 - Conclusion: Cau sé 8 - Linking words: To begin with; Secondly; In fact, Lastly; Besides; In conclusion | Phan dich) & Oébai: ié&t mot doan van vé lot ich cda vudn béch the Bai mau Ro rang rang nhiéu khu vudn bach thi dang duoc xay dung dé gitr dong vat, di8u ma co mét sé thuan Igi. Trude tién, sé thu 1a phan quan trong trong viéc bao tén déng vat hoang da béi vi ching cé thé gitip bao vé cdc loai cé nguy co tuyét chting nhu g4u tric khdi bi giét chét. Tht hai, von bach thi cung cap co’ hdi viéc lam cho nhiéu ngwdi dan dia phuong. Thu té, cé nhiéu ngwdi duoc thué dé cho d6ng vat an, cham séc va bao vé chting. Cudi cing, vwn bach thu cé thé gitip gido duc va giai tri bon tré. Ching cé co’ hdi hoc vé déng vat khéng nhitng tir sch va cdc chwong trinh tivima cdn tir viéc quan sat chang truc tip, diéu ma cé thé giip ching mo rong kién thirc. Ngoai ra, that 1a thd vi khi chting cé thé nhin thay d6ng vat, sd vao chting va cho ching an. Tom lai, vwon bach thi quan trong vi nhiing loi ich dang ké cia ching. (38) & Inabout 140 words, write a paragraph about the disadvantages of zoos, Outline Disadvantages: - Zoos are artificial environments (animals are kept in cages > rely on humans > lose their instinct and freedom to hunt for food): Vwon bach thi 1a méi trwong nhan tao (déng vat bi nhét trong chudng > 1é thudc vao con ngwdi > mat di ban nang va tu do dé san tim thtgc an) - Zoos is unethical (have no right to use animals for entertainment and profit): Vwon bach tha thi khong hop dao dirc (khéng cé quyén dé ding déng vat cho muc dich giai tri va loi nhuan) You writing (oe EB “ Inabout 140 words, write a paragraph about the advantages of animals testing/ experiments on animals. [2% outine ) Advantages: - test the effect of new drugs > find the most effective treatment for incurable illnesses such as AIDS and cancer > make a contribution to the medical development (kiém tra duoc hiéu qua cia thuéc méi > tim ra cAch chia tri hiéu qua nh&t cho nhimng can bénh khéng thé citu chira duoc nhuw AIDS va ung thu -> gop phan vao sy phat trién y hoc) - Experiments on animals help teachers and students expand their biological knowledge (cAc thi nghiém trén déng vat gitip gido vién va hoc sinh cé thé mé rong kién thttc y hoc cia minh) - Some animals provide humans with essential organs for transplantation (Mét sé déng vat cung cp cho con ngwdi nhirng co quan can thiét cho viéc cay ghép) [2 I

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