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Info Interviews, Tech Skills, and Tips for Success

KNES 297: Foundations of Exercise Science

Guided Notes

A. Informational Interview Assignment Overview:

1. What day is your interviewee list due? _2/5/2021__________
2. What day is your first informational interview due?_2/26/2021____________
3. You need to interview someone in _4/16/2021__________
4. You can interview a relative. (select one) TRUE FALSE
5. What methods of communication are acceptable for the interview? Phone call, skype,
zoom, facetime, in person
6. Your assignment must include a __cover___ page and __2-3_ -page reflection paper
where you should focus on what you think about the information you learned.
a. Good rule of thumb- for every fact you share, tell me your __opinion_____.
7. What file types are acceptable?
a. word document
b. pdf
8. What folder is this assignment found in? __Professional Preparations Plan
9. What other folder contains helpful resources? ____Professional Preparations Plan

B. Technology Skills
1. You have free access to Microsoft Office through TU. (select one) TRUE FALSE
2. Screenshots:
a. What keyboard command, specific to your operating system, will you be using to
take screenshots for this class? _____command+shift+4 (or 3)______
b.Insert a screenshot of our KNES 297 Blackboard homepage here:
C. Tips for Success
1. The Study Cycle:
a. ___50__ min of study with __10____ min break is ideal
b.List 3 appropriate “break” activities:
1. eating a snack
2. stretching
3. drinking water
c. List 2 inappropriate “break” activities:
1. social media
2. playing games on phone
D. To be successful online:
1. Use the same ____habits_____ as you would ___in a traditional classroom_________
a. Take good quality __notes_____
b.Avoid ____social media_________
c. Pick a good environment (or the best you can)
2. Manage your time (see weekly planning sheet on last page… yes you must fill it out!)
E. To be successful outside the classroom:
1. List 3 resources you can use & what they can help you with:
a. office hours: Time available to come in and talk w/ professors about
b. Academic advisor: helping to select classes for next semester to keep on track
c. Tutoring&Learning center: offer one on one tutoring for extra help in classes
F. Email communication with Faculty & Staff (or any professionals)
1. Essential Components (provide examples/descriptions of each one):
a. Subject: ___KNES 297_______
b.Greeting: ___Good Afternoon Professor Z.___________
c. Body of email: ____Complete sentences_____________
d.Closing Remarks
e. Signature: ___Danyelle Spaar________
Semester __SP21_______

Monday Tuesday Wednesda Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

3:00 am Wake Up Wake Up Sleep Sleep Wake Up Sleep Sleep
3:30 am Eat Eat Eat
4:00 am
4:30 am Work - Work - Work -
5:00 am
5:30 am
6:00 am Eat
6:30 am
7:00 am Work - OTF Eat Eat
7:30 am Exercise
8:00 am Exercise Study
8:30 am Exercise Eat
9:00 am
9:30 am Eat Study
10:00 am Study Study Work -
10:30 am
11:00 am Eat Eat
11:30 am Eat
noon KNES 297 KNES 297 Eat KNES 297
12:30 pm BIOL 221L
1:00 pm
1:30 pm Study
2:00 pm BIOL 221 BIOL 221
2:30 pm Eat
3:00 pm
3:30 pm
4:00 pm Work - SF Work - SF Work - Work - Work - SF Work - SF
4:30 pm
5:00 pm Study
5:30 pm
6:00 pm
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
7:30 pm Eat
8:00 pm Study
8:30 pm
9:00 pm Eat Eat
9:30 pm
10:00 pm Eat Eat Eat
10:30 pm Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep
11:00 pm Sleep Sleep
11:30 pm

*above schedule subject to change weekly*

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