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A court in Rwanda has found the former hotel manager who is credited with saving

hundreds of people during the 1994 genocide guilty of related crimes. Paul rusesabagina whose
actions inspired the Hollywood movie Hotel Rwanda is expected to receive a lengthy prison
sentence. He was accused of being the mastermind (вдохновитель) and financier of the group
that carried out attacks in Rwanda in 2018 killing 9 people. The strong critic of President Paul
kagame admitted sending money to the armed group but denied involvement in the attacks.
Correspondence in Nairobi Catherine byaruhanga says Mr rusesabagina’s family describe the trial
as a sham (подделка), they say that he has not committed these crimes. They said the government
didn’t provide evidence that site the fact that we have a statement from his comic use the question
how those statements were arrived at. They also question the way that he has been treated during
this trial. Say for example has not had access to the lawyers of his choice now. There are the
option to turn to the international community is a Belgian citizen that turn into the Belgian
government to try and put some leverage on the road and government.
A gunman has killed 6 people to university in Russi. 26 were injured during the shooting
a perm university in the urals[ю]. A young man armed with a gun walked to the Campus of perm
State University and started shooting. Hearing gunshots some students and teachers barricaded
themselves inside classrooms. Others in panic jumped from for windows. At least 6 people were
killed. Police shot the government he's been treated in hospital. The attacker is reported to be a
student earlier. He allegedly posted on social media, but he was consumed with
hatred[ненависть] and wanted to destroy everything in his path.
Hong Kong Stock Exchange has halted[приостановить] trading in shares of a Chinese
property developer. After their value collapsed by nearly 90% there affairs uncertainty[возникла
неопр-ть] over another Chinese real estate company evergrande is spreading to other developers
and beyond the sector. There's a sudden sell-off of Scenic stock in a phonetic few hours on
Monday afternoon before the trading was stopped. Shares in a number of property companies in
Hong Kong with down some Chinese banks, also it's all linked to uncertainty of another Chinese
real estate company evergrand kg and enormous 300 billion and has warned it might not be able
to pay back all its debts. Anxiety will continue until Gran comes up with a clear solution on the
Chinese government steps.
The head of the world Health Organization tedros adhanom Ghebreyesus is in Kabul
when he's expected to discuss the needs of Afghan clinics and hospitals. Taliban officials say they
will meet the prime minister and the acting foreign minister. Dr tedros arrived 4 weeks after the
World Bank suspended financial support to afghanistan's health sector in response to the Taliban
military takeover
A volcano eruption of the Spanish island of the Palmer has forced hundreds of people to
spend the night camped out in to local football stadiums. police said 5000 people were evacuated.
No injuries or deaths have been reported. The eruption in the mountain range began yesterday
with the loud explosion followed by clouds of ash and streams of lava.
The head of the local government Marianna ErnandeZ Sopato said the Lovers impact have been
devastating. several roads have been closed and some fly between the Canary Islands have been
cancelled.This is the first volcanic eruption of it's kind in Spain for 50 years. They have been
thousands of tremors on the island and recent days suggesting interruption could be imminent but
the authorities will not expecting it to happen soon.
European Union 4 minutes due to discuss the impact of Australia's cancellation of a
submarine order from France later today. European Commission spokesperson said the meeting
would analyse the implications for trade talks it was due to hold with Australia next month.
Canadian voting for the second time in less than 2-years to elect a new government. The
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau call the snap vote [досрочное голосование] hoping to capitalise
on overseeing the covid-19 vaccine program and saying he wanted voters views on the way
forward after the pandemic. opposition parties say Trudeau called the election hoping to regain a
parliamentary majority.

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