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The UN says it's giving 45 million in emergency funds to Afghanistan in the hope of

preventing the collapse of the healthcare system. this injection of emergency cash comes just two
days after the head of the world Health Organisation visited Kabul for talks about the crisis. last
month by the World Bank and other donors to suspend aid in response to the Taliban take over as
caused chaos for a system which was already fragile and overburdened there are concerns about the
millions of Dollars will be spent. It's not a long-term solution, but it may keep the Healthcare system
functioning until the end of the year.
A top aide at the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky has survived an assassination
attempt. police said at least 10 bullets . photos show Mr sheffy is car peppered with bullets the vehicle
came under fire in a wooded area just outside the capital Kiev. Mr shaffir escaped unscathed but his
driver was hit several times and it's been taken to hospital. It's not clear at this point why Mr Sheffield
was targeted but many are assuming that it's because he's such a close and long-standing aid of
ukraine's President Vladimir zelenskiy. Some are openly speculating to The Assassination attempt is
linked to president salinsky efforts to take on the rich businessman, who dominats ukraine's economy
media and political life.
Donald Trump has sued[подать иск] the New York Times and his niece for 100000000 dolars
of an article about his wealth based on confidential tax records. The Pulitzer prize-winning
investigation by the New York Times challenged Donald Trump's claims of self made wealth by
alleging have received huge sums of money from his father through fraudulent[ˈfrɔːdjʊl(ə)nt
] tax schemes. the former US presidents niece Mary trump revealed last year the sheep in the
main source of the tax records and wanted to take him down. the lawsuit claims that she breached the
confidentiality agreement . in response one of the time supporters treated I think they call that
journalism. Trump’s niece described her estranged uncle as a loser and said the walls were closing in
on him.
A rebel leader in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo has been sentenced to life in
prison for war crimes and crimes Against Humanity. Chance Mihonya, an army deserter, set up a
rebel group in 2017 in the Kahuzi Biega National Park
and military Court found him guilty of kidnapping and torturing dozens of people from several
villages in the park. It was also convicted of recruit soldiers and exploiting the country's mineral

The latest study into the state of the world's oceans has one that sea levels are continuing to
rise rapidly by about 3 mm a year. it says arctic sea ice is declining at an alarming pace with an area
equivalent to 6 times the size of Germany lost over four decades. the reports by the copernicus marine
service calls the changes unpresidented.
the imprisoned self-proclaimed revolutionary Carlos the Jackal has re-emerged in the French
court in a bit to have one of his three life sentences reduced. the 71 year-old Venezuelan whose real
name is Alicia Ramirez Sanchez has been behind bars in France since 1994 following his attacks over
two decades often in support of the Palestinian cause.
the TV streaming company Netflix says bought the entire works of Roald Dahl allowing it to
create animated series and other content based on the latest British authors books. Netflix believe that
they have bought the golden Ticket acquiring the Roald Dahl story company means they now have
the intellectual property and rights to all the offers to reason characters. some of the new live action
films and animated series will be completely news stories, but this deal is about more than creating
content for the streaming giant there also plans computer games live theatre shows and merchandise
signing such a well-known body of work is another example of how streaming services use
established brands to try and attract new audiences and retain the existing subscribers.
new research in Britain shows the tiny antibodies produced by llamas could be used to treat
coronavirus in the form of a nasal spray. scientists have found that the so-called nanobody's
effectively target the sars Cov 2 virus
A surge in gas prices has hit consumers and energy firms in the UK, with knock-on effects for
the food industry and supplies of carbon dioxide.

Elsewhere in Europe, consumers are also facing a steep rise in energy bills, and governments
are scrambling to help. The crisis has highlighted the difficulty for Europeans in funding the move to
renewable energy.

Consumers' bills have spiralled here in recent months, with the cost of electricity increasing
35% over the last year and nearly 8% in August alone.

More than 40 European Union lawmakers, mostly from eastern and Baltic states, have
appealed to the European Commission to launch an investigation into Russia's state gas company
Gazprom. They suspect it had been restraining its supply to push up prices and pressure Germany to
expedite the launch of Nord Stream 2, a gas pipeline that runs from Russia and under the Baltic Sea to

Moscow's Election Monitoring Public Committee found no trace of any "hacking and stuffing"
after a recheck of the city's e-voting results, initiated after a series of complaints from opposition
figures over alleged irregularities.

according to venediktov the technical working group will continue to analyze primary data and
develop the system in terms of transparency and openness.

The veteran journalist has been an evangelist for online voting and believes it is a significant
step forward for the future of Russian democracy.

The recount was initiated after the country's Communist Party announced that it would refuse
to recognize the electronic votes cast in Moscow, alleging falsifications. The party's suspicions were
raised after the results in certain constituencies changed dramatically after electronic ballots were

On Wednesday, the Communists announced that they would be meeting in the center of
Moscow on Saturday to protest the results of electronic voting.

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