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Yarn Manufacture-II - Self-Evaluation( Quiz-2)

1)Tension change wheel in roving frame is changed to adjust the apron

tension in drafting.


2)The spindle top inserts are used in roving frames to introduce

Real twist in the roving

Real draft in the roving
False twist in the roving
False draft in the roving

3)If there is problem of undrafted ends in ring frame, what parameter

would you consider changing in the roving frame?

Total draft
Roving twist density
Break draft
Top arm pressure

4)Typical roving count is

0.5 to 3s Ne
0.05 to 0.1s Ne
5-10s Ne
20-50s Ne

5)The speed of the bobbin rail in roving frame

Keeps on increasing as the bobbin builds up

Keeps on decreasing as the bobbin builds up
Does not change at all
Remains constant for first few layers and decreases after that

6)Flyer lead type of winding is preferable for winding of cotton rovings.


7)The Flyer speed in roving frame

Keeps on increasing as the bobbin builds up
Keeps on decreasing as the bobbin builds up
Does not change at all
It changes with the speed of the bobbin

8)Typical draft given in roving frame is

35 and above

9)The builder mechanism in a conventional roving frame has cone

drums with hyperbolic surfaces. The belt is shift

Is equal for every layer formation

Increases for every layer formation
Decreases for every layer formation
Depends upon the position of winding

10)The slivers are traversed in the drafting system. The purpose of

traversing is to

Provide some twist to the fibre strand

Avoid damage to the drafting rollers due to abrasion
Provide strength to the fibre strand
Remove short fibres

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