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Holy Spirit Baptism

What Does the Bible Say about It?
1. Six times in NT: Matthew 3:11; Mark 1:8; Luke
3:16; John 1:33; Acts 1:5, 11:16.
 Always promise, never command
 Joel 2:28-32 – Promise to “all flesh” (but
representatively as the world can’t receive the
Spirit –John 14:17)
 Christ promised it to the apostles (Luke 24:49;
Acts 1:5), and the occurrence at Cornelius’ house
is the only other mentioned in the Bible.
 It isn’t the same thing as believer’s baptism which is what is in view in Matthew 28 and Acts 2 (see
Acts 8).
2. Matthew 3:11:
 Two baptisms mentioned
o “John the Baptist was addressing a mixed multitude, those who ‘accepted’ his message, and
those who ‘rejected’ it. Hence, the baptism in the Holy Spirit applied to one class, while the
baptism in fire applied to another class” – (Operation of the Holy Spirit, Tract) F.W. Smith.
o Matthew 3:12 then see Revelation 20:14-15. The baptism of fire is hell.
 Baptism always means an immersion. The preposition in 3:11 is “in.” Holy Spirit baptism means
full immersion in the Spirit.
3. John 14:15-26, 15:26, 16:7-15
 Jesus made these promises directly to the apostles, and they apply only to them in the direct
sense, however, they also apply to us through them (we’ll study about the work of the Spirit,
especially his work through the word in a later lesson).
4. The Bible never defines Holy Spirit baptism, but offers descriptions of it when it occurred.
1. Acts 2:2-3:
 Sound of mighty, rushing wind, cloven tongues of fire, miraculous knowledge demonstrated in
speaking in tongues and content of Peter’s sermon
o “The immersion… consists in their being so filled with the Holy Spirit as to be attended by a
miraculous physical power, and to exercise a miraculous intellectual power” (Original
Commentary on Acts, McGarvey, p.25).
 Purpose: To fulfill their mission the apostles needed power and such that no amount of moral
fiber or piety could supply. They needed divine power to remember all Jesus had said and to
pierce heaven to understand the whole truth of the kingdom of God. There was only one way to
get this power. There were only a few ways to prove they had it, but the way they did prove it to
the crowds was the best way possible (paraphrased from McGarvey, p.26).
2. Acts 10:44-46
 We read nothing of a mighty wind or tongues of fire, but we do see the sign of tongues-speaking.
 Peter’s later references to this event prove it was Holy Spirit Baptism: Acts 11:16, 15:8
 Purpose: Not to make them believe (10:1-2). Not to save them (Acts 11:13, 10:47-48 –incidentally,

we’ve now discussed four baptisms in the NT). It was to fulfill the promise of Holy Spirit Baptism

upon all flesh (Joel 2), which proved the gospel is for Gentiles as they are, as well as for Jews.

Holy Spirit Series – Lesson 3 – Joshua Pappas

Holy Spirit Baptism

3. (a) The two accounts of Holy Spirit Baptism are

similar, but not identical. (b) Neither Acts 10, nor any
reference to it implies Cornelius and household
became apostles or had the apostolic ability to pass
on miraculous gifts by the laying on of hands (Acts
8:14-18, clearly distinguishes between “baptism in
the name of the Lord Jesus,” and receiving
miraculous power from the Spirit, we’ll study this
further in the next lesson), (c) though the household
did receive divine knowledge (at least) directly
without apostolic mediation. (d) Holy Spirit baptism
didn’t make apostles, Jesus’ choice did. Scripture
doesn’t say whether Paul received Holy Spirit
Baptism, but he did receive direct divine power and knowledge without apostolic mediation and had
the ability to pass on gifts just like the other apostles (Galatians 1:11-12; 2Timothy 1:6). There are no
other examples of believers receiving the miraculous measure of the Holy Spirit apart from an apostle
laying his hands on them.
Is Holy Spirit Baptism Available Today?
One Baptism
1. Ephesians 4:3-6
 Only one baptism was intended to last throughout the duration of the present age. Holy Spirit
Baptism wasn’t commanded and was never promised to every person. It cannot be the one.
Baptism of fire refers to Judgment Day. It certainly isn’t the “one baptism” for Christians. Baptism
of suffering, persecution, or martyrdom is a figure of speech, not a baptism to be administered by
the church as fundamental to the faith. John’s baptism ended at the cross (Acts 19). The only one
it can be in believer’s baptism! The one commanded in Matthew 28:19, Mark 16:16, acts 2:38 and
many other passages.
2. Though we enjoy the blessings flowing from those who were fully immersed in the Spirit in
past times. I do not believe Holy Spirit Baptism is available today.
3. We receive the “indwelling” of the Holy Spirit as a blessing that follows believer’s baptism.
The two are not the same thing.

Next week: Miraculous Gifts


Holy Spirit Series – Lesson 3 – Joshua Pappas

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