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8Nama : Priska Claudia M.

Jurusan : Administrasi Bisnis ( sore )

Semester : VI (6)

Rangkuman :


Modals are auxiliary words which do not change grammatical / grammatical forms.

Berikut kata bantu yang digunakan Modals :

CAN reveal: ability, permission, possibility

COULD revealed: past abilit, permission

MAY revealed: possibility, permission

WILL reveal: assumption, mild promise, request, refusal

MIGHT revealed: possibility, permission


Beberapa ketentuan dalam penggunaan Modals:

Modals diikuti oleh kata kerja dasar

Modals dapat digunakan dalam semua subjek tanpa harus menambahkan akhiran s

Gunakan modals di depan subjek dalam membuat kalimat tanya.

Tambahkan NOT dalam membuat kalimat negatif.

Business English: Making Appointments

Being able to make, change, and cancel appointments is an important skill in business English. Here
are some expressions that you can use in an e-mail in a concise and clear manner.

Request an appointment

(formal situation)

I want to arrange an appointment to discuss ....

would you please indicate a suitable time and place to meet?


Is it possible to meet on (date) in your / our office to discuss ...?


Can we meet (talk) about ...?

Suggest time

Is Tuesday right for you?

Will you be available on Tuesday?


How about…?

Let's say ...

Approve the appointment


Thank you for your email. I am willing to discuss it .... on (date) at (time and place).

(neutral / informal)

Tuesday sounds good. should we say around (time) in (place)?

Said time was uncomfortable


Unfortunately, I will be away on business for the week of July 6-11, so I will not be able to meet you
at that time. however, if you are there the following week, I will be happy to arrange a meeting with

I will be out of the office on Wednesday and Thursday, but I will be available on Friday afternoon.

Cancel an appointment


Unfortunately, due to some unexpected business, I am unable to fulfill the promise for tomorrow

is it possible to set another time at the end of the week?


I worried that I had to cancel our meeting on Wednesday, because something unexpected had

Are you free to meet early next week?



I apologize for the inconvenience caused.


Sorry about the cancellation.

Request confirmation

Please confirm whether this date and time is right for you.


can you tell me if this suits you?

Write to someone you don't know

if you don't know the person, you should provide some background information about yourself or
your company .

How to leave and take telephone messages

Start receiving and leaving phone call messages

Even when you already know that someone isn't there, the best way to leave a message usually
starts with asking the person you want to talk to, with phrases like:

- Caller: "HelloCan I speak to ... please? "

- Caller: "Good morning. Can you connect me with ... please? "

- Caller: "Good afternoon. Can you connect me to ... please? "

There are also more informal versions like "Do ... there?" but "I want to talk to ..." and "Please
connect me / contact me ..." too pushy and therefore rude even in casual situations.

No need to say your name at this time. You give a name when leaving a message, and saying it now
means they have to ask you to repeat it later. You can immediately tell your name if you know the
person you are talking to.

Receive and leave telephone messages

After giving bad news about someone who is not there, the recipient must then immediately offer to
take the message.

If the recipient does not offer, you can ask to leave a message.

it is rarely possible to reject a request to leave a message, so the recipient will almost certainly
answer with a positive answer

Although not recommended, callers can sometimes go directly to phrases to give messages such as
"Can you tell him that I need ...?" without the more general "Can I leave a message?" first phrase. In
such cases, the recipient may have to ask them to wait.

check / Clarify / Deal with communication problems when taking and leaving messages on the phone
if there is something about what is dictated that tends to be difficult to understand or write, the
caller can help by providing further details

Direct and Indirecy Question

Indirect Question

Pengertian Indirect Question

Indirect question adalah bentuk pernyataan yang mengungkapkan pertanyaan orang lain (reported
speech) yang telah dikatakan secara langsung (direct speech) dengan mengubah format
pembicaraan tersebut sehingga menjadi lebih jelas, alami, dan efisien bagi pendengarnya.

Karena merupakan reported speech, indirect question tidak menggunakan question mark (tanda
tanya) di akhir kalimatnya.

Rumus Indirect Question

Berbeda dengan direct question yang subject dan verb-nya bertukar posisi, subject pada indirect
question diletakkan sebelum verb. Adapun rumus indirect question pada yes/no question
(pertanyaan yang meminta jawaban ya/tidak) dan wh-question (pertanyaan akan informasi) adalah
sebagai berikut.

Yes/No Question

Introductory Clause + if/whether + S + V*

Wh- Question

Introductory Clause + Wh-word** + S + V*

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