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NAME: ______________________________________ DATE: ________________

YEAR & SECTION: ______________________________ SCORE: ________________


(NCM 103-SL)

Legend: Done Student performs consistently in an effective and efficient manner

Not Done No progress in performance has been demonstrated and/or
Performance is consistently ineffective and inefficient

Competencies Done Not Remarks

1. Before transferring a client, assess the following
 The client’s body size
 Ability to follow instructions
 Activity tolerance
 Muscle strength
 Joint mobility
 Presence of paralysis
 Level of comfort
 Presence of orthostatic hypotension
 The technique with which the client is familiar
 The space in which the transfer will be maneuvered
 The number of assistants needed to accomplish the transfer safely
 The skill and strength of the nurse
2. Explain the transfer process to the client. During the transfer, explain step
by step what the client should do, for example, “Move your right foot
3. Wash hands and observe other appropriate infection control procedures
4. Provide for client privacy
5. Position the equipment appropriately
 Lower the bed to its lowest position so that the client’s feet will rest
flat on the floor. Lock the wheels of the bed
 Place the wheelchair parallel to the bed as close to the bed as
possible. Put the wheelchair on the side of the bed that allows the
client to move toward his or her stronger side. Lock the wheels of
the wheelchair and raise the footplate
6. Prepare and assess the client
 Assist the client to a sitting position on the side of the bed
 Assess the client for orthostatic hypotension before moving the
client from the bed
 Assist the client in putting on a bathrobe and non-skid slippers or
 Place a transfer belt snugly around the client’s waist. Check to be
certain that the belt is securely fastened
7. Give explicit instructions to the client. Ask the client to:
 Move forward and sit on the edge of the bed
 Lean forward slightly from the hips
 Place the foot of the stronger leg beneath the edge of the bed and
put the other put forward
 Place the client’s hands on the bed surface or on your shoulders so
that the client can push while standing
8. Position yourself correctly
 Stand directly in front of the client. Lean the trunk forward from
the hips. Flex the hips, knees, and ankles. Assume a broad stance,
placing one foot forward and one back. Mirror the placement of
the client’s feet if possible
 Encircle the client’s waist with your arms, and grasp the transfer
belt at the client’s back with thumbs pointing downward
9. Assist the client to stand, and then move together toward the wheelchair
 On the count of three, ask the client to push with the back foot,
rock to the forward foot and extend (straighten) the joints of the
lower extremities, and pull the client into a standing position
 Support the client in an upright standing position for a few
 Together, pivot or take a few steps toward the wheelchair
10. Assist the client to sit
 Ask the client to:
a. Back up to the wheelchair and place the legs against the seat
b. Place the foot of the stronger leg slightly behind the other
c. Keep the other foot forward
d. Place both hands on the wheelchair arms on your shoulders
 Stand directly in foot of the client. Place one foot forward and one
 Tighten your grasp on the transfer belt, and tighten your gluteal,
abdominal, leg, and arm muscles
 On the count of three, have the client shift the body weight by
rocking to the back foot, lower the body onto the edge of the
wheelchair seat by flexing the joints of the legs and arms. Place
some body weight on the arms, while shifting your body weight by
stepping back with the forward foot and pivoting toward the chair
while lowering the client onto the wheelchair seat
11. Ensure client safety.
 Ask the client to push back into the wheelchair seat
 Lower the footplates, and place the client’s feet on them
 Apply a seat belt as required
12. Document all relevant information
 Client’s ability to bear weight and pivot
 Number of staff needed for transfer
 Length of time in chair
 Client response to transfer and being up in chair or wheelchair


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