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Group Task

Name of Student Coranes, Glenn Harley C.

Year and Section BSMT/MLS – 1st Year
Name of Instructor Mr. Bernard U. Ebuen
Date Submitted 9/15/2021 Rating

Form groups of five (5) and discuss the WHO Health System Framework. Share your group’s
summary to the rest of the class for 5 minutes.

WHO Health System Framework has three building blocks which are; (1) service delivery;
(2) leadership and governance; (3) financing; (4) health products, vaccines, and technologies;
(5) health work force and; (6) information. Service delivery refers to the quality and cost-
effective delivery of health services. Health workforce is how the individuals and groups
working toward the achievement of the best health outcomes should be responsive, fair, and
efficient. Information is where analysis, dissemination, and the usage of reliable and quality
information on health status and system performance should be prioritized. Health products,
vaccines, and technologies is where management of supplies and the education of the proper
use of these supplies are. Financing is a building block which ensures that funding of health
services are guaranteed for the people without needing the fear of not being able to pay for
these services. Leadership and governance involves the task of ensuring the effectiveness of
the entire health system through monitoring the accountability of health agencies, health
systems, and appropriate regulation for health systems

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