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Sub : Biology

Chapter : Breathing & Exchange of Gases

1. Mechanism of breathing among various animals depends upon 7. Identify correct sequence from given
i) Habitat 1) Pharynx  Larynx  Treachea  Secondary bronchus  Primary
ii) Habit bronchus  Terminal bronchiole
iii) Level of organisation 2) Pharynx  Larynx  Treachea  Primary bronchus  Secondary
1) i, ii and iii 2) ii, iii bronchus  Terminal bronchiole
3) i, ii 4) i, iii 3) Larynx  Pharynx  Treachea  Secondary bronchus  Primary
2. Identify incorrect statement bronchus  Terminal bronchiole

1) Cutaneous respiration occurs by simple diffusion. 4) Treachea  Pharynx  Larynx  Secondary bronchus  Primary
bronchus  Terminal bronchiole
2) Earthworm use moist cuticle for respiration
8. Lungs comprises of branching network of
3) Branchial respiration occurs by lungs.
1) Bronchi only
4) Birds show pulmonary respiration
2) Bronchi and bronchioles only
3. Identify odd man out with respect to breathing
3) bronchi, trachea and bronchioles
1) Reptiles 2) Mammals
4) Bronchi, bronchioles and alveoli
3) Insects 4) Birds
9. Double layered structure covering lungs and having a fluid in between
4. Which of the following do not use general body surface for gaseous
them is
1) Pleura 2) Pericardium
1) Sponges 2) Coelenterate
3) Glissoris capsule 4) Renal capsule
3) Flatworm 4) Insects
10. Statement 1 : Inner pleural membrane is in close contact with lungs.
5. Nasal chamber opens into ________, a portion of which is common
passage for food and air Statement 2 : outer pleural membrane is in close contact with thoracic
1) Pharynx 2) Larynx
1) Both statement 1 and 2 are correct
3) Trachea 4) Oesophagus
2) Both statement 1 and 2 are correct
6. Which of the following structure is made up only of cartilages
3) Statement 1 is correct and 2 is incorrect
1) Larynx 2) Larynx
4) Statement 1 is incorrect and 2 is correct
3) Trachea 4) Oesophagus
11. Conducting part of respiratory tract is formed by 16. Identify correct sequence

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1) Nostrils upto trachea A. Pulmonary ventilation
B. Cellular respiration
2) Nostrils upto terminal bronchiole
C. External respiration
3) Alveoli and their ducts
D. Internal respiration
4) Bronchi, Bronchioles, alveoli E. Transport of gases
12. Which is true about respiratory part 1) A  D  E  C  B
1) It transports atmospheric air to alveoli 2) A  C  E  D  B
2) Clears air from foreign particles 3) A  E  C  D  B
4) A  C  D  E  B
3) Exchange of gases takes place
17. Inspiration will occur when
4) Brings the air to body temperature
1) Intrapulmonary pressure is lower than atmospheric pressure
13. Identify correct statement about thoracic chamber
2) Intrapulmonary pressure is greater than atmospheric pressure
1) It is not a air tight chember 3) Intrapulmonary pressure is equal to atmospheric pressure
2) It has dome shaped diaphrrgm on lower slide 4) Atmospheric pressure is lower than interpulmonary pressure
3) Vertrally it has vertebral column 18. Negative pressure in the lungs with respect to atmospheric pressure
will lead to
4) Dorsally it has sternum
1) Inspiration
14. Process by which atmospheric air is drawn into lungs and CO2 rich
2) Expiration
alveoles air is released out
3) Stopping of breathing
1) Cellular respiration 4) None
2) Pulmonary vertilation 19. Contraction of diaphragm causes which of the following
3) Internal respiration 1) Increase in volume of thoracic cavity in antero-posterior axis
4) External respiration 2) Decrease in volume of thoracic cavity in antero-posterior axis
3) Increase in volume of thoracic cavity in dorso ventral axis
15. Utilisation of O2 by the cells for catabolic reactions and resultant release
of CO2 is called 4) Decrease in volume of thoracic cavity in dorso ventral axis
20. An increase in pulmonary volume
1) Pulmonary ventilation
1) Is caused by relaxation of diaphrrgm.
2) External respiration
2) Is caused by relaxation of external intercostal muscle
3) Internal respiration 3) Causes decrease in intrapulmonary pressure.
4) Cellular respiration 2 4) Causes increase in intrapulmonary pressure.
21. Identify wrong statement 28. Exchange of gases across exchange membrane is independent of

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1) A healthy human breathes 12 - 16 times sec. 1) Pressure / concentration of the gas
2) Spirometer is used to measure volumes involves in breathing 2) Thickness of the exchange membrane
3) Force of breathing can increased by using abdominal muscles.
3) Solubility of the gases
4) During inspiration there is negative intrapulmonary pressure.
4) Molecular weight of the gases
22. Tidal volume per minute during normal respiration is
29. pO2 in deoxygenated blood and pCO2 in deoxygenated blood and pCO2
1) 500 mL 2) 2500 - 3000 mL
in oxygenrted blood respectively is
3) 6000 - 8000 mL 4) 4000 - 4800 mL
1) 40, 45 mmHg 2) 45, 40 mmHg
23. Additional volume of air a person can inspire by forcible inspiration.
3) 40, 40 mmHg 4) 45, 45 mmHg
1) IRV 2) ERV
30. Solubility of CO2 is
3) FRC 4) VC
24. Match the following 1) 20 - 25 times greater than that for CO

a) TV i) 1100 - 1200 ml 2) 20 - 25 times less than that for O2

b) IRV ii) 1000 - 1100 ml 3) 20 - 25 times greater than that for O2
c) ERV iii) 500 ml 4) 2 - 3 times greater than that for O2
d) RV iv) 2500 - 3000 ml 31. The correct sequence of alveolar membrane when O2 moves from
1) a - iii, b - ii, c - iv, d - i 2) a - iii, b - i, c - ii, d - iv alveoli to blood is
3) a - iii, b - iv, c - ii, d - i 4) a - iv, b - iii, c - ii, d - i 1) Endothelium  Basement substance  squamous epithelium
25. The maximum volume of air a person can inspire after a forced 2) squamous epithelium  Basement substance  Endothelium
expiration is
3) squamous epithelium  Endothelium  Basement substance
1) FRC 2) EC
4) Basement substance  squamous epithelium  Endothelium
3) IC 4) VC
26. Volume of air remaining in the lungs after normal expiration is 32. Which is incorrect

1) RV 2) FRC 1) All the factors in body are favourable for diffusion of O2 from alveoli
to tissues
3) IC 4) EC
27. Which of the following is not corect representation of total lung 2) All the factors in body are favourable for diffusion of CO2 from tissues
capacity to alveoli
1) IRV + TV + ERV + RV 2) IC + ERV + RV 3) Alveolar exchange membrane consists of three layers
3) VC + RV 4) TV + VC + RV 4) O2 is more soluble in plasma than CO2.
33. Major mode of transport of O2 is 40. Which is not true about carbonic anhydrase.

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1) In the form of bicarbonate 1) RBCs contain very high concentration of the enzyme
2) Dissolved in plasma 2) minute quantity of the enzyme are present in plasma
3) By RBC 3) It f avours the reaction in forward direction only
4) In the form of carboxyhaemoglobin CO 2 +H 2  H 2 CO 3  HCO +H 

34. Which is not a mode of transport of CO2 4) All are correct

1) In the form of carboxyhaemoglobin 41. The reaction
2) In the form of carbaminohaemoglobin
CO 2 + H2  H 2 CO3  HCO 3 + H +
3) In the form of bicarbonates
4) dissolved in plasma proceeds in opposite direction at alveolar site because of
1) pCO2 is high 2) pO2 is low
35. Binding of oxygen with haemoglobin is primarily related to
3) pH is low 4) pCO2 is low
1) pO2 2) pCO2
42. Which centre is primarily responsible for the regulation of respiratory
3) H+ concentration 4) temperature
36. Which is not correct about oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve
1) Pneumotaxic centre
1) It is sigmoid shaped
2) chemosensitive anea
2) It is graph plotted between percentage saturation of haemoglobin
3) Apneustic centre
against pO2
4) Respiratory rhythm centre
3) It is useful in studying effect of facttors like pCO2 , H+ , etc.
43. Which of the following are present in pons region
4) Increase in temperature causes left shift of the curve.
A. Pneumotexic centre
37. Which is not correct for formation of oxyhaemoglobin
B. Chemosensitive area
1) Low pO2 2) Low pCO2
C. Respiratory rhythm centre
3) Lower temperature 4) lesser concentration of H+ 1) A only 2) A and B only
38. Every 1000 ml of oxygenated blood can deliver _________ amount of 3) A and C only 4) C only
O2 under normal physiological condition.
44. Which of the following centre acts by reducing the duration of
1) 5 ml 2) 4 ml inspiration
3) 50 ml 4) 500 ml 1) Pneumotaxic centre
39. CO2 is carried by haemoglobin as 2) Apneustic centre
1) Carboxyhaemoglobin 2) Carbaminohaemoglobin 3) Respiratory rhythm centre
3) Bicarbonate 4) Oxyhaemoglobin 4) chemosensitive area
45. Which is not correct

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1) Oxygen play very important role in regulation of respiratory rhythm Answ er Key
2) Chemosensitive area is sensitive to CO2 and H+ concentration 1 4 11 2 21 1 31 2 41 4
3) Receptors for CO2 and H are also present in aortic arch and carotid 2 3 12 3 22 3 32 2 42 4
artery. 3 3 13 2 23 1 33 3 43 1
4) Chemosensitive area is present in medulla. 4 4 14 2 24 3 34 1 44 1
46. which of the following is not a disorder of respiratory system 5 1 15 4 25 4 35 1 45 1
1) Asthma 2) Emphysema 6 1 16 2 26 2 36 4 46 4
3) Pneumonia 4) Jaundice 7 2 17 1 27 4 37 1 47 3
47. Which is not true about asthma 8 4 18 1 28 4 38 3 48 1
1) Causes difficulty in breathing 9 1 19 1 29 1 39 2 49 2
2) Causes wheezing 10 2 20 3 30 3 40 3 50 3
3) Caused by smoking 50 2

4) There is inflammation of bronchi and bronchioles

48. In which of the following disorder alveolar walls are damaged and
there is decrease in respiratory surface area.
1) Emphysema 2) Asthma
3) Bronchitis 4) Pneumonia
49. Cigarette smoking is usually associated with
1) Asthma 2) Emphysema
3) Pnuemonia 4) Silicosis
50. Workers in stone breaking and grinding industries are prone to
1) Asthma 2) Emphysema
3) Fibrosis 4) Pneumonia
51. What will be the pO2 and pCO2 in the atmospheric air compared to
those in alveolar air
1) pO2 lesser, pCO2 higher
2) pO2 higher, pCO2 lesser
3) pO2 higher, pCO2 higher
4) pO2 lesser, pCO2 lesser

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