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: ALY. LAC NGHI : Pee eB. 7 ty Stn gas ge TIM. VE col NGUON CHU HAN ; Gém nhiéo tix da-gia nhap vae khotiéng Viét Zi in Search of the Origins. of Chinese awe ee ~ Characters Relevant to Vietnamese = ms NHA XUAT BAN THE GIGI TIM VE COI NGUON CHU HAN Gém nhiéu ti da gia nhAp vao kho tiéng Viét lg epovas DF HAR Jn Search of the Origins of Chinese Characters Relevant to Vietnamese Nguyen tac gia FRE Ly Lac Nghi Bién soan Jim Waters Dich gia Neguyén Van Déng Hiéu dinh Gs. Tran Nghia Gs, Vuong Léc NHA XUAT BAN THE GIGI Ha N6i 1997 © Jim Waters and # AR # Li Leyi, 1997 © Nha Xudt Ban The GiGi, 1997. 46 Tran Hung Dao, Ha Noi, Viet Nam. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a revrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the copyright holders. Van ban nay soan én may vi tinh bing Microsoft Word 6.0a™, Adobe Photoshop 3.0™; Chinese Star for Windows PX2E 2.0™ oa Cong ty Sun Tendy, Bac Kinh, Trung Quéc; va Daisy for Windows voi su giup d6 ky thudt cla Trung Tam HiTech, 70 Nguyén Du, Ha Ndi Muc luc (danh cho déc gia tiéng Viet) A. Thi cia tac gia gui ban doc Viét Nam. seceseee Vil B. Ldi gidi thigu cla ngudi bién soan IL. LGi noi dau... A, Cac dang chu yéu cua chi Han... xix B. Sau cach cdu tao chit Han. xxiv C. Gach vay mugn gia tiéng Han va tiéng xxvii D. Cach st dung sach... IN. Chinh van . IV. Bang tiéng Viet géc tigng Han chon loc V. Cae bang tra chit. A. Theo s6 net B. Theo phién 4m tiéng Bac Kinh C. Theo tif vi dy bang tiéng Anh... VI. Nién bidu vin ty va van hoc Han Viét VII. Tai ligu tham khao ... VIIL. Giai thich bén van ban Han cd AR PRES) To Feces esse san VV ee tres a LY 1 owe i Met IV. RAR FRA. vo oRal. 1149 A. Saal. 1149 B. RBH THA W7h C. KR. 1191 Vi RMR GAL FS A 1213 VIL BAH A. 1225 VILL ako $b] eI 4h. 1239 Table of Contenis Do PRPC eee eteetsieteeennieteenetsteeesenee VOM A. Translator’s preface for English language readers... xiii I. Introduction. xix Lil, Character entries 1-906 IV. Selected Vietnamese elements borrowed from Chinese ... 907 Vv. Indices... 1149 A, Character stroke table ... 49 B. Character table based on the pinyin phonetic system:. [17% C. Index of example words in the text in English 19t VI. Chronology... 1213 VIL. Bibliography . 1225 VILL Four texts of ancient Chinese . 1239 KRM HEE HRD OR THE eR A AE RE f x 4 BRSR'E PVETRRRE AMS Kw a Sue g CZ OORDaK CESK bet g Sat pRe i x i ik, a ca én Tre, Bién Hoa, Cdn Tho, My Tho, cr a) te aw = i fi te # Besse ela we Te ie ee Kg eh ae HES ay Mp RK Eth ge KA ER oe RIE IER ys RRB yg Saw we RK gy Sw oy HEU a Kee Lae eh veel ye BMS a gees eK lek pr RMK eee ettKs | pee te esee oe eRe ek deeg Seen we Ef hae bie Kuen g7RxeeRASL TEER ese M SVECZEA-HRMMS RM RHBWKY e Bite inh, Bi = AU RUAN NE R- HARA @ fy ha + te a gg B ih) ay J a ting Ta Vs Re ab n, Chg Lon, Gia Di Tau. Da Lat, EDR. a1 =z ee G SERRE HEROS (seece® ge Say SM eg Zu ® sat Tig. go ye mR HYVER HPL ag HeoPess FE ft 111 BF i} Nguyén Van Déng 36 oe iE Ao oh i TE J fe & 1997 48 $i. Fee vi Gui ban doe Viet Nam Quyén sach nay ctia toi duge dich va xudt ban tai Viet Nam, t6i vo cung vui miing va xuc déng. Vigt nam la “qué hudng thi hai” cua téi. Toan b6 thiéu thdi va mt phn nam thang tudi tre, tai da séng 6 Viét nam voi te cach la mot Hoa kiéu. Nhiing mién qué nhu Sai Gon, Chg Lén, Gia Dinh, Bén Tre, Bién Hoa, Cin Tho, My Tho, Da Lat, Ving Tau v.v. ddu da dong lai trong tdi nhting an tigng sudt di khéng quén. Cho nén, toi luén Judén 6m Ap mot tinh cam v6 cing sau nang d6i voi d4t nude tudi dep cua cac ban. Chang nbiing vay, qua nghién cuu ngén ng van ty cla hai mide Trung-Viat, 1i da higu mot cach sau sic ring lich sit giao luu van hoa gitia ha} nude chung ta that la lau doi biét bao, quan hé gilla hai nude chiing ta that la mat thiét biét ohudng nao. Ching han nhu: ngay tr théi ky Tay-Han cla Trung Quéc cing chink la thi ky Nha Trigu ¢ Viet Nam, céch day hon hai ngan nam, chti Han da truyén vao Viét Nam; cach day gan mot ngan nam, cac hoc gid Viet Nam da phong theo chi Han dé sang tao ra cht Nom; hign nay, ngén gd cua hai nude ching ta vdn hoa quyén vao nha boi mot mat xich la “am Han Viet” mai mai truong tén. Mét vi du khac: Tit diu thé ky nay, Viét Nam da thuc bién thanh cong chi viét phién 4m La-tinh, da giai quyét dugc nan ma chif, da phd cap dude giao duc. Nhiing thanh tuu to Ién nay da cé vil rit nhigu hoc gid Trung Quéc dang nhiét tam déi vdi viée cai cach vn ty, ho tuén luén chAm chii theo doi va hoc tap kinh nghiém qui bau cua nhuing ngudi anh em phuong Nam. Riéng ca nhan tdi cling da ting phat bigu mét sé bai vé cai cach chil viét cla Viet Nam, va cling 43 ting doc mat bai trong dé co dé edp tdi chit Nom ¢ hoi nghj ng6n ng Han-Tang hang nam té chic tai Hoa Ky. Cuéi ndm 1993 ti nhan duge mot buic thu tit Viet Nam giti tdi, do Gng Nguyén Van Déng, Gido vin Khoa Ngoai Net vii Tntdng Dai Hoc Téng Hop Ha Ndi va Ong Jim Waters lam cng tac van hoa giao duc tai Viet Nam viét: Hai éng néu y dink muén dich sang tiéng Viet va xudt ban cudn sach $00 wi du vd sy dién bién ciia chi Han cua t6i. Duong nhién, téi da vui vé dong y; nhung xét thy co mét sé chu trong sach lai khéng thong dyng. trong tiéng Viét, cho nén sau khi ban bac vdi hai Ong, wi da bd sung thém mdy tram chit nifa va nhd hai 6ng Ia chon dich trong sé do. Nhu vay, quyén sach nay trén thuc 1é 1a mot quyén sach mdi do Ong Déng, Ong Waters va ti hgp tac kinh ting cdc ban Vigt Nam (bao gdm ca cac déc gia tiéng Viet hién dang sinh séng 6 khap ngi tren thé gidi), Trong sach nay dé cap tdi mét sé “chi thong dung” va “chit od kim,” cho nén chit Han duge giai thich thuc té se nbigu hun so vdi s6 chil ban dau. Vi dy chit “At” (bde, nhu phia bée), ngudn hoac nghia géc la “#" (bi, la séng lung), trong sach nay chi cé chif “bic”; nhung ban doc co thé tim thdy giai thich cua chu “b6i” thong qua phan chif phy ctla chi “béc” (cling tim duge qua ba bang tra chil: mOt-theo sé nét chif, hai—theo phién am Bac Kinh, va ba--trong phan "bang tiéng Viet géc tiéng Han chon loc"). Mat khde, tii mim 1956 dén nay, Trung Quéc di tién hanh gian thé hoa déi vdi 2.274 chil Han, ban doc 6 thé tim thy chit Phdn thé va chi Gian thé* cia mét chil nao dé qua dang chil khae nhau ctia cling mét chit d trong sach nay. Vi du: “Hl” (chil quée, viét theo 161 Phén thé) va “EH” (cing 1a chti quéc, nhung viét theo 16i Gian thé), Quyén sach nay dude ra déi, t6i xin bay to sul cam dn chan thanh va di chao t6i Ong Nguyén Van Déng, Ong Jim Waters cung cac ban bé khac da tham gia hode hé trg cong tic bién dich va xudt ban. Chinh cac ban di gop phan vao su giao luu vin hoa Trung-Viét mdi nay. * Xem phin “Loi noi du” 4 dudi, sé viii Mong ring cac ban doc Viét Nam se yéu thich quyén sach nay. Bac Kinh, Xuan 1997 NGUYEN TAC GIA Anh: Nguyén tac gid va nguéi bién soan tai Bic Kinh nam 1994. Gioi thiéu nguyén tac gid Ly Lac Nghi sinh nim 1937 tai tinh Quang Dong, TQ. Nam 1940-1957 ng sinh s6ng tai Sai Gon. Sau v8 nude Ong hoc tai Hoe vién Su pham Bac Kinh, nim 1962 tét nghiép. Hign la nghién cuu vién (giao su), Chu nhigm BO mon nghién ctu cua Vién nghién cifu ting dung ngén ngd van tu cla Vign khoa hoc xa hgi, Trung Quéc. Tac phdm cia éng gém nhiing sach: (fi) 46 F WO Neudn chi gin thé, CE ih 1B TE MARY Sy hidu biét vé 4m doc chinh trong tiéng phd thong v.v. va cac bai viét nhu «7 Set FAL AY He BE 9D) Again cou so sanh chi Vudng Choang va chii Nomv.v. Loi gidi thiéu cua ngudi bién soan Mac du cac nha ng6n ng hoc da xde dinh hai thu tiéng Han, Vide khéng cing dong ho, song tiéng, Han da anh hudng rat nbiéu dén tiéng Viet! Co ngudi ndi khoang 70% ti vung, ig Viet la vay muign cua tiéng Han, Co 12 ching ta khong bao gis hidu hét duge sy anh huGng nay va thyc ra cing khéng cdn xe dinh diéu nay mét cach hoan toan. Diéu cén thiét la hiéu nhitng yéu t6 Han nhap vao téng Viét dé tiép tuc xay dung mot ngén ng vila phong phui, vila chat che va chinh xac. Téi hy vong sach nay sé la mot dong gop nho che cong viéc Idn lao do. Cuéi nam 1993, t6i tim thdy mot cudn sich 500 vi du cua sue dign bién chi Han GL WE AH BW cla tac gid Ly Lac Nghi (Nha xudt ban hoc vién ngon ngu Bac Kinh, Trung Quéc) ¢ Los Angeles, Hoa Ky. Dau tién t6i va Ong Nguyén Van Déng - Chu nhiém b6 mon tiéng Trung Tridng Dai hoc Tang hdp Ha Noi sit dung cudn sach nay nhw mét gido trinh hoe Han Vi8t, nhuing vi ching téi thy sach nay rat hay, nén muén dich sang tiéng Viet cho nguéi Viét Nam xem. Chua day mot ndm sau, tac gia Ly Lac Nghi lai oé sung thém, téng cng dén 1.005 chi Duy tei quan diém phuc vu ban doc ngudi Viet, ching t6i quan tam nhiéu hon dén nhung chu, nbiing tit da gia nhap vao kho tigng Viet. Két qua la t6i chi chon 906 chit trong dng 6 1.005 chi. . Sach nay khéng chi la te phdm dgn thudn dich tu tiéng Han sang ting Viét, ma a mét tac phdm bién tip lai. Ngoai od ging dich sat nghia cla nguyén tic, t6i da bé sung them vao ban chinh nhung yéu 16 cin thiét dé phuc vu dong dao ban doc 1a ngudi Viet Ngay trong Idi noi dau cla sach, t6i da viét lai mét sé quan diém dé co mt van ban phit hgp han vdi tiéng Vigt. Trong khi dich ti Tink hinh nay khong la, nhu su anh budng etla cae ngén ned dang ho La-tinh déi vai tiéng Anh, mét ngém ngit dong ho Ditc. da dua nhidu vi du tiémg Han co rong téng Vid. Dang thdi, ti yin khéng muédn loai bo nhing phan trong ban chinh mang tinh chat chuyén m6n khoa hoc. Cho nén, co rét nhiéu trugng hgp tdi vit nguyén chit Han, dac biét tdi dua niting trich ddn trong cae sach c6 dé phuc vy cac nha nghién cuiu. Toi da lién he voi tée gid Ly Lac Nghi tude khi lam vige nay, va Ong cling da ding ¥ vdi cach bé sung, bién tap lai cla téi nbu éng da néu d trén. Trong qua trinh bién soan, ti da két hop vai ong Déng. Luc ddu ong da dich mot phdn ba, sau dé phn con lai 161 dich dudi sy budog din cua éng Déng. Cach trinh bay va cac 56 phan khac 1a do tai xay dung vdi su giip dé cua ong Dong. Sau khi dich xong, vin ban da dugc Giao su Tran Nghia - Téng Bién tap Tap Chi Han-Noém thudc Trung tim Khoa hge xa héi va nban van Quéc gia xem va higu dinh. Thye ra, sy dong gop ctla Gs. Trdn Nghia la rf ldn. Gio su kh6ng chi stta nhiing 161 nho, trong nbigu tudng hgp dng con dich fai nhting trich din trong sich cd. Ong cing da tryc tiép giuip ti xay dung nhiing phu luc. Cho n@n, t6i cho ring Gs. Trin Nghia 1 mét ngudi tham gia chinh vae cong viéc bién dich nay. Cing vai Gs. Tran Nghia, t6i da duge nha ngén ngu hoc Giao su Vudng Léc -Trung tam Tit dién bach khoa higu dinh nhting phan lién quan dén nhting cach vay muon gitfa tiéng Viet va tiéng Han, T6i cling rit may duge gp éng Hoang Quéc Thanh, tac gia lap trinh Daisy cho Tiéng Vigt trong Windows. Ong Thanh da cai tién chong trinh téng Viet, giup cho t6i danh may phi hgp tiéng Viet vdi tiéng Han cla Chinese Star for Windows (FX 2 # 2.0). Ong Thanh va cac Ong Pham Trung Kién, L¢ Ngoc Hoang da giup ti két hgp cdc hinh vé va chit viét cua tac gia (nhu Giap cét vin v.v.) vao van ban trong may vi Ngoai ra, 161 con duge nhiéu ban be khac 6 My, Trung Quéc, va Viét Nam giup dd. Tai thank phé Can Tho, éng Nguyén Minh xi Tam da giup danh may van ban dau tign, 6ng Nguyén Thien Thuat da sia mor s6 ché dich. G-Ha N@i, ba Nguyén Nguyét CAm da giup dich cac tit sang tiéng Anh, ong Nguyén Minh Hidu da doc hét ban dich va ggi y vé cach dich dé cho ban dick mang tinh chat dai chung. Giao su Dang Thanh Lé va Gido su Nguyén Van Hoan da gidi thiéu t6i vdi nhng chuyén gia nhu Gs. Trin Nghia, Gs. Nguyén Tai Cdn, va Gs. Nguyén Ngoc San dé xin y kién quy bau vé cach trinh bay. Téi da duge Gs. Nguyén Tai Cdn gop cho ohiéu y kién vé ban dich. Trong thdi gian ti lam viéc ¢ tinh Quang Ninh, ong Nguyén Tién Khang - Phé Chi tich huyén Tign Yén, da giup t6i hidu ro hon vé nhting truyén cé tich cla Trung Quéc. Trong vide xAy ding Bang tiéng Viet géc tiéng Han, 161 duge sy giuip dé cla Ong Dam Hit Xuong 6 Nha xudt ban boc vién ngén ngd Bac Kinh, Trung Quée. Trong qua trinh bién soan sach, ti cling nhan duge sy gitip dé cua rét nhigu be ban gin xa, nbutng rt Géc ti khong thé ké hét tén cla ho ra day duge. Nhan day, t6i xin bay t6 long biét on chan thanh tdi cdc chuyén gia, cdc Gido su, ban bé trong va ngoai nude da nhiét tinh gip dd téi hoan thanh tét quyén sach nay. Cudi ciing, 161 la ngudi chiu trach nhiém vi nhiing |i edn lai trong sach nay. Mac du tdi da lam hét suic minh dé hy vong in ra mét tac pham tét, nhung do su hiéu biét co han, chde sé khéng tanh khdi sai s6t. Tdi mong duge ban doc thong cam va gop y kién dé cho sach dugc hoan chinh hon. Ngudi bién soan, Ha NGi, thang 8 nam 1997 Translator's Preface for English language readers On my fiest visit to Vietnam while on vacation from work in China in 1989 1 was struck by the obvious similarities in the national languages of these two countries, based on nearly one thousand years of close contact between their peoples. The more I have studied the two languages, the more I have-come to realize the richness and complexity of their.relation to each other, to such an extent that no one can be sure haw much Vietnamese is really borrowed from Chinese. I originally began working on this book solely to improve my own understanding of this connection. After working with Vietnamese. scholars in Hanoi, however, my study turned into a project to produce this text for a wider audience. The work is mostly based on Five Hundred Exampies of the Evolution of Chinese Characters Si FE A A Hy (Beijing Language and Culture University Press}, a work that was later published in English as Tracing the Roots of Chinese Characters: $00 Cases. Although the content of this work and those are similar, this text includes Professor Li Ley’'s explanations for 406 additionat graphs and places all 906 graphs within the context of the Vietnamese language. In addition, with the help of Professor Li, I have compiled several appendices including a concise list of more than 3,000 Sino-Vietnamese elements. One of the secondary purposes in completing this modified translation is to help English language users better differentiate homonyms or neat homonyms in Vietnamese. When one studies Chinese, there is a clear way to distinguish between homonyms by referring to specific graphs, In Vietnamese Quée Ngt this is not possible since the words are ail written phonetically. xiii Thus, for nearly every character explained below, we have translated our Vietnamese example words into English. Since most characters function primarily only as elements or roots just as Latin or Ancient Greek roots do in English, along with an accepted English translation of the words we provide a literal rendition to give readers the sense of the character as used in Vietnamese. For example, for the character % (an, yén) we give the Vietnamese example: "An tam ohu la yéa tim [at ease, lit. pescefu/ heart)." Here, the character "an, yén" has two pronunciations in Sino- Vietnamese and usuaily carries the meanings of “peaceful, calmness, tranquillity, security.” As with all other characters we print the standard Sino-Vietnamese pronunciations in both bold and italics. In our translation to English, we often add the literal meaning implied by the character, printed in italics. The text is organized according to the most common Han Viét (Sino-Vietnamese) pronunciation, borrowed by Vietnamese late in the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD), from what is ofien referred to as Late Middle Chinese. As the reader will find, some characters have more than one pronunciation, also a common phenomenon in modern Chinese. In addition, we have incorporated recent research of Vuong L6c” and others on what we call cd Han Viét (Ancient Sino-Vietnamese) and Han Viét Vide hoa (Vietnamized Sino-Vietnamese). The former is the pronunciation of characters that found their way into Vietnamese prior to the Tang Dynasty. The latter set of pronunciations mostly appear in day-to-day speech. Both forms are often used as independent morphemes in the language, have separate N6ém graphs (from the Vietnamese Demotic script) to represent them “This research is far ftom complete ani comes out of work that began with H. Maspero (1912) and continued by the father of Chinese linguistics, Wang Li (¢ 24) in. 1958. For more on these sue: Pullybank 1984, Vucng [fc (1985 & 1995), Nguyén Nggc San (1995), and are not generally recognized by Vietnamese as being of Chinese origin. Thus, a borrowed character could theoretically have both multiple Alan Viét pronunciations, ed Han Viét ones, and Han Viée Viet Hoa ones. The reader will find that we print the two latter forms for these morphemes in bold in the list of example words for graphs that we have determined have been borrowed either as cd Han Viée or Han Viet Vide Hoa. We have also incorporated another convention to help English readers find their way through the complexities of the etymology of Chinese characters. Although it is commonly said that Chinese is written in "pictographs,” this is an oversimplification. Even the oldest forms of discemible characters were at best incompletely “pictographs.” After centuries of development, Chinese is unambiguously a phonetic based language.” In order to help English readers recognize significant changes in meaning throughout the evolution of certain graphs, we have added a "5" (delta) next to the example words where original meanings are now represented by other characters. The reader will find another "S" below next to the graphis) that represent the original meaning. To assist English readers find their way in the text, below is an example entry with main terms and explanations in English: * John DeFrancis effectively argues this point in an antimated way in his Chinese Language, Myth and Fact. xv ‘Conrplex o popular altematne forms of the eraph, Regula sent ar the simplified waph af there is me. Nom-Smo-Vietnamese borrowed forms of the raph, if any, appear im examples below the examples trom Sita- Viemamese. These elements appear in bold. Graphs 0t in quetes are forms and are always followed by Sea" onan nee (GE Smne- Wietomexe Regalr crip Cursive weilng ——Freshand cursive Single frm pronunciation panted in alte Oracle bone instition The snain raph Sino Vietnamese appeats ia uabtes and bold throughout the Explanation section fanh. Nghia md rng 1a “nghiéng nga”. Trong sach lua Thap dai ah tim thay d Han mg Ma Vuong D6i Khongcg die chie chin sB "AAA au nd td LAREN ARCO ph: Graphs shat are related tthe ‘Quotes appear ae mam yraph ate their simplified ftroduced here character ‘etsions followed! by ther Smo jctuamese pronunciations, xvi Accepted formes) of Sina Vietnamese forthe ath "8" cepresemts anther character has taken on this graphs orgiaal ‘weaining, See below in the Related graphs sechor Example words sing te graph in curcenteday Vietanamese, varslated imo Enblish Pinyin for the ecaph Gags appeunng quotes ae ether Lncoramon forms 0° only character parts Ail quotes trom ancient texts ste translated imo smondera-dey Vietramese 10 the Explanaion seation Despite the effort to explain changes in a character's meaning, the reader will surely find examples with changes that make little sense: particularly when il comes to the 22 graphs that represent the Heavenly stems {10} end Earthly branches (12), of which this book contains 20, The latter are most popularly known for the {2 creatures that are assigned ta each one, forming the cycle, of the Chinese zodiac. This system of creatures, however. emerged hundreds of years after the branches had been used for making calendars. To this day, as far as 1 know, no one has yet been able to explain the origin of the stems and branches. To further help English language users find our example words based on English, I have included an index at the end of the text. Amongst all the persons that have helped me complete this translation, 1 would particularly like to thank Michael Ye "1#¥ J3 of Jiao Tong University in Shanghai for helping me meet the author in Beijing and finding me an appropriate Chinese language program for Microsoft Windows, Jackie Armijo-Hussein of Harvard University who mostly helped me with the English sections of this book, Ma Yunhua 42‘ of the Minorities Institute in Kunming who proofread my Chinese sections, and Joy Wu 44 i of the Linguistics Department at the University of Colorado, Boulder. Most of all I would like thank my mother, Jane Waters Carlson (also of Boulder), for helping me settle all of my other affairs for the past four years in which I have worked on this book, Jim Waters Ha Noi, August 1997 Xvi Loi Noi Dau Chu Han la mot trong nhting van ty cé nbdt trén thé gidi, No da frai qua mét qua wink phat wién nam sdu ngan nim, va hign nay ude tinh c6 Khoang mét phan tu dan sé wan thé gidi su dung chil Han. Trong lich si van hoa lau déi cla Trung Quée, chit Han da co nbiing dong gop rét ldn. Nghé thudt viét chit Han dep la mot bg phan trong kho tang van héa nghé thudt quy bau cla dan we Trung Hoa va mot sé din tée khac d Chau A nit 6 Naat Ban, Tridu Tign, va Viet Nam. May ngan nam nay hinh thé chii Han da tai qua nhidu bién 8i, chi viét chi yéu gdm nbing loai dudi day. A. Cac dang chu yéu cua chit Han 1. Gidp cét van* 4 4X [Oracle bone inscriptions]: day la dang chit viét ca thdi nha Thuong, khdc trén mai ria hodc Tk xuong thi, Vind duge 4 ding vao viéc ghi chép Pi 4 n? nhuing diéu boi toan la Hank chink, nén con goi fa Rad “Béc ti” (Idi béi), hode bad “Khé van” (chi khée Cr g bing “khé dao.” mor i @ c logi tign ¢8). Con do m a 4 tude day da phat hign van Vin tos mal ia eg Gi tt tn thay chi viét nay 6 ving "Chuing ti co giai thich van ban minh hoa nay d phin phy Ic cudi sich, ‘Con goi la "Chil Gidp ct." An Khu (c6 dé thai Hau Thug, nay thude huy@n An Duong, tinh Ha Nam), nén cén duge goi la “An Khu van tw (chit viét An Khu). Trong sé bén ngan chit Gidp cét da thu thip duge, chi co amt ngan chi 1a co thé doc va giai thich duge nghia. Day la dang chi di tuong déi han chinh, nhung n6 van co ohidu net viét va “thign bang” (bd thu) cha hodn toan én dink. Mét 36 chit Giap edt thuée thdi ky dau nha Chu cting da dude phat hign, 2. Kim vin’ 2 {Bronze inscriptions}: day 1a dang chit duge kha hode duc tn dung cu bing déng than vio |) théi Thuong - Chu, con goi la “Chung dinh van” (chi trén chudng va dinh). Loai Ht tk * 4 chit nay v8 hinh thé e }. a ee i OF 0B OH BE >= wo uP luc dd gan gidng nb Gidp ¢6t van, co chit vin con mang déu vét cua van ty dé hoa budi ban dau; dén giai doan sau, loai chit nay gan 4 % giéng Tiéu trién g t Hie ct Soy Fe ah Hoh BE ROE Ho «de Trong sé nim sau ngan chit don da thu thap duge, ta co thd ‘Van tein Kim van khic trée ddng* doc va giai thich dude phan ién. Vé mat két edu hinh thé, loai chif nay da tong déi hoan chinh. Thdi nha Chu, di co van ban chit Kim dai ti 500 chit SS SIG eH BP Be a Hea oe Beas Ae a 8 Dep ow Bowes * Van bin nay cling dutge gidi thich 6 phan phy luc “Con goi la "Chi Kim” Xx 3. Tidu trign® 453 [sma seal ” characters]: day la dang chit théng 3 dung vao thdi oha Tan, nén con goi ae nt & la *Tan irign.” Trong thdi ky eS FE Chién quéc, chit viét G cae dia 3 ey © phuong Trung Quée hinh dang Bajo8 By khac nhau. Sau khi Tan Thuy ea Hoang théng nhét Trung Qué, da | 6 eat chinh ly va gian hoa chi vie. | © a Trén co sd cla "Dai trién” (con goi | Yen bin tibu ign la “Try van,” mot loai chit thong dung 6 nude Tan théi Xuan thu, Chién quéc) nha Tan da quy dinh mot dang chi viét chudn goi la “Tiéu tin.” Su théng nhdt hoan toan Trung Quéc thoi ky nha TAn da co tic dung Idn d6i vdi vide quy pham hea chi Han, 4. L@ thy 7 #45 official Clerical, oF Scribal script]: day fa dang chil théng dung vao thdi nha Han, bat dau tr cudi Tan dén thai Tam quéc. Con duge goi la “Han i8,” “Ta thu,” hoac “Bat phan,” v.v. G giai doan dau, Lé thu con bao itu mat sé dang net cua Tidu trién; sau do nhting nét mac lun song tang dan In, iré thanh dic diém ndi bat clia loai chit nay. Lé thu xudt hién lam “Chung t6i co giai thich van ban minh hoa nay trong phan phy luc d cui sich. “Con goi li "Chil Trign.” “Chung t0i c6 gidi thich van ban minh hoa nay trong mét phy Ipc d cudi sich. *Can goi la "Chi Le" ed sd cho Khai thu sau nay, danb diu mdt bude ngodt quan tong trong lich sii phat trién cua chit Han. Do 1a giai doan ARE CO van a chuyén sang giai doan SC Kim van w 5. Khai thu * (4-8 [Regular script): day la dang chi bat dau xudt hién yao cudi théi nha Han va liu hanh mai cho dén ngay nay. Vi dang chit ngay ngdn, net but thang thin, dang dude coi la chudn mite, nén duge goi la Khai thu, “Chinh thu," hoac “Chan thu.” Nhiéu pha thu phap cla cac thé hé da trd nén ndi tiéng nho vidt loai chit nay. 6. Thao thu ® #48 (Cursive writing or Grass stroke characters}: Tho thu xudt hién sém hon Khai thu, tue vao khoang d4u nha Han. Thdi ky dau, Thao thu la bién thé eda chit Lé viét nhanh, nén co tén “Thao la” sau goi la “Chuong thao.” Tu cuéi thai Han trd di, chit Thao da thoat ly hdn ddu vét cla chit Lé thu con sot Jai trong Chudng thao, dé hinh thanh mot logi chii co net but viét lién nhau, b6 thi vay mugn Min nhau, goi la 4 Kim thao. Vao thdi nha Duéng con xudt hién mét loai chil nia vai Idi viét_phéng ting kho doc, goi la “Cudng thao.” Ngay nay chit goi la Thao thu chinh la chi Kim thao. Chif nay cling fam ed sé cho chit cai mugn cht Han doc theo 4m cua tiéng Nhat la Hiragana (A XE Naat van binh gia danh). 7. Hanh thu '° 445 [Freehand cursive]: day la mét dang chit nim gitla Khai thu va Thao thu, duoc sit dung phé bién trong thoi Tam quéc va thai nhi Tn. Hanh thu viét nhanh hon Khai thi va dé nhan hon Thao thu, cho nén rét dugc qudn chung ua thich. Trong “Con goi la "Chil Khai °Can goi la "Chi Thao.” "Con goi fa "Chi Hanh.” XXti

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