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LESSON 1 Communication in the Workplace

Communication is an avenue for dissemination of information in order to be

understood. Gou and Sanchez explain that communication is the creation or exchange of
thoughts, ideas, emotions, between senders and receivers. It is essential in building and
maintaining relationships in the workplace.
Communication in the workplace transpires when there is transmission of information
between one person and group of persons in an organization. Examples of this communication
are minutes, memo, requests, business/technical/incident reports, letter, fax, or e-mail has been
sent, many are inclined to believe that communication has taken place. Communication does
not occur until information and understanding have passed between sender and receiver.

What is Effective Communication in the Workplace?

Communication plays vital role in the success of every organization. It can be effective if
the intended message is indeed the same message received by the receiver.
A workplace becomes a harmonious haven when every employee is given the avenue to
communicate in the workplace becomes unprofessional when one fails to behave appropriately
with courtesy and respect. Communication can be professional, yet ineffective, you can speak
courteously but your ideas can be unclear.

Employees Top 5 Skills and Qualities

1. Communication Skills
2. Strong work ethics
3. Teamwork skills
4. Analytical Skills
5. Initiative

Top 10 Communication Skills for Workplace Success

1. Nonverbal Communication
2. Clarity and Concision
3. Friendliness
4. Picking the Right Medium
5. Feedback
6. Confidence
7. Respect
8. Open-mindedness
9. Empathy
10. Listening

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