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Reason and Impartiality

How did you make a reasoned and impartial decision to resolve a personal dilemma?
Cite a specific situation where you were able to apply some, if not all, of the 7-step
model for ethical decision making. How did the process help change you to become a
better person?

I think I applied this in my own experience as a youth in the church and as a

daughter of my mother and father. It happened when my family had a gathering and also
the church is having a big activity wherein I am one of the singers in the music ministry,
the only thing that came from my head is that how am I going to handle these conflicts.
Unconsciously I apply the first step of model for ethical decision making which is
gathering the facts, so I rush into the office of the youth in church and ask the time of the
event for me to clarify my activities because the family gathering will be on the afternoon.
After that I did the 2nd step by identifying the stake holders of the 2 events because I
can’t imagine all of them throwing unexpected questioning to me. Later on, I weighed the
two important events, which of which must be the most significant one to attend
considering its respective consequences, in which I got to apply the sixth step. The
family gathering will happen every year and I think my parents would understand that
since I have a big assignment in the activity in the church and it will be a big disaster if I
didn’t show up, so the final decision was made.

The process of the decision making was not easy it was really tough and
exhausting, but I know that the result made me a better person. I learned that being
impartial towards things makes me come up with an equal thought of decisions. This
made to become a better person and with this I got to think that I need to seek God first
for he clears my mind.

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