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just sing Despina or Zerlina

f I'Shbone and a few arie antiche and,

rovided you have a retty
ace and an importaJ
record-company button-pusherle
Kiri to Kanawa is another
sorano who certainly does-
advance? Simple: Big
Luciano's appearance as the
unlucky Cavaradossi.
It doesn't matter that
backing you, you can become n't shine for exuberance and
This past month has seen liveliness. If you have a his voice has lost most of
an international star. its former f res hness an d all
an extraordinary.affluence The paradox is that in friend who suffers from in-
of prima donnas in concert somnia, tell him to listen its flexibility. It matters
her native Italy where peo- even less that his vocal
here in New York. Within ple still know somethin to five minutes of Kiri and
five minutes of June,(La palette, so limited in its 'S,
the space of two weeks an about voices and are not so range of colours, is totally
amazing number of divas and easilyy duped by sexy CD cov- Frigida) Anderson, and I as-
divettes has graced our con- sure you he won't get to unable to render Mario 's
ers, La Bartoli doesn't stir sensuality and passion. And ,
cert platforms. I missed all this excitement. Nobody count the third sheep.
of them simply because I Te Kanawa's concert had finally the audience were
really cares for her. I was also w1iling to overlook his
tia not given press tickets present when she made her La an interesting program--
and I was not willing to opera arias from Handel to stage rigidity. His move-
Scala debut in Rossini's Le ments were se ouphemisti-
^wend a singg le. envy. Comte Ory three years ago; Strauss performed with all
Aawevor, I don' feel too the stye and class that cally 'essential that dras-
there were no lines in front tic charges had to be made
sad about missing Kathleen of the opera house and she have always characterized La
Dattlo and Jossyo Norman; I Kiri, though the voice it- in the elaborate Zeffirelli
was greeted with only polite production. In Act III, the
have alreaddy, had the oppor- applause. self showed some aging-- not
tunity of attending their so much in range as in re- stage level did not rise and
La Bartoli has said that show the dungeon, where
concerts quite a few times Italians do not fully under-f duction of volume.
in the past, and the reports Cavaradossi was supposed to
stand her because their idea.. You cannot deny the sins descend and sing his
I heard about their recent of a mezzo is a Verdi singero farewell to life, apparently
performances were not the like Cossotto or Barbieri. of aging in Marilyn Horne s
Most reassurin. voice either. Appearing at because Lucianone wasn't in
Perhaps she has not heard of the mood for extra exercise.
I heard that La Battle is the triumphs that Horne and Weill Hall early in May, the
doing nothing but worship- diva gave a wonderful on the other hand, Maria
V a l en ti n. T errran i (rea l Guleghina would theoreti-
ping her own ego on stage, belcanto mezzos ) have always recital centered on lieder N
singing for herself and not D an d ar t song s . Far from her cally have all the requ.-
enjoyed in Italy.
to the audience who paid big usual belcanto stuff , and in sites to be an ideal Floria
bucks to hear her. Go on
spite of a voice that is Tosca : stage presence, slim
Cheryl Studer , another past its prime, Jackie (if I figure, sensual acting, dark
like this, Kathy, and very studio recording queen
soon your bathroom will be may) mastered this alterna - good looks , and, not least
bowed at Carnegie Half for tive repertoire with an un - a strong spinto soprano.
the only place where you'll the first time on May 2nd. use the conditional because
bo able to sing to yourself. Alarming rumors coming back limited range of colors and
I also heard that Jessye nuances , always careful to her powerful instrument is
from Europe were not encour- stress the importance o€ marre d by ev id en t --
Norman has definitely en- aging : in particular a
tared the path of an irre- each word, of each sound. roblems which prevent her
friend informed me of a Kom being a state-of-the-
`rersible vocal decline, and catastrophic Trovatore in Definitel the most exciting
don't have any difficulty recital of the month. art Tosca. Every high note
Vienna, described as one of t is an adventure: the high C
n believing it., the most clamorous o eratic $ Why was (after all) a on the word 'lama' (`blade')
disasters in recent Imes- indeed lacerated my ears,
Now a tea words or. the rather ordinary and routine
divas wboso concerts i did Tows (4116) at th= Mat co'' -^d the `zxic z aesc_ndin g
era was banned alto- out months and months in phrase at the end of 'Vissi
attend . Cecilia Bartoli is gether from her New York
ppssibl the biggest musical recital , except for a harm-
bluff oT the century: She less 'Io son 1'umile
has a pretty voice with easy ancella' offered as an en- )p-
coloratura, but... 1) the core I can't see Adriana as.
voice is so small that those one o her future roles, but
sitting in the third row in you never know-- she's
the orchestra can't hear her recording everything.)
at all; 2) she's not a Ultimately, although she
mezzo-soprano, but just a cannot claim to be one of
scptaao .lirico without high the most inspired lieder
notes. Calling her a singers in history, her
mezzosoprano di coloratura recital was pleasant and
is an insult to such artists satisfying, especially the
as Marilyn Horne and group of Samuel Barber songs
Jennifer Larmore; 3) she's in the second half. But why
just a studio singer. once must she be so stiff on
artists became stars after stage?
years and ears of tough
roles on sager now you can
d'arte" (ah, Magda!) was
Now you can enjoy my box badly worked out, leaving
her breathless as a fish out
every month in the privacy of water. (These were not
of your own home! isolated incidents, because
I have heard Guleghina's
Tosca six or seven times in
the five years, since
her La
Ea Scala debut in 1989, ^
and she always has the same '
James Morris's Scarpia
Subscribe to Parterre Box Iwas a revelation . I won't
say everything was immacu-
now, and you'll receive the late in his singing; on the
trds cool official PB t-shirt contrary he showed at times
'some forcing and strain in
absolutely free! (It looks I the upper reaches of his
voice due to the fact he is
great dry, tool) actually a bass-baritone,
and Scarpia 's music lies E
ch P s •- outside his vocal
)q It I" baricenter. But it is also
Ia ^' ^ true that most of the time
Scar ia's role doesn't c all
[&&'?r. ICl ^°^G polished voice; ohisfvocal
•----••^+inn_ send writing is formed mainly of
broken a g i tat edphrases.
The secret of success in
this role is dramatic stage
WWW - parterre . presence and involvement; in
this Morris was praisewor-
thy. His Scarpia was both
elegant (let us not forget
ithat Scar is is a Sicilian
laristocra ) and wild , mel-
;Jlifluous and ferocious when
these qualities were called
r.._{for. On the whole, a very
good performance, despite
4-the above-mentioned vocal
Christian Badea proved
himself an attentive conduc-
C for and praiseworthy ac-
(^companist Indeed, he worked
ry miracles following
Pavarotti's highly personal
sense of rhythm, especially
at the conclusion of "E
1-'lucevan le stelle," when the
tenor rushed so much he left
r the orchestra a couple of
-bars behind. Since cotto's
-r infamous revelations, we are
;all aware of the fact that
To quote Kathy Battle: "No -Pavarotti can neither read
object sure before was ever music nor solfege, but is it
too much to ask that in the
half so pleasing!" 16 years since his debut in
this role, he should have
e rlearnt the music?
Nicholas Fishbone
Opera Manhattan Announces
The New York Stage Premiere of Menoriti* Rules first idea was to set an opera about
Georg Friedrich Handel ' s opera W7M
.. by Giovanni Fucina the traditional soprano/tenor/
baritone triangle, but then I thought-
Amadigi Not since the last years of Richard vvhv deal in o-Kie i text (as did, for
Strauss's life produced Capriccio and example, Hoffmansthal ) when it is
the Four Last Songs has the musical so easily misinterpreted ? Remember,
world witnessed an Indian summer I am not a heterosexual like Verdi or
like that of composer Gian-Carle Puccini . Thus, ! transformed the
Menoriti, whose brutally veristic libretto by emphasizing the
music drama Rentboy is rocking promiscuity of Emilio, who can't get
opera houses from Vienna to San laid due to the jealousy of his two
Francisco . This reworking of the boyfriends. "
Dame aux Camellias /Traviata myth
deals in starkly modem terms: the "Alone at the tubs, he sings the
Alfredo character is the son of the romanza 'While I waste these
President of the United States; his precious showers: When the bath-
lover is an HIV+ hustler and porn house is raided , Emilio settles back
star- and a tenor to boot. for a gang-bang led by the Chief of
Inspired, the composer says, by the
Pavarotti / Domingo duet of "O With this triumph under his belt,
Mimi, to pits non tomi," this musico- Menoriti turned to Broadwa y for his
dramatic masterpiece collages frag- smash double bill: The Telefuck and
ments of Verdi, digital samples of The Deviant. The former piece is best
the Cukor/Garbo Camille film remembered for the "Bondage Aria,"
soundtrack and live performance of heard in every Mr. Gay USA
the composer's trademark heart-on- pageant in the past forty years: "And
sleeve (or hard-on-sleeve) lyricism. how is your slip-knot, and how is
your half-hitch, and how is your
The success of this daring work square knot, and how is your dear
should come as no surprise to those little granny knot?"
of us who have followed Menoriti's
Opera Manhattan will produce Georg career since his spectacular debut Dated? Perhaps. But The Deviant re-
that fateful Saturday afternoon in mains a shocker. Madame Florid , a
Friedrich Handel 's opera Amadigi, which charlatan pop-psychiatrist, bilks her
premiered in London at the King ' s Theatre in 1938 when he startled Geraldine
Farrar by coming out during an customers by claiming to "cure" their
May of 1715, and has never been staged in New children's homosexuality. In the
Opera News on the Air interview.
York. The libretto is by Nicola Haym. gripping final scene, the old fraud
Let's take a moment to remember
Performances will be Wednesday, June the long steep road Menoriti has shoots and kills a drag queen, dis-
15, Friday, June 17, Wednesday , June 22, and traveled since then covering too late he is really her son
Friday, June 24 , 1994, in the Sanctuary of the Moby, "doing" Anna Maria
Church of the Resurrection , 119 E. 74th St., New That broadcast was in connection Alberghetti (the haunting Black
York. Tickets are $28 and $20 . Tickets are with the Met premiere of Menoriti's Schlong aria.) Florid then strips off
available through Opera Manhattan by mail at Emilio Goes to the Baths, the first of "her" blouse to reveal a hairy chest-
the above address or by telephone inquiry at his many queer-themed operas. "My as a disembodied voice chants,
(212) 315-3161 ; and at the door the nights of the
performances. All performances start at 8:00 prr
r !'^ lu `^R a .::
"Mother, mother, are you queer?" Menoriti met his long-time compan- ;.
George Jean Nathan called it "the ion, Flake. "I had just returned from moved my few pitiful possessions to "Writing about the life I know, the
queerest show I've ever seen" and a tour of Boys on Blades, the leather- the little guest room on the top floor queer life, is what keeps my in-
Leonard Bernstein fell on his knees themed ice show, and I was part- of Gian-Carlo's east side apartinnent." spiration always fresh," says
in homage to Menoriti in the middle timing as a table-dancer at the Menoriti. "Perhaps that is why I
of Shubert Alley (more than once, it Adonis," recalls the humpy boytoy. But the lovers were soon separated have found the most satisfaction in
is rumored.) when Flake went out on a two-year my operas based on the works of
"Gian-Carlo showed up late one US State Department Tour of The Tennessee Williams ." Audiences
It was during the record-breaking night, claiming to have lost his coat- Deviant opposite Fedora Barbieri. "I have agreed with Menoriti s judg-
four-year run of The Deviant that check. Next thing I knew, we had still remember the 45-minute ment: The Milk Train Doesn't Stop
., •r. VF di Here Any More, first performed at the
W rA 41 °a
1-4 ;> ,.+ ovation at La Scala," recalls Flake,
t- 'ri - - J_. Cd "and being excommunicated by the 1959 Florence May Festival with
Pope brought Gian-Carlo and me Magda Olivero and Franco Core:ii,
much sympathetic publicity." is still a mainstay of the repertoire
whenever the proper combination of
More in the mainstream (but brim- diva dune certaine age and tenore di
ming with gay sensibility) was the beefcake can be found : the chemistry
opera buffa All About Eve. Who can of Munich's Astrid Vamay and Peter
forget the definitive cast of the Hofmann is legendary.
opening night, January 15, 1958, at
the Metropolitan Opera: Eleanor Somewhat less successful was A
Steber (Margo Channing), Rosalind Streetcar Named Desire, com-
Elias (Eve Harrington ); Nicolai missioned to open the Metropolitan L
Gedda (Bill Sampson ); George Opera at Lincoln Center. Menoriti's
London (Addison DeWitt); Giorgio score was overwhelmed by Franco
Tozzi (Lloyd Richards), Blanche Zeffirelli's production: Leontyne
Thebom (Karen Richards); Lorenzo Price's beautifully-sung Blanche
Alvary (Max Fabian); Mary Costa spent most of the opening night
(Miss Caswell); George Cehanovsky trapped in an ornate trolley-car
(Aged Actor); Thelma Votipka whirling around and around the
(Birdie); and Lucine Amara vast Met stage. Even the Times'
(Phoebe). luscious four-column front page
photo of Justino Diaz in his torn
Louis Biancolli led the unanimous tshirt couldn't sal : age this fiasco.
praise: "Menoriti has certainly writ- however, Rertata Scotto 's success as
ten the best comic opera since Der Blanche (Chicago, 1981 ) has started a
Rosenkavalier or Falstaff; future gen- quiet but noticeable groundswell of
erations may call it the best since revival of this problematic but
Cosi fan tutte." All About Eve remains fascinating work.
a prima-donna 's delight: Ljuba
Welitsch (in Vienna), Regine Crespin But Menoriti 's reputation was re-
(Paris), Leyla Gencer (Rome), and deemed with the worldwide success
Beverly Sills (New York City Opera) of his best-known-opera, Suddenly
'are perhaps the best-remembered Last Summer, which is the first since
`I interpreters of Margo; and we all Turandot to enter the standard
ar, "W 41&, remember fondly Elisabeth repertoire. The formidable mezzo
Schwartz kop f s farewe ll rec i ta l in Regina Resnik calls Violet Venable
New York, when her last encore was one of the three greatest singing-
Barbieri and Menoriti fits in controversial scene from The Deviant. 't Margo's aria "Funny business, a actress roles ever written (equal, she
dA UO woman's career. says, to Klytemnastra and Dame
t -
Quickly). New York opera queens were amply rewarded for their "It was nothing, really," she muses. The opening night gala is a benefit
have been known to come to blows efforts when they received the Nobel "I mean, name me an outstanding for Q.E.D., the organization founded
over the relative merits of various Peace Prize. contemporary composer who isn't by out musicians to provide positive
Met revivals of Suddenly Last gay." But the resounding success of queer role models. Says Menoriti,"I
Summer: 1968. (Resnik, Rysanek); "It was a crazy time," recalls the that season ("It's here . It's queer. sometimes imagine what my life
1975 (Crespin, Stratas), 1984 Russian diva. "First, the destruction Subscribe to it.") is credited with might have been if I had not come
(Bumbry, Malfitano) or 1993 of the Berlin Wall, then the United gaining Sills her current post as out. Sure, I might have been
(Rysanek, Upshaw) are all con- Nations resolution extending full General Manager of the administrator of some chichi arts
tenders for definitive"; certainly legal rights to homosexuals world- "
Metropolitan Opera. festival, but I'm certain my
they were all flawless. For my wide. To have contributed even a inspiration would have dried up,
money, the Cossotto/Ricciarelli fraction to this great liberation was Which brings us full circle: Rentboy leaving me to scrape out bad
version (La Scala 1973) can never be the zenith of my career." is Sills's choice to open her 1994-95 imitations of my early work and to
excelled, ur: pire °ae me? iocre season. "The Met's production of attack younger, more gibed artists.
Italian translation, the debut of Jose The mutual admiration of composer Rentboy may not be the first," boasts
Carreras as Dr. Cukrowitz gained and soprano led to her the carrot-topped impresario, "but "So I call on all of you- queer
him the nickname "the singing commissioning The Music Lovers it's the one everyone will composers and librettists, queer
Montgomery Cliff " from Menorid, in which she created remember !" Jessye Norman directors and designers, queer critics
the role of Madame von Meck. conducts, Pedro Almodovar is and administrators, queer divas and
Worldwide success led Menoriti to directing, and the production stars queer divos! Come out! Separately
"stretch the envelope" with The Saint Meanwhile, Menoriti searched for Plhcido Domingo and Luciano we are a pitiful joke, but together
off Bleecker Street, a melodrama set in ever more controversial to ics. A Pavarotti as the doomed lovers. we are opera!"
a celebrated gay disco. Julia line of Bemanos from ' of the
Migen•!s-Johnson's crossover hit Carmelites (... and what the little
recording of Annina's aria, "O sweet shepherd does from time to time
Jesus, spare me some Ecstasy" with pure and trembling heart all of
became an anthem of the feel-good us must do day and night") inspired
1970's. More than one famous Italian Amahl and the Nocturnal Emissions,
tenor came out during curtain calls with its controversial musical
for this piece, perhaps inspired by depiction of masturbation. Surely
Michele s fiery aria , "You are no other living composer could have
ashamed to say: I was a faggot.." handled this subject so delicately.

"I remember marveling that La No survey, however brief, of

muette di :-ortici once started a Menoriti's work would be complete
revolution," reca..s Menorit . vat w'thcut a men'..on of the ballet The
now I know it is a combination of Uniform, the Drag Queen, and the
elements that can lead to such a Matador, or the one-act opera The
movement." He is referring, of Sperm. And perhaps it is time to re-
coarse, to the 1974 performance of examine I Love Loca, written for thP
The Concealed at the Bolshoi that led farewell of Beverly Sills. While this
to the fall of world communism. bizarre, almost surrealistic retelling
of the life of Juana the Mad (as
"Do not give me the credit for that," staged by Charles Ludlam) was
laughs Menoriti . "Better to thank hardly everyone's cup of tea, it
Galina Vishnevskaya for her certainly served to redefine "gay
overwhelming portrayal of Mazda sensibility" in the early 19Ws-- and
Sorel, the lesbian separated from her to inspire La Sills to commission a
lover by a repressive government." whole season of queer operas for
But Menoriti and Vishnevskaya NYCO in 1985.
rrA, Costume designs by Rolf Langenfass for Met Rentboy:
,- r .
the Act Two, Scene 2 ballet features soloist Jeffrey Edwards

Texaco presents.. .
the 194.95 Metropolitan Opera Broadcast Season
December 10 ` La boh&me : Scotto, Daniels; Pavarotti, Hampson (Levine)
December 17: Rigoletto : Peters; Pavarotti, MacNeil (Sant)
December 24 : Hanset and Gretel Battle, Elias, Rysanek; Prey (Sold)
December 31 La boh&me: Freni, Soviero; Pavarotti, Milnes (Domingo)
January 7 Aida: Millo, Budai; Mauro, Milnes (Sant)
January 14 Y La bohima : Scotto, Daniels: Domingo, Hampson (Santi)
January 21 ? 11 barblere dl Slvlglla: Horne; Blake, Hampson, Dare,
Ramey (Muti)
January 28 La bohame : Fren i, Soviero; Domingo; MacNeil (Levine)
February 4 Der Rosenkavaller: von Stade, Scotto, Battle; Pavarotti,
Korn (Thielmann)
February 11 Tosca: Caballe; Pavarotti, MacNeil (Domingo)
February 18 11 trovatore: Caballe, Cossotto; Pavarotti, Milnes (Sand)
February 25 La bohame : Stratas, Daniels:;Carreras, Hampson (Fiore)
March 4 Le nose dl Figarm Vaness, Battle, von Stade; Ramey, 11
Hampson (Bonynge)
March 11 La bohime : Norman, Soviero; Domingo, Chernov (Levine)
March 18 La fill* du r6glment : Battle, Elias, LuPone; Pavarotti,
Plishka (Thielmann)
March 25 La bohime : Behrens, Daniels: Domingo, Milnes (Levine)
And 1 Don Giovanni : Vaness, Te Kanawa, Battle; Lopardo, Morris,
Plishka (Levine)
April 8 La bohime: Dimitrova, Bartoli; Domingo, Milnes (Levine)
April 15 Turandot: Marton, Battle; Domingo, Plishka (Sanu)
April 22 La bohime : Domingo as Rodolfo (Acts 1 and 3)
Pavarotti as Rodolfo (Acts 2 and 4)
Domingo as Mimi (Acts 2 and 4)
Pavarotti as Mimi (Acts 1 and 3) ,
Stratas as Musetta (Levine)

al eq^ *^' }
held^^a ^ You
said r? A^ Z V@ aP
b ng imeh e nor Rlinen sn n o once
Siemo,.,-Y'_L?ob'' riohr _«heHabaner.a hard-on
unea r
Was 'he b
$a .
Peter ` Hof
the larlY^
"I Waa
an nV
ut. a fond mernor
a A4ood
dudi tn^e
to • Well,
a Walaun 9 anwn , and i
Jim Hord J3011 rO Y now Rock
You're al he t t0 ( YhwaL)I I
Ytrewrl mawiow, f
r1 John RQch Y. and
`-^ 7.-^.."

parterre box isWhChn

a out ^nac^onna at c
o X-era was queer an d
dangerous and
exci ting and making
it that way again....

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