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Roots of Alawite-Sunni Rivalry in Syria

Article  in  Middle East Policy · June 2012

DOI: 10.1111/j.1475-4967.2012.00541.x

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Ayse Tekdal Fildis

Namık Kemal Üniversitesi


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Middle East Policy, Vol. XIX, No. 2, Summer 2012

Roots of Alawite-Sunni Rivalry in Syria

Ayse Tekdal Fildis

Dr. Fildis is assistant professor in the Department of Political Sciences at

Halic University in Istanbul.

fter World War I, the victori- Alawites).2 Therefore, the French man-
ous allies, Britain and France, date administration cultivated a friendly
divided the Arab provinces of relationship with the Druze, Alawites and
the Ottoman Empire to suit some smaller communities. The mandate
their particular interests. The south, Pal- administration thus granted autonomy to
estine, was assigned to Great Britain; the Syria’s two regionally compact minority
north, Syria and Lebanon, was assigned groups, the Druze and the Alawites, and
to France. Syria was subdivided into five to the multicommunal regions of Alexan-
parts: Lebanon, including its principal dretta and the Jazirah.3
towns of Tripoli, Beirut, Sidon and Tyre; In 1922, the Jabal al-Druze region,
Syria, with the main towns of Aleppo, located in an area of Druze concentration
Hama, Homs and Damascus; the moun- south of Damascus, was proclaimed a
tainous region of Jabal al-Druze, with the separate unit under French protection, with
principal town of Suaida; the Sanjak of its own governor and elected congress. The
Latakia, with Latakia, its principal town; mountain district behind Latakia, with its
and the Sanjak of Alexandretta, in theory large Alawite population, became a special
part of Syria, but subject to a special au- administrative regime under heavy French
tonomous form of government.1 During the protection and was proclaimed a sepa-
period of the French mandate (1920-46), rate state. Later, in 1922, all but the Jabal
sectarian divisions were deliberately in- al-Druze were united in a Syrian Federa-
cited in order to suppress Arab nationalism tion that was dissolved at the end of 1924
and stifle the national independence move- and replaced by a Syrian state comprising
ment. Separatism and the particularism of the states of Aleppo and Damascus and
religious and national minorities — poli- a separate Sanjak of Alexandretta. The
tique minoritaire — were encouraged by Alawite state was, however, excluded from
the granting of autonomous status to areas this new arrangement. Except for a brief
where such minorities formed a majority. period, from 1936 to 1939, Alawite and
Arab nationalism, developed mainly Druze states were administratively sepa-
by the Sunni Muslim community, was rate from Syria until 1942.
perceived as a threat by the French as well During much of the Mandate era,
as by the Christians and the heterodox France’s divide-and-rule strategy helped to
Muslim communities (Druzes, Ismailis and define the extent of the nationalist move-
© 2012, The Author Middle East Policy © 2012, Middle East Policy Council

Fildis: Roots of Alawite-Sunni Rivalry in Syria

ment and prevent it from infecting minori- contrast, the Circassians were overrepre-
ty-inhabited areas. The French also cut the sented in the army, but poorly represented
ties between the urban nationalist opposi- in parliament and the police. The Alawites
tion and the peripheral regions. Due to this were overrepresented among the soldiers,
strategy, the Syrian nationalist movement but poorly represented in politics, the offi-
encountered great difficulty in expanding cer corps, the gendarmerie and the police.7
its activities beyond Damascus, Aleppo, The pattern set during the French man-
Hama and Homs. date and carried over into the independence
Arab nationalists did regard France era was the Syrian nationalist leadership’s
as a friendly nation — as defined by the rejection of Arab unity as its principal po-
mandate, to help and guide them towards litical goal. Nationalists faced an awkward
independence contradiction
and state- French mandate policies prevented the between pan-
hood4 — but
as a colonial,
development of any cohesive or definable Arab unity
and local self-
Christian, loyalty to a Syrian nation-state. Arab interest.8 Arab
Western and identity was stronger than Syrian identity. nationalism’s
anti-Muslim highest ideal
power that denied their national aspira- — the creation of a single independent
tions and threatened their religion, culture political unit including all who shared the
and language.5 The French administration Arabic language and cultural heritage —
consciously neglected to train an efficient was pitted against a tendency to focus on
and dedicated administrative elite and local ambitions and concerns.
quietly aggravated relations between the Most nationalist leaders failed to
Sunni Arab majority and minorities. The transcend their narrow town-based ideolo-
numerous divisions and re-divisions of gies and did not share a broad vision of the
Syria during the mandate6 obstructed the future. Political life in Syria was character-
development of such an elite. When the last ized by chaotic rivalries within the political
French troops withdrew in April 1946, one elite itself, in single towns or between lead-
of the greatest obstacles to political integra- ers in rival towns, or between the urban-na-
tion after independence was regionalism. tionalist elite and the rural-based leadership
The French policy of divide and rule of the compact minorities. The Alawites
eroded the ties among Syria’s religious and and Druze had enjoyed a certain degree of
ethnic groups, forging factions within each autonomy during the French mandate. Fol-
group and against the others. The French lowing independence in 1946, the Syrian
balanced ethnic representation by placing nationalist leadership had the tremendous
separate ethnicities at the head of differ- task of integrating the compact minorities
ent institutional branches of government, and the scattered minorities (such as Kurds,
allowing one ethnic or religious group to Circassians and Armenians).
be strongly represented in an institution. After independence, pan-Arab,
As a consequence, the Sunni Arabs were Baathist, Greater Syrian and Palestinian
dominant in politics, the officer corps, the slogans were the main rallying points for
gendarmerie and the police, but underrep- many political movements, but local and
resented in the military’s rank and file. By regional loyalties still influenced political

Middle East Policy, Vol. XIX, No. 2, Summer 2012

and social commitments. French mandate Alawite seats in parliament and the courts
policies prevented the development of any that applied Alawite laws of personal status
cohesive or definable loyalty to a Syrian also were abolished. The Alawites became
nation-state. Arab identity was stronger reconciled to common Syrian citizenship
than Syrian identity, and borders were only and gave up the dream of a separate Ala-
technically respected. Moreover, the lack wite state. This change of outlook, which
of any shared loyalty meant that regional seemed to be of minor importance at the
political conflicts were projected into the time, actually led to a new era in Syrian
national political arena.9 As Maoz points politics: the political rise of the Alawites.12
out, “When Syria became independent in
1946, she was then by no means a nation- THE ALAWITE COMMUNITY
state nor had she a coherent political com- Until 1920, the Alawites were known
munity to rely upon.”10 Habib Kahalah, a to the outside world as the Nusayris or
member of the Syrian parliament in 1947, Ansaris. The name change was imposed
describes the characteristics of the parlia- by the French when they seized control in
ment: “I look around me and see only a Syria. “Nusayri” emphasizes the group’s
bundle of contradictions.... Men whom different approach to mainstream Islam,
nothing united, sharing no principles . . . ; whereas “Alawi” suggests an adherent of
some were illiterate, others distinguished Ali (the son-in-law of the Prophet Mu-
men of letters; some spoke only Kurdish or hammad) and accentuates the religion’s
Armenian, others only Turkish; some wore similarities to Shii Islam.13 The Alawites
a tarbush, others a kafiyeh....”11 benefited from the mandate more than any
Before independence, Syrian national- other minority group, gaining political
ists were represented in the National Bloc autonomy and escaping Sunni control. The
(al-Kutla al-Wataniya), a confederation French set up an Alawite state, “the state
of veterans of various backgrounds and of Latakia,” on July 1, 1922. The Alawites
interests who were united in the struggle also gained legal autonomy: in Arrete no.
for independence. When the mandate 623, September 15, 1922, a decision was
ended, the urban Sunni elite inherited the handed down that ended Sunni control of
Syrian government. After independence, court cases involving Alawites, transfer-
the Syrian government’s major goal was to ring them to Alawite jurists.14
reduce, and gradually to abolish, regional Another major instrument of French
and communal representation in the parlia- influence on the Alawites was their recruit-
ment, where those who had benefited from ment into the Troupes Spéciales du Levant,
French rule were mainly the compact mi- a local military force formed in 1921 and
norities. A major step in this direction was later developed into the Syrian and Leba-
to abolish certain jurisdictional rights that nese armed forces. The French employed
were granted to the Alawites and the Druze the principle of divide and rule in the
by the French mandate. The abolition of Troupes recruitment too. The aim was to
jurisdictional rights in order to establish a prevent any of the communities from ob-
centralized rule in Damascus ignited con- taining a position so powerful as to be able
frontation among the minorities. The Sunni to endanger the French administration.
rulers in Damascus integrated Latakia into Based on the French design, the army
Syria and abolished the Alawite state. The developed a strong rural and minority rep-

Fildis: Roots of Alawite-Sunni Rivalry in Syria

resentation, with special detachments of battalions of the Troupes, serving as police

Alawites, Druze, Kurds and Circassians. and supplying intelligence.18 The French
Alawites served under French officers made every effort to keep the Troupes im-
along with the other “reliable” minori- mune from the Syrian ferment in the towns
ties15 in local forces. The French favored by using the Alawites and other minorities
recruiting rural minorities because they to suppress urban nationalist disorder.
were far from the urban-dominant political The Alawites constituted some 12
ideology, Arab nationalism. The French percent of the Syrian population. From
policy of military recruitment involved the Ottoman period, they were the most
weakening numerous and
the forces of From the Ottoman period, [the Alawites] the poorest
nationalism peasants in
that Arab were the most numerous and the poorest Syria, work-
Sunnis used peasants in Syria, working for Sunni ing for Sunni
to challenge and Christian landlords in the mountain and Christian
the French landlords in
over the fu-
regions and in Latakia, at the foot of the the mountain
ture of Syria. Alawite mountains. regions and
As a result, in in Latakia,
the mid-1940s, when that struggle was at at the foot of the Alawite mountains. The
its height, Arab Sunni representation in the political effects of poverty were worsened
army was much lower than their numbers by the geographic and communal divisions.
in the population. 16
The Sunnis who lived in towns enjoyed
The Troupes Spéciales du Levant were much greater wealth and dominated the
used to maintain order and suppress local Alawite peasants. According to Jacques
rebellions. Largely composed of minori- Weulersse, the Alawites were “a numerical
ties, their activities generated resentment majority but a political minority.”19 Their
among Sunnis. By the end of the mandate, condition was scarcely improved under the
several infantry battalions were composed mandate. The average daily income of a
almost entirely of Alawites. Not one bat- peasant in 1938 was only about 22 piastres,
talion was composed entirely of Sunni while the cost of living was approximately
Arabs. Even those few battalions with 50 piastres. This drove great numbers of
significant Sunni Arab components were Alawites to enrol in the Troupes.20
filled mostly with men from rural areas Depressed economic conditions made
and far-off towns. The wealthy Sunni Arab the army a vehicle for social mobility. For
landowning and commercial families, who the first time, Alawite youth benefited from
led the Arab nationalist movement during a small, but secure, income and became
the mandate, indirectly reinforced the trend disciplined, trained and exposed to new
towards strong representation of minori- ideas. As Seale states, “Service with the
ties in the Troupes by refusing to send their French established the beginning of an
sons for military training, even as officers, Alawi military tradition central to the com-
in a force which they viewed as serving munity’s later ascent.”21 Socioeconomic
France’s imperial interests. The Alawites
factors heightened the strong representa-
formed about half of the eight infantry tion of Alawites in the army. This incentive

Middle East Policy, Vol. XIX, No. 2, Summer 2012

was less significant for people from the landowning class to which they belonged:
larger cities, mainly Sunnis. Urban dwell- scorning the army as a profession, they
ers frequently found it easier than their allowed it to be captured by their class
rural counterparts to avoid military service enemies, who then went on to capture the
by paying a redemption fee.22 state itself.”26
It is understandable that many mem- The Alawites, although excessively
bers of Alawite communities were among represented in the army, were just the cor-
the military and that, especially after 1949, porals, sergeants and junior officers before
when the first of a long series of military the takeover by the Baath party in 1963. On
coups took place, they started to domi- the other hand, the most important group,
nate Syrian political life. A military report which undertook politically and strategi-
describing the situation of the Syrian Army cally important military functions, was the
in 1949 stated that “all units of any impor- senior Sunni officer corps. Sunni leaders
tance as well as the important parts stood apparently believed that reserving the top
under the command of persons originating positions for themselves would suffice
from religious minorities.”23 However, to control the military. The leaders of the
Batatu notes, first three military coups between 1949
and 1954 were all Sunnis. In the period
...on the level of the officer corps between 1954 and 1958, when the Syrian-
the Alawis, contrary to a widespread Egyptian union (the United Arab Repub-
impression, were not as important lic) was established, the officer corps was
numerically as the Sunnis prior to
strongly divided into rival factions. The
1963. They derived much of their real
strength from the lower ranks of the “union pledge,” which was made in Janu-
army. In an arithmetical sense, they ary 1958, was led mainly by Sunni officers;
had a plurality among the common in September 1961, another coup, which
soldiers and a clear preponderance separated Syria from the union, was also
among the non-commissioned of- led by Sunni officers.27 The struggle among
ficers. As early as 1955... Colonel the senior Sunni officers greatly weakened
Abd al-Hamid al- Sarraj, Chief of the Sunni representation in the officer corps
Intelligence Bureau, discovered to his and strengthened the minorities, mainly the
surprise that no fewer than 65 percent Alawite officer corps. “As Sunni officers
or so of the non-commissioned of-
eliminated each other, Alawites inherited
ficers belonged to the Alawi sect.24
their positions and became increasingly se-
nior; as one Alawi rose through the ranks,
As opposed to the Alawites, who saw
he brought his kinsmen along.”28 The two
the Military Academy of Homs as a place
national institutions that played major roles
for the ambitious and talented, the wealthy
in the Alawites’ rise to power and eventual
Sunni Arab families often despised the
control of political life in Syria were the
army as a profession: They regarded the
military and the Baath party.
Academy as “a place for the lazy, the
rebellious, the academically backward, or
the socially undistinguished.”25 As Seale
Pan-Arabism aimed at the political
states, “this was the historic mistake of the
resurrection of the Arabs as one nation. In
leading families and of the mercantile and
contrast to the nationalist movements in

Fildis: Roots of Alawite-Sunni Rivalry in Syria

neighboring countries like Turkey and Iran, Aflaq and Bitar had supported this pan-Ar-
pan-Arab nationalists were not working ab nationalist ideology since their school
within the boundaries of an internationally days. In 1942, they devoted themselves to
recognized country. Arab nationalists had the creation of a movement dedicated “to
to struggle against the artificial political achieving freedom (hurriyah) from for-
divisions imposed by France and Britain. eign control and the unity (wihdah) of all
Pan-Arabism had to compete with “a deep- Arabs in a single state. To these goals, the
rooted and almost instinctive commitment Baathists added socialism (ishtirakiyah),
to Islam.” In the past, Arab nationalism
which they interpreted as social justice for
had been associated with Sunni Islamism, the poor and underprivileged.”31
and it continued to be so. All non-Sunni In July 1946, shortly after French
Arabs, heterodox Muslims and Christians troops left Syria, Aflaq and Bitar published
were allotted the journal
a second- Al-Baath;
ary place
The religious minorities supported the and, in
and seen as Baath’s nationalistic ideology, in which all April 1947,
“imperfect Arabs were equal, whether Sunni Muslims, the found-
Arabs.” The Alawites or members of other heterodox ing Baath
religious mi- Congress
norities also
Muslim communities or Christians. was held in
“tended to Damascus.
suspect Arab nationalism as a disguise for During the congress, a different group
unrestrained Sunni ascendancy.”30 Baath emerged: some were from Latakia, and
nationalism was different from Sunni Arab the majority of them were Alawites. They
nationalism in that Baathis wanted a united shared the Baath goals of Arab inde-
secular Arab society. Although pan-Arab pendence and unity but differed in their
nationalists made an effort to amalgam- approach to social issues. They were the
ate Islam into their ideology by stressing followers of Zaki Arsuzi, an influential
its central role in Arab culture and history, Alawite intellectual, himself a follower of
for too many Sunni Muslims it was not another Alawite, Dr. Wahib al-Ghanim,
a solution; pan-Arabism placed Islam in a socialist who blamed the ruling elite
a less important position. The religious for the miserable conditions of the rural
minorities supported the Baath’s nation- population. While Aflaq’s main concerns
alistic ideology, in which all Arabs were were unity and nationalism, Ghanim’s was
equal, whether Sunni Muslims, Alawites or social justice. In 1947, he insisted on the
members of other heterodox Muslim com- inclusion of “the limitation of agricultural
munities or Christians. holdings, worker participation in man-
The Baath (Resurrection) party was agement, and state ownership of heavy
founded in 1940 in Syria by two Paris- industry, natural resources, and public
educated intellectuals: Michel Aflaq, an utilities”32 to the party’s constitution. Al-
Orthodox Christian, and Salah al-Din Bi- though Aflaq refused to accept Ghanim’s
tar, a Sunni Muslim. The Baath party was insistence on including a socialist ap-
the product of the growth of secular ideas proach or social justice goals, Bitar agreed
and of pan-Arab nationalist sentiment. to unite the Baath with Akram al-Haw-

Middle East Policy, Vol. XIX, No. 2, Summer 2012

rani’s (also transcribed as Hourani) Arab the Baath, were dissolved. But some Ala-
Socialist Party, which shared Ghanim’s wite groups remained organized secretly
concerns. Hawrani built a strong populist and maintained a measure of control in the
movement in the Hama region among the Latakia region. Following the secession of
landless peasants, the most exploited rural Syria from the union in 1961, the earlier
population in Syria. Hawrani became a dissolution of the Baath party proved to
major influence among the rural religious- be a major political gain for the Alawites.
minority cadets and young officers, mainly They now were the strongest and most
the members of the Alawite community. organized force in the much-weakened
They saw him as a leader of the peasant national organization.36
movement. As Hawrani and the Baath The dominance of a military faction
leaders grew closer and eventually merged within the Baath party has its roots in the
their organizations in September 1953 to period of Egyptian-Syrian unity. The pro-
form the Arab Baath Socialist Party, the Baath officers stationed in Egypt formed a
Baath gained a large following among the secret organization in 1959. The leaders of
officers.33 Baath ideology had an obvious the group — Salah Jadid, Hafez al-Assad,
appeal for them because of its secularist, Muhammad Umran — were Alawites, and
populist and socialist components. Hamad Ubayd was a Druze. The goal of
After the unification of the two par- the organization was to restore the Syrian
ties, original Baath doctrine “sought to army to Syrian control. The members of
combine a secular formulation of pan-Arab this secret military organization, eventually
nationalism and a non-Marxist approach to known as the military committee, were not
socialism and social reform.”34 The large, involved in the Baath’s traditional leader-
mainly Sunni, urban petty bourgeoisie ship or party structure. They operated as
considered the Baath ideology suspect for one of several politically active groups of
its secularism and advocacy of socialism. officers involved in the dissolution of the
However, the religious minorities found it union in 1961 and in the fight for political
strongly appealing. They hoped the party control of Syria during the subsequent year
“would help them to free themselves of and a half.37
their minority status and the narrow social On March 8, 1963, a coup by a group
frame of their sectarian, regional and tribal of officers, including the Military Commit-
ties.”35 Baath ideology promised minor- tee, brought down the “separatist regime.”
ity communities equality on the basis of Five of the 14 members of the Baathist
being an Arab, not on being a Sunni. There military committee were Alawites. After
would be no political and socioeconomic the coup, the gaps in the army resulting
discrimination against non-Sunnis. It also from purges of political opponents were
promised other aspects of social reform in filled by Alawites. Even the graduating
the needy rural areas. The overrepresenta- Sunnis cadets were denied their commis-
tion of heterodox Muslims and Christians sions: “The representation of Alewis [sic]
in the ranks of the Baath party contrib- among the newly appointed officers was
uted to the resentment between the Baath as high as 90 percent.”38 As Batatu points
regime and the urban Sunni population. out, many Sunnis are still in the officer
During the Syrian-Egyptian union corps, but, if they are important, they are
(1958-61), all political parties, including important not as a group but as individuals,

Fildis: Roots of Alawite-Sunni Rivalry in Syria

and more in the professional than in the history. As a result, it engendered distrust
political sense.39 among many of the Sunni population of
On July 18, 1963, the power struggle the Alawites and the Baath party. Many
between Sunni Baath officers and minor- Sunnis regarded the Alawite Baathist
ity officers ended in a bloody takeover by regime as illegitimate, oppressive and
the minority officers. Control of the army anti-Islamic. According to Sunni Muslims,
and political life passed to the heterodox the Alawite minority had seized power by
Muslim minority led by the Alawites. The armed force, imposing harsh measures,
Sunni majority was put in a subordinate such as restricting religious education
position. Other heterodox Muslim groups and ulema (Muslim scholars). This se-
were eliminated as well: “In 1966 and verely injured Sunnis’ religious feelings
1968, the Alawi faction terminated the and their socioeconomic interests. In a
other two minoritarian-sectarian factions country where two-thirds of the popula-
(the Druze and the Ismailis), and became tion are Sunni, these facts severely alien-
the masters of Syria.”40 ated the Alawite regime from its subjects.
Weulersse’s argument that “a minority
Conclusion can dominate a majority if it has political,
The emergence of the Alawite Baathist military or economic superiority”41 became
regime in the mid-1960s marked a crucial the reality in Syria.
turning point in Syria’s modern political

George Antonius, “Syria and the French Mandate,” International Affairs 13, no. 4 (July-August, 1934): 525.
The Alawites were members of the Nusayri sect, which had a strong Shi’a doctrinal strain, inhabited the
mountainous areas of northwest Syria even before the Ottomans took over. The Druze were an entirely
endogamous community, probably starting in Egypt, whose religion was an eclectic mix of Islamic, Chris-
tian, Greek and pagan concepts. They were another tough mountain group, which survived four centuries of
Turkish rule and were more or less left to themselves. See Albert H. Hourani, Minorities in the Arab World
(Oxford Univeristy Press, 1947).
On the French and the minorities, see Itamar Rabinovich, “The Compact Minorities and the Syrian State,
1918-45,” Journal of Contemporary History 14, no. 4 (1979). See also Itamar Rabinovich, The View from
Damascus: State, Political Community and Foreign Relations in Twentieth-Century Syria (Valentine Mitchell
Press, 2008), 95-109.
League of Nations Official Journal, August 1922, 1013-17.
Youssef Chaitani, Post-Colonial Syria and Lebanon (London: I.B. Tauris, 2007), 8.
For the mandate and partition, see Ayse Tekdal Fildis, “The Troubles in Syria: Spawned by French Divide
and Rule,” Middle East Policy 18, no. 4 (Winter 2011): 129-39.
Philips S. Khoury, Syria and the French Mandate: The Politics of Arab Nationalism, 1920-1945 (I. B.
Tauris, 1987), 622.
N. E. Bou-Nacklie, “Les Troupes Speciales: Religious and Ethnic Recruitment, 1916-46,” International
Journal of Middle East Studies 25, no. 4 (November, 1993): 656.
Michael H. Van Dusen, “Political Integration and Regionalism in Syria,” Middle East Journal 26, no. 2
(Spring, 1972): 125.
Moshe Ma’oz, “ Attempts at Creating a Political Community in Modern Syria,” Middle East Journal 26,
no. 4 (Autumn, 1972): 398.

Middle East Policy, Vol. XIX, No. 2, Summer 2012

Patrick Seale, The Struggle for Syria: A Study of Post-war Arab Politics (Oxford University Press, 1965),
Daniel Pipes, “The Alawi Capture of Power in Syria,” Middle Eastern Studies 25, no. 4 (Oct., 1989): 440.
Ibid., 430.
E. Rabbath, L’Évolution politique de la Syrie sous mandat (Paris: Marcel Riviere, 1928), 185.
Patrick Seale, Asad of Syria: The Struggle for the Middle East (University of California Press, 1989), 18.
Bou-Nacklie, Les Troupes, 655-56.
J.C. Hurewitz, Middle East Politics: The Military Dimension (Frederick A. Praeger, 1969), 153.
Pipes, “The Alawi,” 438.
Jaques Weulersse, Le Pays des Alaouites (Tours: Arrault, 1940), 199.
Hanna Batatu, “Some Observations on the Social Roots of Syria’s Ruling, Military Group and the Causes
for Its Dominance,” Middle East Journal 35, no. 3 (Summer, 1981): 334.
Seale, Asad of Syria, 18.
Be’eri Eliezer, Army Officers in Arab Politics and Society (Fredrick A. Praegar, 1970), 336-7.
Nikolas Van Dam, The Struggle for Power in Syria: Politics and Society under Asad and the Baath Party,
4th ed. (I.B. Tauris, 2011), 28.
Batatu, “Some Observations on the Social Roots of Syria’s Ruling”: 340-41.
Seale, The Struggle for Syria, 37.
Seale, Asad of Syria, 39.
Van Dam, The Struggle for Power in Syria, 29.
Daniel Pipes, “The Alawi Capture of Power in Syria,” Middle Eastern Studies 25, no. 4 (Oct., 1989): 441.
Stephen Humphreys, “The Strange Career of Pan-Arabism,” in The Modern Middle East, 2nd ed., ed. A.
Hourani, P. Khoury and M.C. Wilson (I.B. Tauris, 2009), 581.
Van Dam, The Struggle for Power in Syria, 17.
John F. Devlin, “The Baath Party: Rise and Metamorphosis,” The American Historical Review 96, no. 5
(December, 1991): 1397.
Ibid., 1398.
John Galvani, “Syria and the Baath Party,” Pages 3-16 in MERIP Reports, no. 25 (February, 1974): 6.
Itamar Rabinovich, “Arab Political Parties: Ideology and Ethnicity,” in The View from Damascus: State,
Political Community and Foreign Relations in Twentieth-Century Syria (Vallentine Mitchell Press, 2008),
Van Dam, The Struggle for Power in Syria, 17.
Avraham Ben-Tzur, “The Neo-Baath Party in Syria,” New Outlook 12, no. 103 (Jan. 1969): 27.
Galvani, “Syria and the Baath Party,” 6.
Van Dam, The Struggle for Power in Syria, 32.
Batatu, “Some Observations on the Social Roots of Syria’s Ruling,” 343.
Mahmud A. Faksh, “The Alawi Community of Syria: A New Dominant Political Force,” Middle Eastern
Studies 20, no. 2 (April, 1984): 144.
Weulersse, Le Pays, 77.


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