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Evaluación escrita

Present continuous

Name: Score: /34 Final Mark:

I. Fill in the gaps using: Am/ Are / Is -ing. (8pts)

1. The girls ___________________________ (dance) in the party.

2. We _______________________________ (play) soccer now.

3. I _________________________________ (run).

4. My baby ___________________________ (eat) carrots.

5. She _______________________________ (jump)

6. They ______________________________ (walk) in the park.

7. He ________________________________ (swim) in the pool.

8. My friends __________________________ (sing) karaoke.

II. Describe the pictures in one sentence. (6pts)

1. ___________________________________

2. ___________________________________

3. ___________________________________
III. Complete the chart. (6pts)

Verb -ing Spanish

1. Play Jugar o tocar un instrumento
2. Eat Comer
3. Sleep Dormir
4. Work Trabajar
5. Wash Lavar
6. Cook Cocinar

IV. Underline the verbs in present continuous. (14pts)

Conversation 1:

Man: Where are you?

Woman: I am working inside. I am writing a letter to my friend. I am telling him about my
life and my new job.
Man: Are you using the computer?
Woman: I am not using the computer because I like to hand write letters. My hand is
getting tired though.

Conversation 2:

Man: Where are the twins?

Woman: They are playing outside. They are playing soccer with their friends. They are
using the front lawn as a soccer pitch.
Man: Are they having fun?
Woman: They are having a lot of fun. They are exercising so they are burning lots of
energy. I think they are trying to lose weight

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