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Name: Mark Dwane Lumanga

Section: Grade 12 – Saint Michael 2nd Activity

Reflection Paper
They say everything has a finale, a completion or a termination, that everybody has an
ending that even our own home has its own, maybe sooner or later I supposed but after this, there
are before or simply the days, weeks, months, years or decade before this things starts to happen.
I’m not talking here all about the past but the journey you had on this time. The things you did,
the memories you had either happy ones or the sad, the adventures you track that even the
smallest thing that exist in your life counts, if we try to reminisce all this happening, the reasons
all behind it. They are not just someone special that if its fade it is thrown but it is rather
important it must be kept, treasured and valued that if lost, you can never retrieve it back.
It’s pretty simple that family means the one who support, guide, encourage, motivate,
inspire and anything else that keep us standing, longing and living. It’s the head of everything,
that the whole thing we do are because of them, for them. It’s not something of a big deal to talk
about it for we see them, be with them like almost every day of our life.
When we talk about our family, it all seems to be easy that every single question we tend
to answer about it are basic, not even a hustle to answer but as we react to it, we cannot even
think on how to answer that question, that it seems the questions are very complicated enough
that we cannot even talk about it. Why is that?
Parenting is not as easy as you think like what you read in some stories that after a year
your son or daughter will grew up as you well planned. Sometimes have you ever think of asking
your parent their story, what they feel when you were born, what experience they encountered.
Thinking of it makes us feel nostalgic or emotional. We all know that our parents have been
there for us since from the start, that day we were born. They have cherished us, nourished and
give warmth. They are even willing to sacrifice, take risk just for the sake of us. They considered
us as their treasure, their most important wealth. They became everything for us just to give
everything we deserved; well I guess not every child grew up with their parents by their side,
some had dies after they where born or some grow up inside an orphanage not knowing their
biological mother or father. They did not feel any single love from a family or what its like to
have a parent, a mother that will light you and a father that will protect you. Some even have
complete parents but incomplete attendance. They are completely there yet not literally there,
maybe at work or an OFW parents. This is some reason why children sometimes become
aggravated and others become vengeful but maybe there’s a reason why sometimes they are not
beside you, why sometimes they are neglecting you. They have much time on business rather
than being with their children but they have never stop giving everything you wanted, your needs
but still there is missing, a hole which makes you incomplete and the only thing that can fill that
hole is your parents attention, their hugs, their presence. They’ve been wanting their parent’s
attention making them do this inappropriate thing making them vengeful but against all of this,
they still give everything we want and needs in exchange for the times they are not beside you.
Well it is not healthy for us and the family because a family that sticks together stays forever.
I considered my family as my home, a haven where you will find passion and love when
you are within their arms. Yes, I don’t have my parents by my side now. We grew up without
them yet we still have the lessons, the love, a home they left for us. We still have the memories,
the adventure we had, the seasons when we are complete yet now half of us are missing yet we
still feel their presence. Their absence doesn’t make me rude or do things that will make my life
Our family deserve everything that we owe our life to them. They deserve happiness and
the care we can give, cherish them always and let them feel that they are always loved. Don’t
give them heartaches and problems anymore instead we protect them more. I have felt the pain
of being left by families and I don’t want you encountering that. Say to them I love you while
time are still early because we don’t know when their time will soon come leaving us with a
grieving heart. It’s better to grow up with them and let God become the center of it. It doesn’t
matter whether you pictured or not to save the memories, the happiness you have felt when
you’ve been with them. It’s not on the pictures because sometimes the best moment in life
wasn’t capture by the lens of a camera. Sometimes the best moment was capture by the heart.

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