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71. Make a list with miniature summaries (thirty to forty words each)
of twenty arguments that you could use (obviously more extensively)
in evangelistic sermons when you protest and plead with lost souls to
come to Christ. Baxter's famous wrestling, begging, and questions will
help (see holiday reading).

1. Make sure the work of saving grace is complete in your own soul.
Take care, you are not going to lack that saving grace of God that you
offer to others, ignoring the effective work of Christ.
2. O sinner, do not negotiate an eternity for a few years in this earthly
life. Come to Christ in repentance and faith and achieve salvation and
eternal rest for your soul.
3. In compassion for their wretched and sinful souls, the Lord, who
knows their case better than you, has made it our duty to speak to
them in their name, and to clearly warn them of their sin and misery,
which will be your end, if you continue. a little more in sin.
4. Do not continue wasting your life and your time in vanities, valuable
time in which you must prepare yourself for an eternal life. Therefore,
the Lord has commanded us to call you and tell you how you have
lost your life and are about to lose your soul, and what greater and
better things you could certainly have, if you listen to his call, Isaiah
55: 1-3 .
5. Oh sinner, if you only knew in what state your miserable soul is,
that you have the living God against it! If God is against you, then all
things are against you. Come to Christ and be reconciled to God.
6. O careless sinners, who despise the love and preciousness of the
blood of Christ! Oh, if you only knew the riches of the gospel! Oh, if
you only knew a little knowledge, the certainty, the glory and the bliss
of that eternal life that you will only find in Christ Jesus!
7. Oh poor lost sinners! You could have eternal life, if you were truly
willing to listen to Christ and come home to God. Then you can
approach God, boldly, and call Him your Father, and comfortably trust
8. If you believe God, then believe this: there is only one of these two
paths for all wicked: conversion or condemnation. I know that the
wicked will hardly be persuaded of the truth or fairness of this. Few
men are apt to believe what should not be true, and fewer believe it
to be true. Christ is the Truth and the Life, come to Him.
9. If your eyes were wide enough to see hell, and you saw your
unconverted neighbors, dragged there with horrible screams, even if
they were what you consider moral people on earth, and did not fear
such a matter for themselves, such a spectacle. it would make you
come home and think seriously about it and come to the feet of Christ.
10. How easily can he say at any moment to your guilty soul: "Come,
and live no more in that flesh until the resurrection," and he will not be
able to resist! One word from his mouth would cease your present life,
and then all your parts and powers would stop, and if he told you: "Do
not live anymore or live in hell", you could not disobey.
11. Seek the LORD while he can be found; call him while he's around.
Let the wicked leave his way, and the evil man his thoughts. Return
to the LORD, who will have mercy on him and on our God. for he will
forgive freely. "Isaiah 55: 6-7
12. Oh sirs! If you can pick grapes from thorns and figs from thistles,
then go ahead and keep worshiping the world. All things in this world
are vanities. Only in Christ is the Vine found.
13. There is a world of misery, a lake of burning sulfur that extends
below you! There is the terrible abyss of the incandescent flames of
God's wrath! There is the open mouth of hell, and you have nothing
to stand on, and nothing to hold onto! Come to Christ the Rock and
you will find salvation.
14. O sinner! Consider the terrible danger you are in! It is a great
furnace of wrath, a wide bottomless pit, filled with the fire of wrath,
which is upon you, by the hand of that God, whose wrath is provoked
and enraged both against you and against many of the cursed in Hell!
And the only one who can save you is Jesus Christ.
15. Oh sinner now you have an extraordinary opportunity, a day in
which Christ has opened wide the door of mercy, and is calling and
crying out with a loud voice to poor sinners; a day in which many come
to him and advance towards the kingdom of God.
16. All who are outside of Christ, wake up now and flee from the wrath
to come. The wrath of Almighty God; the only hope they have is in the
person of Jesus Christ.
17. If you knew the torments of hell that await you not for a week, not
for a month, not for a year; but for all eternity, you would desperately
desire help in the only mediator between God and men, the man
Jesus Christ.
18. Oh, where will you soon be, of joy or torment! Oh, what a sight
you will see soon, in heaven or in hell! Oh, what thoughts will soon fill
your heart, unspeakable delight or horror! What work will you work
on? To praise the Lord with the saints and angels, or to cry out in an
insatiable fire with the demons!
19. Oh, what good news would it be for those now in hell, if they had
a message from God like the one being given to you now! What a
word of joy it would be to hear this: Turn to Christ and live. hear such
a word of God, turn and live! However, will you neglect it and cause
us to return without our errand?
20. Sin dwells in hell and holiness in heaven. Remember that all
temptation is from the devil, to make you like him. When you sin,
remember that you are learning and imitating the devil, and so far you
are just like him. And after all, you may feel your pain. If hellfire is not
good, then sin is not good.

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