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 It consists of 50 states and 13 British colonies.

 America is named after Amerigo Vespucci, an Italian explorer.
 The U.S is a country of 50 states covering a vast swatch of North America, with Alaska in the Northwest
and Hawaii extending the nation’s presence into the Pacific Ocean.
 The U.S is the 4th largest country in the world by land area of 9,834 million km 2.

 Astronomy – allows them to use their temples and religious structures for astronomical observations.
The pyramid at Chichen Itza in Mexico is situated at the location of the sun during spring and fall
equinoxes, predicting eclipse and using astronomical cycle for planting and harvesting.
 Aztec Calendar – this enabled them to plan their activities, rituals and planting season.
 Mathematics –
 Anesthetics - indigenous people used coca, peyote, datura and other plants for partial or total loss of
sensation during surgery.
 Adobe House – built materials from the environment. It was made up of stone and clay.
 Canoe – a light narrow boat used for traveling in water system. This made up of wood and whalebone
 Chocolate – Maya civilization was the first to drink cocoa.
 Chinampa – floating garden, which were highly productive as for farming and growing foods.

COLONIAL PERIOD (1500s – 1775s)

Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) – first American scientist. He conducted a series of experiments that deepened
human understanding of electricity.
 Inventions:
 Lightning Rod – protect houses from the destructive forces of lightning.
 bifocal eyeglasses – for difficulty focusing on both near and far objects. This made of sterling
silver, arms jointed to fold behind the head.
 Franklin Stove – to transfer heat from the fire to the room’s air. This was made up of metal.
 Glass Armonica – constructed of 37 glass bowls, varying in size, as well as pitch.

Eli Whitney (1765-1825)

 cotton gin – used to removing seeds from cotton fiber.


Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) – he was a student of agriculture
 Inventions:
 Swivel Chair – a chair that allows the seat to rotate 360 degrees left to right.
 Wheel Cypher – used for encodes and decode messages.
 Moldboard – slicing the soil horizontally to create a row of fresh-plowed soil.
 Who introduced:
- rice, olive trees and grasses into the new world.
German professor Einstein and his Hungarian colleague – developed Nuclear Bomb
Leo Szilard – pursue the Manhattan Project (Nuclear Weapons).
Edward Teller – father of the hydrogen bomb
Hans Bethe – Nuclear Physics


William Kelly and Henry Bessemer – Steel
Orville and Wilbur Wright - principle of flight, invented the first world’s successful airplane name Wright Flyer
in 1903.
Christopher Sholes - Typewriter
Alexander Graham Bell – who arrived from Scotland by way of Canada in 1872.
 Inventions:
 Telephone – first practical phone.
 Photophone – fiber optic telecommunication system that is widely used to transmit telephone,
cable, and internet signals across large distance.
George Eastman - Camera
Thomas Edison (1847-1931) – Incandescent Light Bulb
George Westin house – AC vs DC electrical current
Nikola Tesla – went to U.S in 1884, and later adopted the principle of rotating magnetic field in the
development of an alternating current (AC) induction motor.
John Logie Baird (1888-1946) – Mechanical television

HEARING AIDS – Miller Reese Hutchison, invented in 1902. He first invented the electrical hearing aid called
TRAFFIC LIGHTS – Lester Wire, invented 1912, it was originally red and green for stop and go.

COLD WAR (1946-1991)

- Proposed the idea of telescope in outer space (Lyman Spitzer)
- HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE (1990) – the first major optical telescope place in the space.
 Portable Camera and recording devices
 Internet

Herman Hollerith – engineer, who developed electromechanical.

 Floppy disk (1971)
 Automatic Teller Machines (1973) – electronic telecommunications device to perform
financial transactions.
 VIDEO GAMES – Thomas T. Goldsmith Jr. and Estle Ray Mann, invented 1948. It was an analog
electronic game using cathode ray tube.
 RADIOCARBON DATING – Willard Libby, invented 1949. It enabled scientist to determine the age of
artifacts from archaeological expeditions.
 Email – Ray Tomlinson, invented in 1971. To send messages quickly.
 MOBILE PHONES – Dr. Martin Cooper, invented 1973. The first handheld cellular phone was made on
1973 by Motorola engineer Martin Coope. He is widely regarded as the “ Father of Cellular Phone ‘’
 UNIVERSAL PRODUCT CODE (UPC) – George Laurer, invented 1974. It helps easy and time-efficient
 DISPOSABLE CONTACT LENSES – Leonardo da Vinci, invented 1988.


 In the 1980s and 1990s, researchers performed the first trial of gene therapy in humans.
 The goal of National Institutes of Health (NIH) research is knowledge that helps prevent, detect,
diagnose and treat disease and disability.
- heart disease
- strokes
- cancer

CONTEMPORARY ERA (1992-present)

 GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS) – U.S Department of Defense, invented in 1973 (fully
operational in 1993).
 FACEBOOK (2004) –Mark Zuckerberg
 UNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLES (UAVs) – pilotless aerial torpedo that would explode at a present time.
 YOUTUBE (2005) – Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, Jawed Karim
 GOOGLE (1996) – is a search engine that was invented by Larry Page and Sergey Brin.


 DENTAL FLOSS – Levi Spear Parly, invented in 1815.
 First Vaccines for the following diseases were made in US:
- Small Pox - Typhoid Fever - Measles
During the existence of American civilization people invented different things; they were useful, harmful
and ridiculous. Each invention has both positive and negative sides, so we can’t claim that something is only
useful but another one is not. The worst invention that can lead our world to the end is weapon. But still,
science and technology is the key or way for the nation’s progress. And it will help every one of us to make our
job and work much easier, but used it in limited way.

Republic of the Philippines
Region VIII
Ormoc City Campus

Submitted by:

Joyde May A. Dosdos

BSEd- Science 2B

Submitted to:

Ms. Kristine Lovelee Navarette


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