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1) Fasten the manual slotting system to a bench top or workboard using the pre-drilled, counter-
sunk holes in both ends of the base of the jig. We have provided plastic spacers to place between
the workboard and the jig. Most people find it is easier to use this jig while standing. Keep this in
mind while mounting it to a work surface.

2) Slide the chosen template into the box with the

scale to be cut toward the front of the box. Place
locating pin in bushing. Either bushing is fine, choose
the one that makes it easier for you to use the jig (left
or right handed). Slide the template into the jig so
that the 1st notch in the template aligns with the pin
(pho-to 1). Slide pin into the notch. Note: the index pin
is a locating guide and does not line up with the saw.
3) Slide the board to be slotted into the slotting
miter box on top of the template (photo2). Slide the board in until it reaches the saw. Position the
board under the saw blade where you want the nut to be. This first cut will be the nut slot. Mark the
template where the board ends(photo3). Remove the board and template.

2 3
4) Flip the board over and place d ouble sid ed tape on the board at several locations. Stick the
board to the template. Align the board end with the mark on the template and be sure the board is
centered on the template (photo 4).

5) Read the Wed ge Ind ex Pin instructions

carefully before proceed ing with this step to
d etermine how you want to use the pin.
Slid e the board and template back into the
box up to the ind ex pin. Place the template
flush against the front inside wall of the box and
fully engage the wed ge ind ex pin into the
starting slot. When repositioning the template,
always apply the same sid e pressure/d irection.
Screw the hold down bolts to hold the board
and template in place. 4
Now it’s time to set the depth of the slot. The miter box kerf (cut depth) depth is set from the top
of the bearing to the bottom of the brass spine on the saw. Remember that on radiused
fingerboards the actual depth will be from the center of the board down. See the slot depth chart
at the end of this article.

5 6

The springs on this jig

have tensioners. They
can be loosened when
the jig is being stored
and tight-ened up
when it is being used.

6) Set a straight ed ge across the clamp hold d own blocks (photo 5). Raise the bearing blocks
(CCW) flush to the bottom of the straight ed ge. Slid e the saw into the bearing blocks from the
front. Do not push saw in from the top. It can damage the saw making the kerf width inaccurate.
Rest the saw on the bearings. All 4 bearings should make contact with the saw (photo 6). This is
your zero point. Lower the bearing (CW) blocks equally using the 4 ad justment screws until the
saw rests on the fingerboard. Now, continue to lower the bearing blocks equally until the desired
kerf depth is achieved. Each turn of the wrench is equal to .050” So, if .150” kerf depth is desired,
turn the adjustment screws 3 full revolutions (photo 7). Check the fret depth chart for basic mea-
surements (end of article).
7) Once the kerf depth is set, start cutting. The SWB saw cuts on the pull stroke. Pull saws cut
cleaner and have a nice finish. Using speed, not pressure, cut until the back of the saw rests on the
top of the bearings. Let the saw do the work and try not to flex or rock the blade. While cutting be
sure to keep the saw as level as possible. In addition, keep the blade between both sets of bear-
ings at all times for greater accuracy and ease of use.

8) MAke sure you have read the Wedge Index Pin instructions before proceeding with this step.
Once the cut is made, pull the Wedge Index Pin, loosen the hold-downs, slide the template down to
the next notch, push in the pin, re-tighten and cut. Continue with each notch in the template until
the desired amount of frets is complete remembering to keep the template tight to the front of the
box. Remember that the first cut is the nut, so if you want 20 frets, you must cut 21 slots.
Mitre box
Template of your choice
SWB saw
Wedge Index Pin
Allen wrench
2 brass bushings
Fret Slot Saw Depth Calculations
Calculations are depth of slot at fretboard center

Slot Depth Table for 0.080”slot Slot Depth Table for 0.100”slot
measured at edge of board: measured at edge of board:
Fingerboard Width in (in.) Fingerboard Width in (in.)
Radius in (in.) 2 2.5 2.5 3 3.25 3.75 Radius in (in.) 2 2.5 2.5 3 3.25 3.75
10” .130 .158 .175 .193 .213 .257 10” .150 .178 .195 .213 .233 .277

12” .122 .145 .159 .174 .191 .227 12” .142 .165 .179 .194 .211 .247

16” .111 .129 .139 .150 .163 .190 16” .131 .149 .159 .170 .183 .210

20” .105 .119 .127 .136 .146 .168 20” .125 .139 .147 .156 .166 .188

Slot Depth Table for 0.120”slot Slot Depth Table for 0.140”slot
measured at edge of board: measured at edge of board:
Fingerboard Width in (in.) Fingerboard Width in (in.)
Radius in (in.) 2 2.5 2.5 3 3.25 3.75 Radius in (in.) 2 2.5 2.5 3 3.25 3.75
10” .170 .198 .215 .233 .253 .297 10” .190 .218 .235 .253 .273 .317

12” .162 .185 .199 .214 .231 .267 12” .182 .205 .219 .234 .251 .287

16” .151 .169 .179 .190 .203 .230 16” .171 .189 .199 .210 .223 .250

20” .145 .159 .167 .176 .186 .208 20” .165 .179 .187 .196 .206 .228

To have an interactive fret depth calculation

spreadsheet mailed to you, email us at:

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