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What are the nurse’s responsibilities in regard to obtaining informed consent

 The nurse is responsible and accountable for the verification of and witnessing that the patient or the
legal representative has signed the consent document in their presence.
 The nurse must assess the patient or the legal representative of the patient is of legal age and competent
to provide consent.
 The nurse must also confirm that the patient has sufficient knowledge to make a knowledgeable decision

1. What measures can tnurse take to allay the client’s anxiety

2. Answer:
Preparing before the surgery has an important role for nurses to their patients. To relieve their fear and
anxiety of undergoing surgery, the nurse can provide nonpharmacological techniques such as:
 Demonstrating deep breathing techniques to the patient to promote optimal lung expansion and
consequent blood oxygenation after anesthesia.
 and other coping strategies to relieve tension, overcome anxiety, decrease fear, and achieve relaxation.

3. What important transcultural considerations should the nurse recognize when preparing clients
for surgery?
The nurse must consider that every patient has their own individual needs, beliefs and practices.
Therefore, the nurse should be sensitive to their cultural differences. The nurse’s role should be aware of
and respect the patient’s cultural preferences and avoid stereotyping. The nurse must use a culture
assessment tool or questionnaire to the patient or arrange for an interpreter to translate to avoid any
language barriers.

4. What are the major items on the preoperative checklist the nurse must ensure have been carried
A preoperative checklist contains critical elements that need to be checked preoperatively as part of the
patient’s safety and care before going for surgery. This includes:
 Patient identification:
The nurse will ask your complete name and birthday, check your identification bracelet and compare it
against your records. It is important that you accurately identify your complete name to prevent any
potential errors.
 Surgical consent:

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