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Short Questions:

1. What is cash flow forecasting?

Ans: A cash flow forecast is a plan that shows how much money a business expects to
receive in, and pay out, over a given period of time
2. Define version control?
Ans: A component of software configuration management, version control, also known
as revision control or source control, is the management of changes to documents,
computer programs, large web sites, and other collections of information.
3. What is project mitigation?
Ans; Managing risks on projects is a process that includes risk assessment and
a mitigation strategy for those risks. ... A risk mitigation plan is designed to eliminate or
minimize the impact of the risk events—occurrences that have a negative impact on
the project.
4. What is resource scheduling?
Ans: Resource scheduling refers to the set of actions and methodology used by
organizations to efficiently assign the resources they have to jobs, tasks or projects they
need to complete, and schedule start and end dates for each task or project based
on resource availability.
5. What is version control?
Ans: Version control systems are a category of software tools that help a software team
manage changes to source code over time. Version control software keeps track of
every modification to the code in a special kind of database.
6. Define statement of work?
Ans: A statement of work (SoW) is a document routinely employed in the field of
project management. It defines project-specific activities, deliverables and timelines for
a vendor providing services to the client.
7. Write name for any two resource scheduling techniques?
Ans: Resource scheduling is a collection of techniques used to calculate the resources
required to deliver the work and when they will be required.

 GANTT Chart. This is a horizontal bar chart plotted over time (e.g. days, weeks or months). ...
 Schedule Network Analysis. ...
 Critical Path Method. ...
 PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) ...
 Schedule Compression. ...
 Risk multipliers. ...
 Resource tools and techniques. ...
 Additional resources.

8. How we find the time estimation for project?

9. What is cash flow forecasting?
Ans: A cash flow forecast is a plan that shows how much money a business expects to
receive in, and pay out, over a given period of time.
10. What is increment model?
Ans: In an Iterative Incremental model, initially, a partial implementation of a total
system is constructed so that it will be in a deliverable state. Increased functionality is
added. Defects, if any, from the prior delivery are fixed and the working product is
delivered. The process is repeated until the entire product development is completed.
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The repetitions of these processes are called iterations. At the end of every iteration, a
product increment is delivered.
11. What is stake holder?
Ans: A stakeholder is either an individual, group or organization who is impacted
by the outcome of a project. They have an interest in the success of the project, and
can be within or outside the organization that is sponsoring the project.
12. Define activity.
Ans: Activity, in project management, is defined as the amount of work performed that
converts input to appropriate outputs. Define activities refer to the process of
identifying as well as documenting actions that need to be implemented and performed
in order to produce the deliverables of the project.
13. Write name for any two software process models?
Ans: 1. Water fall model
2. V-Model
3. Spiral Model
14. How we control the quality of project?
Ans: Control Quality. Control quality involves activities used to evaluate whether the
product or service meets quality requirements that are specified for the project.Quality
control is very crucial in project management because it ensures that everything is
within the scope of the project planning.
15. What is extreme programming?
Ans: Extreme Programming (XP) is an agile project management framework used in
software development. It prescribes everything, from how to organize projects and
develop software, to how to increase developers' productivity and what's the best way
to collaborate on code.
16. What are software metrics?
A software metric is a measure of software characteristics which are quantifiable or
countable. Software metrics are important for many reasons, including
measuring software performance, planning work items, measuring productivity, and
many other uses.

Long question:
1. Draw an activity network using background pass. For the activities mentioned below. Identify
the critical path.
S/No Activity Duration (Days) Depends on
L Planning 3
M Requirement 4 L
N Project designing 7 M
O Implementation 6 L,N
P Testing 5 L,N,O
Q integration 3 M,N,O,P
2. How to define project scope. Explain project activities and work breakdown structure.
How to define project scope?
Project scope is the part of project planning that involves determining and documenting
a list of specific project goals, deliverables, features, functions, tasks, deadlines, and
ultimately costs.
In other words, it is what needs to be achieved and the work that must be done to
deliver a project.
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Below is an overview of some of the key processes to follow in order to define scope
 Define the Product Requirements
 Define the Process Requirements
 Involve the correct stakeholders
 Identify the limitations
 Change Management

What is project Activity?

See in notes. Page No: 04

Work Break Down Structure:

See in notes. Page No: 22

3. How we can select an appropriate process model. Differentiate between V-Model and Water
fall model.
Ans: See in notes page no: 31
4. Explain any two classical mistakes while developing software project.
Ans: see In notes page no. 10.
5. What is configuration management? Differentiate between configuration control and version
Ans: Project configuration management (PCM) is the collective body of processes,
activities, tools and methods project practitioners can use to manage items during
the project life cycle. PCM addresses the composition of a project, the documentation
defining it, and other data supporting it.

Configuration control now really refers to setting runtime dependencies and we often discuss
"configuring" an application to run. An example would be a JMX control or even more basic -
specifying whether you are accessing a QA/UAT or production database. There are lots of jobs
out there where you focus on configuration management in the sense of configuring a package
to run (actually customizing the runtime experience). This is often done through XML or
properties files such as an application server (e.g. WebSphere).
Version control refers to checking in and storing specific versions of the source code and now
there is a real difference between configuration control and version control. Years ago the
terms were used almost interchangeably although back then (around the 80s and early 90s) we
didn't have too many real version control tools. On mainframes we had Panvalet and I think
that CA Librarian came soon after.
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1. Define project management

Ans: Project management is application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project
activities to meet the project requirements.

2. What are the basic dimensions of project management?

Ans: Four P's have a substantial influence on software project management-

1. People must be organized into effective teams, motivated to do high-quality
software work, and coordinated to achieve effective communication.
2. The Product requirements must be communicated from customer to
3. The Process must be adapted to the people and the problem.
4. The Project must be organized in a manner that enables the software team
to succeed.

3. Different between product and project ?

Ans: A product is anything that can be offered to a market to solve a problem, or
to satisfy a want or need.
A project is a temporary endeavor that is undertaken to create a unique product
or service. With a project, there is a clear definition of what needs to be delivered
by a specified date in time.
4. What is PMI?
Ans: PMI stands for the Project Management Institute, and is a not-for-profit
professional membership association for project managers and program managers.
... PMI is also the organization that oversees the documentation of the Project
Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) within the PMBOK Guide.
5. Name any tow type of organizational structure.

Ans: 1. Functional Structure

2. Divisional Structure
3. Matrix Structure

6. Define project charter?

Ans: A project charter is a formal, typically short document that describes your
project in its entirety — including what the objectives are, how it will be carried out,
and who the stakeholders are. It is a crucial ingredient in planning out the project
because it is used throughout the project lifecycle.
7. Define the importance of identifying stakeholder?

Ans: The stakeholder identification process is one of the most important processes in project
management because projects are undertaken to fulfill the requirements of stakeholders.
To satisfy and fulfill the requirements of your stakeholders, you will have to identify them,
involve them, and keep them engaged with your project.
8. What WBS?

Ans: Dividing complex projects to simpler and manageable tasks is the process identified as
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).
(see detail in notes page no:22)
9. What is the basic structure of V-model?
Ans: V- model means Verification and Validation model. Just like the waterfall
model, the V-Shaped life cycle is a sequential path of execution of processes. Each
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phase must be completed before the next phase begins. V-Model is one of the many
software development models.

10. Define risk?

Ans: It defines risk as: (Exposure to) the possibility of loss, injury, or other adverse or
unwelcome circumstance; a chance or situation involving such a possibility. ... Riskis
an uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has an effect on at least one
[project] objective.
11. What are the advantages of prototyping?
Ans: 1. Reduce time and cost
2. Improved and increased user involvement.
3. Detect errors earlier and save time and money.
4. Enhance collaboration within your team members internal.
12. COCOMO stands for?
Ans: Constructive Cost Model
13. What are the problem in using LOC?
Ans: If we use LOC to measure our software project, first we need to count how
many lines of code are there. It seems that this is quite an easy thing, just by
counting the lines of each file or each module. Here, question is how could we count
precisely? In a large-scale software project, code is modified as requirement changes
or bugs found and it may happen during development stage or even after the
project is released. Which pieces of code are written in the development stage?
Which pieces are added or deleted when we deal with bugs?

14. What is configuration control model?

Ans: See 2016 paper.
15. Define critical Path.
Ans: In project management, a critical path is the sequence of project network
activities which add up to the longest overall duration, regardless if that longest
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duration has float or not. This determines the shortest time possible to complete
the project.
16. Name any two challenges for outsourcing.
Ans: 1. IT compatibility.
2. Need for restricted access to sensitive organizational

Long Questions:
1. Discuss in detail each PMI’s process group with diagrams.
See in notes page no: 08
2. Elaborate multiple mistakes related to a Product-Process-people and technology to
differentiate between them.
Ans: See notes page no:10
3. Using the table of data provided, answer the following questions:
Activity Depedencies Duration
A - 2
B - 2
C - 4
D - 8
E A,F 3
F B 4
G C,D,E 3
H D,G 2
I E 7
J G 6
1. What is the minimum time required to complete the project?
2. What is the critical path for the project?
3. What is the earl start date for activity E?
4. What is the last Start date for activity A?
5. What is the last finish date for activity F?
4. Discuss the different organizational structure? State advantages and disadvantages and
also draw diagram of each structure?

What is Organizational Structure?

Organizational structure refers to the way a company or organization is setup. It is usually

defined using a hierarchy chart that shows how groups or functions report within the

For Project Managers, a company's organizational structure type will affect how resources
are allocated to the project and will be a factor in how much influence the Project Manager
will have within the organization.

Organizational Structure Types

There are three basic types of organizational structures...

 Functional Organizational Structure
 Project-Based Organizational Structure
 Matrix Organizational Structure
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Functional organizations are structured around the organization's primary

Examples of functions within a company are:

 Advertising
 Engineering
 Human Resources
 Manufacturing

In a functional organization, every employee is positioned within only one function and has
one manager they report to, the Functional Manager. The Functional Manager assigns and
manages the employees work and handles administrative tasks such as employee


The functional structure gives you the least power as a project manager, but offers plenty of
other advantages:

 It works well for small teams and small projects because the function has full control
over the team members and other resources required.
 You can easily access the experts you need because they are in the same functional
 It’s quick to get everyone together to resolve problems related to the project.
 You can limit the project communications tools you need to use because the team is
relatively small and simple.
 You often get enthusiastic team members who are keen to work on the project because
it provides them with career opportunities. Project work can be a great way to motivate
your team.

 If you are handing the project over to a functional team, it’s going to be the functional
team you work in, which can make closing a project easier.


Although this structure has plenty of advantages, also consider some downsides:

 Work takes place in a silo, which might mean that you don’t have access to people
outside your functional division.
 People on the project team might be more loyal to their department or team manager
than to their work on the project, which can create conflicts.
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 A large project can end up with a functional project manager for each function. It can
result in work falling through the cracks if all project managers don’t work harmoniously
 Functional work can be isolating in that you don’t have an opportunity to network
widely with the company. Maintaining a strategic focus can be harder.


Project-based organizations are structured around projects and not functions.
This type of structure is also called a projectized organizational structure.

In a project-based organization most of the organization's resources are

involved in project work. Project Managers have high levels of independence
and authority for the project and control the project resources.


The obvious advantage of a project structure is that you have more control over the team, but
other advantages are in place, too.

 Teams can have a strong sense of identity. It is the easiest structure within which to
create a strong team culture.
 The whole team is focused on the team’s goals, so conflict of loyalty exists with the day
job for the people working on the project. Their day job is the project.
 Resources are dedicated to the project, so it’s much easier to schedule work. You’ll
know when the team members are available and there’s no risk that they'll be pulled
off at short notice to business-as-usual work for another manager.

 Projects run in this structure are great environments for improving your project
management skills as well as more technical leadership skills.


The project structure is the easiest to work with but still has some drawbacks.

 Having a team dedicated to one project is an expensive commitment. It tends to be an

option only on big projects.
 If you remove people from their functional jobs, they might find it difficult to go back,
especially if the project is long. Project work is stretching, and returning to what you did
before after a period working in a multidisciplinary environment on a new, challenging
project isn't an appealing prospect for many people. Managing the transition of the
team when you close a project becomes even more important.

 Sometimes closing a project can mean losing your job if the business has moved on and
another role isn't available for you.
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 By their nature, dedicated teams suck up resources to work on just one thing. They can
limit the number of projects the company can do at any one time, especially when
different projects require the same skills.
 Project managers in this type of structure do line management for their teams, too,
which means spending time and effort on human resource tasks that you wouldn't have
to do in other structures. If you enjoy this element of working with people, this factor
could be an advantage


Matrix organizations blend features of project-based and functional organizational


The key challenge with a matrix organization is that every employee has two (or more)
managers they report to, their Functional Manager and the Project Manager. If they are
working on multiple projects, they may have even more managers to report to.

There are three types of matrix organizations:

 Weak Matrix
 Balanced Matrix
 Strong Matrix


A weak matrix organizational structure maintains many of the features of the functional
organizational structure. The role of the Project Manager is more that of a Project
Coordinator. Their ability to make or enforce decisions is low and most of the authority
remains with the Functional Manager.

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A balanced matrix organizational structure recognizes the need for a Project Manager.
However, the Project Manager does not have full authority over the project, project staff
or project budget.


A strong matrix organizational structure has many of the features of the projectized
organizational structure. They have full-time Project Managers and project administrative
staff. Project Managers have considerable authority over the project in this organizational


Matrix structures are very common because they allow managers to make flexible choices with
how people spend their time. You’ll likely work in a matrix environment at some point in your
career. The advantages of this structure are as follows:

 Resources are used efficiently and can move around between projects as needed.
 You can work on lots of different things, sometimes in parallel—although this point can
be argued as a disadvantage as well.
 Teams and individuals can be very responsive. If a new project comes along that has to
take priority, it’s easy enough to pivot and suddenly focus on something else. You can’t
do that easily in a project structure, which takes longer to disband and regroup.
 The structure requires that everyone use the same project management lifecycleand
methodology, so moving between projects is easy. People can join a project team with
relatively little onboarding required when the terminology and processes are common.


As with all setups, this one has its pitfalls, too. Despite it being a common structure, not many
modern workplaces have cracked the problems of overload. Giving individuals too much to do
can be easy if you don’t have systems in place to manage and monitor the entirety of their
workload. Other disadvantages are as follows:

 The conflict between projects is common because you might be fighting for the same
resources as another project.
 The other project might have ring-fenced the best resources—the most appropriate
people with the right skills—or their line manager might not make them available for
project work.
 There can be some conflict between business-as-usual tasks and project work for
individuals, especially when both managers are giving them different priorities.
 Resources might have a conflict about what development path they take for their future
careers. Although you might know that you want to stay in project management, you
may have the option of progressing into a more senior functional role or a more project-
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orientated role. But having lots of career options is a good thing, even if it does
make for difficult decisions.

5. What is risk management? Discuss different categories of risks and the framework used
for dealing the risk.
Ans: See in notes page no:50
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Short questions:
1. What is project scheduling?
Ans: Project scheduling is a mechanism to communicate what tasks need to get
done and which organizational resources will be allocated to complete those
tasks in what timeframe. A project schedule is a document collecting all the
work needed to deliver the project on time.
2. What are stake holders?
Ans :Already Ans:
3. What are the factors to contribute the project failure?
Ans: Reasons for failure:
• “Most projects failed for lack of skilled project management and executive
• “Underestimating project complexity and ignoring changing requirements are
basic reasons why projects fail”
• “The problem – and the solution – lay in people and processes”
4. What is project life cycle?
Ans: The Project Life Cycle refers to the four-step process that is followed by
nearly allproject managers when moving through stages of project completion.
This is the standard project life cycle most people are familiar with.
5. How we evaluate risk?
Ans: Risk evaluation allows you to determine the significance of risks to the
school and then to decide whether to accept a specific risk or take
action to prevent or minimise it. To evaluate risks, it is worthwhile ranking them
once identified. Thiscan be done by considering the consequence and probability
of each risk.
6. How we calculate effort for activities?
Ans: there are six methods they can use to obtain reliable estimates.
1. Work break down
2. Historical
3. Analogy
4. Expert Judgment
5. Effort
6. Units
7. What is project portfolio management?

Ans: Portfolio refer to a collection of projects and programs or other work that are grouped
together to felicitate effective management of that work to meet strategic business objectives.

8. What is publicizing the plan?

Ans: show the plan to your Clint.
9. What is software prototyping?
Ans: Already Answered.
10. What is extreme programming?
Ans Already Answered.
11. How we calculate function points?
Ans: skipped.
12. Why cocomo model is used?
Ans: See in notes in detail. Page no:36
13. Define backward pass in activity planning.
Ans: See in notes in detail. 49
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14. What are project sponsored?

Ans: A project sponsor is typically responsible for initiating, ensuring, approving,
and establishing a series of key aspects in relation to the project, which can be
summed up under categories of vision, governance, and value/benefits
realization. Note that the categories are not mutually exclusive and most of the
items can appear under more than one category (e.g., approving deliverables
can be placed under each of the three categories):
15. What is work bread down structure(WBS)?
Ans: Already Explained.
16. Different between task and activity.
Ans: 1.The term “task” means “a piece of work to be undertaken or done'”or
simply “work,” and “activity” means “some event or some happening.” ...
5.Another important difference that can be noted between “task” and “activity”
is that the former refers to the completion of an activity whereas the latter
refers to some movement.

Long Questions;
1. What is planning? Explain in detail project planning steps.
Ans: See in notes page no:13
2. What is project software estimation? Explain its any method in detail.
Ans: See in notes page no: 36
3. What are software development methods explain any one in detail.
Ans: See in notes page no: 31
4. How we monitor and control the project. Discuss its steps/phases in

Ans: Top 4 Project Monitoring Steps

Project monitoring is an important component of the project management cycle. It is one of the
key ingredients in the success of the project. The project monitoring component must be
included during the project initiation phase. Project monitoring is not a one time affair, it must
be carried out continuously at different phases of the project. In most of the companies, the
projects are usually monitored by the project managers or team leads. It is their primary duty to
design an effective monitoring mechanism that will keep a hawk eye on the project progress. It
is observed that, organizations who don’t implement an effective monitoring plan, find
difficulties in understanding why their projects went wrong, and why it failed to create the
desired impact, even though it was successful.

The information about the ongoing project must be conveyed to the managers, supervisors,
board members and stakeholders periodically. The information conveyed gives them a clear
idea about the status of the project. Apart from the top level management officials, the
information must also be passed to the project team members and also to other employees of
the company. This activity is generally taken care by the project coordinators or their
supervisors. They have the responsibility to record all the developments that take place in the
project from time to time. They can make use of two-way flow project monitoring, and ensure
that the project is implemented in an effective manner. Listed below are the steps, that will
help project leaders in monitoring the project effectively and efficiently.

Step 1: Designing an Efficient Plan For Monitoring.

Designing an effective plan is the most important activity in the project monitoring process.
Though, it might look simple, but there are lots of aspects which the project leader must
consider while designing this plan. They have to identify the key areas in the project life-cycle
that needs continuous attention. After identifying the key areas, project leads must set the
targets that need to be achieved. Project leads must also take a note that, they cannot commit
to a target which is difficult to attain. They have to set targets, that can be achieved by the
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team members. Project managers must also take a note of the resources that are available to
them. These resources can be human as well as technological. If required they must request for
more resources. Apart from the outputs, project leaders also have to focus on the efficiency of
their team and quality of the output.

Step 2: Designing Effective Report Management Mechanism

Project leaders can conduct meetings with the team members on a regular basis. This can be a
formal meeting or an informal one. They have to ensure that these meetings take place at
regular time intervals.Doing this, project leaders will have a clear picture about the project
progress, and also help them in identifying the problems that might hamper the progress or
speed of the production process, and give them time to plan accordingly. They also have to
keep an eye on the budget, and if they feel that the project might exceed the budget allocated,
they have to pass this information to the top-level management. The project lead must also
ensure that the team is performing in accordance with the specified deadline of the project.

Step 3: Recommendations For Project Improvement

This is one of the important activities in project monitoring. The project lead has to design a
report management mechanism that effectively passes the information among the team
members, top tier management, and other people linked to the project process. This is
important because the project leads get feedback and advises from the top level management
teams which will give him better ideas for the project monitoring process.

Step 4: Ensuring Guidelines And Recommendations Are Followed Accordingly

Project managers must also ensure that the team is working according to the guidelines given
by the client and also must see that the recommendations made by the top tier management
team is implemented by the production team. Project managers or leads can also make use of
technology for tracking the performance of their team members and give recognition to the top
performers in the team. This will boost the morale of the team member and also inspire the
other members in the team.

5. How resources are allocated in project. How we justify cost for them.

Resource allocation is just a fancy term for a plan that you develop for using the available
resources at your disposal in a project. This is mostly a short-term plan set in place to achieve
goals in the future.

Resources are varied. Everything from the people you’re working with and the equipment
they’re using to complete their tasks to the materials and other supplies you need to even the
site where you’re working on the project all fall under the umbrella of resources.
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Know Your Scope

Identify Resources

Don’t Procrastinate

Think Holistically

Track Time

Use Tools

Don’t Over-allocate

Be Realistic

Have a Routine

Know Your Resources

6. Draw the activity on arrow network diagram and find the early start,
early finish, of the activities using backward pass.
Activity ID Activity Duration Precedents
Description (Weeks)
A Find System 3
B System Design 4
C Installation 2 A
D Implementation 4 B
E Testing 3 B
F Manual Write up 1 E

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