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(23 April 2021)

Yang tidak mengumpulkan:

1. Deviana Gladis Budiastuti 6. Kun Dwita Zahwa Rachmatika
2. Dina Ariyanti 7. Rizky Dwi Saputra
3. Fransiska Listya Rahmawati 8. Sumiatun
4. Gilang Surya Kurniawan 9. Triana
5. Herdian Andriani

All the students that have already submitted the assignment got “A”. But there are still
many things that we should fix and understand. Let us give the highlights for the wrong
answers and important points from this task. We are also give you a certain comment from
your work, you can check in google classroom if there’s any of it. Thank you.

1. Teks prosedur bertujuan untuk memberitahu pembaca tentang how to do or make

2. Teks Prosedur secara umum diawali oleh kata kerja / Verb dan dilaksanakan dengan
kalimat imperative.
3. Kebanyakan salah menjawab di pertanyaan “Eat them 15 minutes after you took them out
of the oven. The underlined word refers to….” Kata them mengarah kepada brownies.
Dengan kata kunci “eat them” memakan nya, dengan begitu them refers to the brownies
karena mengacu kepada konteks memakan. We cannot eat the readers.
4. Spatula is a tool with a flat flexible blade used for mixing and spreading.
5. We do aprreciate your work that in the task 5 some of you make sentences based on the
words, but don’t forget to understand the meaning of the word before you try to make
sentence from it. Well done everyone!

Yang tidak masuk G-Classroom:

1. Erika Clarasita Dewi
2. Poetri Andjani
3. Pramita Fitriana
4. Revangga Galih Kiswara
5. Zahra Nabilatun Nissa

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