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Activity Box: Making a Response or a Reaction Paper: Sheryll
Turkle's TED TALK

Technology has made a huge impact on our ways of communication. Due to

technology we don’t have to send letters and wait for months for an answer. You
can simply call someone in an instance using your mobile phone, anywhere and
anytime. Advancement in technology has changed the lives of the majority of us.
Although there are negative part of everything, but if we just use the technology
in better and secure way, our lives will become more simpler and better.

According to Sherry Turkle, she found out those little devices in our
pockets, are so psychologically powerful that they don’t only change what we do,
but it also change who we are. One example of it is the overuse of the
technology, we tend to focus more on using our technology rather than talking
with our families and friends. We tend to isolate ourselves and we are becoming
dependent on technologies as it gives us pleasure and entertainment.
Nowadays, we expect more from technology and less from the people we should
be communicating with, maybe because technology appeals to us on the times
where we are the most vulnerable. A lot of people say that they prefer more
texting than talking to an actual person because they are more comfortable
typing and holding their phone than to talk face to face.

Sherry Turkle are with the ones who are developing robots, they call them
sociable robots, that are specifically designed to be companions. Why is that?
because their goal is to make a new invention wherein people specially elderly
and vulnerable ones to felt that they are being understood as people nowadays
seems like to lose their confidence that are they going to be there for each other?
But the real deal is that, robot do not have feelings, they do not die nor they do
not know the value of life so how can they relate to the people? they can be a
companion but they cannot function like a normal person does. We can make
things right if we know to set our limitations in technology and if we open
ourselves into interacting with other people. There is no wrong in using
technology as long as we set our boundaries and we discipline ourselves.

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