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As cliche as that sounds, I mean that more than I could ever tell you.

You came at a time when I

felt like my world was falling apart. When everything felt like it was caving in on me and there
was absolutely nothing I could do about it. I felt like I was being suffocated and was slowly
running out of air.

In the midst of nowhere, when I felt the most alone; here you come. You came so abruptly and it
only took me a matter of seconds to trust you. To feel a bond with you I can never explain to
anyone, not even myself. Although it had felt like my world collapsing, when speaking to you, it
felt like I could breathe again. Like all of a sudden, my problems had all vanished and no longer

You came in at the perfect time, not too early and not too late. Almost as if God knew exactly
when I needed you, Lord knows it was such a God written relationship. I cant even begin to
explain the love I have for you. You have helped restore some of the things I once had such
passions for. Some of the things I overtime lost my fire for, you helped me realize that I still love
those things.

You have flipped my world in such a short amount, I can only begin to imagine what you will do
in the long run. I have this love for you that is so ineffable, maybe you do not see it, or maybe
you do. I know it would be so cliche to thank you for everything you have done for me. So for a
second I am going to be so cliche, I need to just for a second.

Thank you for being the person I can run to at any hours of the night, even if it is at 3 am. Thank
you for loving me through the endless amounts of tears and whines. Thank you for putting up
with the uncontrollable laughs and smiles. Thank you for understanding when I struggle with the
same things more than once. Thank you for being the person who knows the deepest parts of
my heart and still loves me endlessly.

Thank you for pushing me to be a better person everyday. Thank you for showing me that I do
not need other peoples acceptance to feel beautiful. Thank you for telling me to do things I do
not want to because you know they will better me in the long run.

Thank you for being the number one person who I can tell anything to without hesitation.

Even when I doubt myself about making big decisions, you are always there to support me
through it all. You have stood by my side through some of my biggest decisions, you have even
made some of my hesitant ones for me knowing they needed to be made.

Lastly, thank you for having a place for me inside your heart.

I have only been able to dream of what it was like to have an older sister I can talk to about
everything. Now I am not dreaming so much as I am living that life with you. You have pushed
me to do better things even when they scare me more than they should.
You have this place in my heart that no one else can replace, no matter how hard any one tries
only you can fit there. Without you, I do not know where I would be at or what I would be doing.
My love for you grows an endless amount daily, even on days we hardly talk I love you more.

You have wrecked my life in the greatest way possible so many different times, in so many
different ways.

Having you as my mentor has been the biggest blessing I could ever ask for. I love you so
much, thank you for wrecking my life and loving me unconditionally.

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