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Today is Tuesday, August 17, 2021.

Oral Expression
Review – Third Term
Instructions: Circle the letter of the correct option. Fill in the blank if possible.
1. A/an actor or actress acts in movies.
a) actor or actress b) doctor c) architect
2. A pharmacist controls the distribution of medications.
a) Civil engineer b) doctor c) pharmacist
3. A lawyer represents people in court.
a) Surgeon b) lawyer c) architect
4. A farmer grows food
a) Designs buildings b) grows food c) acts in movies
5. What does your mom do? She’s an architect. She designs buildings.
a) designed b) design c) designs
6. What does your father do? He’s a lawyer.
a) What does your father do? b) What does your sister do?
c) What does your mom do?
7. A teacher teaches students.
a) teacher b) shop owner c) surgeon
8. A tailor makes clothes.
a) cuts and styles hair b) leads construction work c) makes clothes
9. A microbiologist studies microbes.
a) microbiologist b) doctor c) surgeon
10. A hair dresser cuts and styles hair.
a) cuts and styles hair b) leads construction work c) makes clothes

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