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(Serum Ca+ > 11 meq/L

Parathyroid Gland

(Release parathyroid hormone)

Parathyroid Hormone

(Regulates calcium level in the blood

Parathyroid Gland overacting in releasing


Increased level of calcium in the blood

Alter balance across cell Kidney


Bone (where in calcium GI tract (where calcium is Calcium inhibits the insertion of
stored) absorbed) aquaporin channels in collecting
duct membrane

Excess calcium drained from Increased Vitamin D

the bone to the blood
Increased Ca Less water
Loss of calcium in the bone Foods increased in reabsorbed
calcium content into the renal
Absorbed Hard to filter vasculature
Bone Weakness more the Ca
PTH increased calcium
level Kidney Stones
More water
Bone Pain Muscle Weakness remains in the
Decreased tubule filtrate
contractility of GI
Fatigue smooth tract Polyuria

Constipation Constantly compensates
feeling full to prevent
because of dehydration
decreased GI

Constipation Appetite

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