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Pengantar Manajemen Modal Insani

Tugas 1 Strategic HRM

Nama: Hanti Setya R

NPM: 8032101005

1. Strategic decision do effect human resource policies because in human resource

policies there so many aspect we have to think of, such as human right, safety and
health policy and the policy that company make. In order to meet the needs among
both side we have to look at HR Policies so that the employee can improve their skill,
growing together with the company, the strategic decision must obey human resource
policies. Yes, Human resource policies affect strategy because when we make the
strategy we have to look at Human Resource Policies as a guide so that we know we
still on the right line and I think making employee feeling safe in their company is
good for their company image itself.
2. In this case the problem is the strategy that the new dean Jake Blake and faculty
recommendation make is making many of the “old-guard” angry because they felt that
they were hired primarily to teach full-time students on campus during the day, they
were also concerned that the dean was interjecting non academic criteria into their
departemental faculty recruitment processes and diverting resources to nonacademic
activities, they felt the inevitable result would be a declining quality of education in
the school.
3. I think the strategy Dean Blake’s number 1 and number 2 is still make sense to
internal and external environment but for specific recommendation it doesn’t make
sense at all for the external environment in point 3 which is offering credit course in
some suburman location I think we have to think about time, energy and material
aspect, is there willingness to travel to other cities to offering some credits course
because we have to make the employee itself feel safe and can keep up with their
policies. It’s the same for internal environment on point number 2 structuring the
schedule so that both degree could be earned entirely in the evening, I think the
effectiveness of teaching at night is low and the teacher must be tired as well, the
performance teaching in the day must be different when teaching at night. Yes Human
Resource Strategy will support and reinforce the Organization Strategy, because with
Human Resource strategies the organization strategy will have to think the impact of
their strategy and understand the needs of Human/employee.
4. Instead of making so many change and strategies, I think it would be better to know
first the needs of the school, making a good relationship among dean-teacher-student,
focus on quality of education in the school.
5. To overcome the problem I think first thing first they have to evaluate and discuss the
teacher as well as student needs so that we can make the strategies that fit the needs of
teacher and student according to their environment as well. And in making plan and
strategies we have to refers to Human Resource Policy.

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