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The sugar cane from the fields harvested as whole stalk cane and transported to
sugar mills by trailers. The weighed sugarcane is fed into the cane carrier. The
feeding is done through Hilo offloading system, grab type un-loaders. During the
forward motion of cane carrier the sugarcane is cut into small pieces with the help of
sets of rotating knives.

It then passes through a shredder where the cut sugarcane is reduced to short fibers
to increase open cells which helps in better juice extraction at the mills

The fiberized sugarcane is transferred to milling tandem through belt


The extraction of juice is done with 4 set of mills working in series. The juice
extracted from first two mills after screening goes to receiving tank while the juice
from the 3rd, & 4th mill goes to the juice tank for compound imbibition. The
sugarcane from one mill to the other is conveyed by intermediate rake carriers.

The screened juice collected in the receiving tank is pumped through a juice flow

The moist fibrous residue called Bagasse (waste material after extraction of juice) is
conveyed from the last mill through bagasse carrier and used as fuel for the boilers
to meet operation power requirement and process steam requirement. The excess
bagasse is stored in piles

The stored bagasse is also used to feed the boiler during factory start up and during
maintenance and repair shutdown in the middle of the season to supply power and
steam to the process.


The mixed juice from the screened juice receiving tank is transferred through flow
meter. The weighted juice is pumped through a series of juice heaters. These raw
juice heaters have multi pass circulation system where the juice is heated up to a
temperature of 75 0C. Heated juice is sent to a lime mixing/reaction tank having a
retention time of 7-8 minutes, fitted with a stirrer for uniform mixing of milk of lime.

The juice is again heated to 103 0C and sent to a continuous clarifier consisting of
four trays to remove the insoluble solid by method of precipitation and extraction in
rotary vacuum filters. To achieve maximum extraction at filter stage fine bagacillo is
added as filtering aid in the process. Continuous filtration is done using rotary vacuum
Filters and the mud is finally washed to recover maximum sucrose content in the mud
slurry. The solid mass from rotary vacuum filters is called Filter Cake. This is used
as manure after treatment. The clear juice is send to reaction tank for further
The clear juice from the continuous clarifier is pre heated in clear juice heaters
around 112 C and fed to a multiple effect (Quintuple) evaporation system by a clear
juice pump. The juice passes from 1st effect to 2nd effect and subsequently to last
effect. The vapors from each effect is partly used to evaporate the juice in the next
effect and partly used for juice heating and crystallization.

The exhaust steam from the prime movers is fed to multiple effect evaporation
system after de superheating to bring down the steam temperature to 125 0C. The
clear juice is concentrated to 60 to 65 Brix.

This concentrated juice is called Syrup. This syrup which contains 60 to 65 percent
sugar and non-sugar solid and the rest is water. This syrup is further boiled in
vacuum pans to crystalize the sugar crystals. This is called massecuite. The
massecuite is spun in a centrifugal machine to separate the crystals and liquid. The
first stage crystal obtained is sent for bagging and marketing. The liquid separated
in the centrifugal machine is boiled again two or three times to economically recover
the sugar and final liquid separated is called Final molasses and sold.

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