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Common Phrasal Verbs that Everyone Needs to Know!

Watch the following video:

Conversation with Phrasal Verbs

Fill-in-the-blanks with the correct phrasal verb.

Fred: Oh, please _______________ John. It’s great to see you.

John: It’s great to see you too.

Fred: I’m just _______________ the address of the bar we are going to.

John: Oh, don’t worry about it. I know where we are going. I just _______________

with Phil. He told me where it is. So, what time did you get here?

Fred: I _______________ to the hotel at around four o’clock. I _______________

my bags _______________ in the room and walked around a bit. I wanted to

_______________ all of the great amenities. They have all kinds of cool things here.
They have a swimming pool, a gym, some great restaurants … and there’s even a

bowling alley. It’s so nice to _______________. I really needed this vacation.

Then I _______________to the room and unpacked my clothes. I

_______________ this old picture of us in my suitcase. I must have forgotten to take

it out after our last trip.

1. Why doesn’t John want to fill up on popcorn and junk food?

Matching 1: Common Phrasal Verbs
Match the phrasal verb on the left with the meaning on the right.

1. come in a. to search for

2. check in b. to take something to a particular place

3. get away c. to register at a hotel for a stay

4. hang up d. to return

5. come back e. to enter

6. drop off f. to examine something

7. check out g. to escape

8. look up h. to end a phone conversation

Matching 2: Common Phrasal Verbs

Match the phrasal verb on the left with the meaning on the right.

1. take out a. to mention something

2. pay back b. to meet or find by chance

3. turn up c. proceed

4. bring up d. remove

5. go ahead e. to go someplace for a very short time

6. ask around f. to be found

7. stop by g. to ask many people

8. come across h. to repay a loan

Matching 3: Common Phrasal Verbs

Match the phrasal verb on the left with the meaning on the right.

1. take off a. to give some money

2. hang out b. to have a friendly relationship with someone

3. put on c. to remove

4. get back to d. to give someone the details about something

5. chip in e. contact someone later

6. fill in f. to talk to someone you haven’t seen in a long time

7. get along with g. to put something on your body

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