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Religious Education 3

Teddy Nikolai D. Josoy-12 HUMMS Module 5: The Church as the People of God Learning

Name at least five Christian denominations or sects that you are familiar with. What makes the Catholic
Church different or unique from other churches?

Name of the Church Difference

1. Orthodox Church The Catholic Church believes the pope to be
infallible in matters of doctrine. Orthodox
believers reject the infallibility of the pope and
consider their own patriarchs, too, as human and
thus subject to error
2. Lutheran Church Catholic Church practices the principle of both
grace and freedom; both faith and reason; both
worldwide unity and new religious movements.
While Lutheran Churches believe that humans are
saved from their sins by God's grace alone,
through faith alone, on the basis of Scripture
3. Anglican Church The Roman Catholic Church has over the centuries
steadily increased the power and prestige of the
Pope, the Bishop of Rome. While the churches of
the Anglican Communion have resolutely sought
to disperse that absolute authority among several
4. Presbyterian Church Catholics often ask saints to pray on their behalf;
Presbyterians do not. Simply put, they believe that
before the foundation of the world, God ordained
some to be saved and enjoy eternity in heaven and
some to be condemned to hell.
5. Methodist Church The Catholic Church regards itself as the one
Church founded by Jesus Christ which is necessary
for salvation. Methodists believe faith in Jesus
Christ is necessary for salvation, but do not regard
the Methodist church as necessary for salvation

2. As you enter your church/chapel in your respective places, see around inside of it and reflect with the
following questions a. What can you say about the Church/Chapel?

In our town here in Cantilan, our Parish Church can accumulate hundreds of people during a
mass, so yes it is pretty big in its size. As for the design and the physical appearance, I can say that the
authority in charged on that aspect, nailed the pleasant and glowing impression of the Church from the
outside and inside view. Walls are painted with pastel colors and we have a regal and edgy designed
altar that mainly centers the Church. Moreover, we also have a chapel filled with statues and sculptures
of various saints with Mary standing large on the center, as she is our Patron Saint here in our town. In
conclusion, I do believe that our Church is well built and designed and is still regarded the most
respected institution in Cantilan.

b. Why is it important to worship God as a community of believers or as a Church?

I do believe that it is our main obligation as a Christian to worship and pray to God, thus
attending the Celebration of the Eucharist every Sunday is very vital and important for us to somehow
fulfill that certain duty. It is for the reason that the groundwork of our Christian faith and values sheds
light on the idea that we will not be who we are today if it weren’t for Go. Hence it is only a must for us
to thank Him for all the things He has done and sacrificed. Furthermore, it is important for us to worship
God as a community of believers primarily because by attending the mass, we are given the chance to
listen and proclaim the Gospel that’ll certainly help us exercise our faith in the right way and perhaps
influence people especially the ignorant to do good and be a great role model to others notwithstanding
the challenges that may come in doing this. For with God, we can conquer everything.

c. How can you describe your Parish? How does it help you grow in faith?

Honestly, the Church here in our town holds the greatest power to influence people. During
masses, especially during Homily, the priest has the capacity to somehow alter people’s beliefs and
change some of the values and traditions they already got used to. With that, I can say that our Parish is
powerful and influential in enormous ways. Sometimes, I get discouraged to attend Sunday masses for
the reason that the ideas and principles that certain priests try to preach during homily, get too personal
and attack people and in some ways manipulate them onto how they should live their lives as if we/they
are infallible. Moreover, I kind of hate how they are so focused into collecting solicitations and
donations from people for the expense of extravagantly changing the Church’s structures and designs
when they could have used that millions of money for charity works and helping the less fortunate. I
mean it’s actually a brilliant idea for them to renovate the church since it really does need one, but to
the extent of mandatorily collecting money from all the people, I do believe they are dragging it too
much since the Church is actually still safe and very pleasant in its physical appearances. On the brighter
note, even though the ideas that priests try to preach contradict to my principles, I admit that the
church and the authority behind it has helped me grow and exercise my faith righteously. It has
influenced me to always be kind, to do well, to help those in needs, appreciate small things and most
importantly to make Jesus as the center of my life.

1. Watch an Inspirational true story entitled “The People of the Heavenly Kingdom” from
YouTube. Write a reflection about the story.

The Lord Jesus said, "Truly I say to you, Except you be converted, and become as little children,
you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 18:3). The Lord Jesus told us that only honest
people can enter the kingdom of heaven; only honest people can be people of the kingdom.

This movie tells the story of the Christian Cheng Nuo's experience of God's work and the course
of her pursuit to become an honest person in life. This movie teaches us that we must give our hearts to
God and allow God to take charge, act in accordance with the truth in all things, and accept God’s
scrutiny. This is beneficial for us to practice the truth of being an honest person, seek out God’s
intentions in things we encounter and act in accordance with His requirements. For example, when we
want to deceive and cheat, if we accept God’s observation, we will become aware that God is almighty
and carefully observes all things, including our every act and move, every thought and idea, and that
deceiving and cheating will only bring about God’s detestation, and even offend His disposition; then we
will become restrained and avoid doing things that offend God. When we want to go through the
motions or skate through in doing church work, if we accept God’s observation and know that God is
watching our attitude all the time, we will realize that God doesn’t like such behavior, and thus will have
the resolution to betray our incorrect intentions. In this way, we will gradually be able to work for God in
an honest manner. When we give our hearts to God and accept His scrutiny in all things, we will live
constantly in the light with open and upright hearts.

Lastly the movie sheds light on the idea that during prayer, we must open our hearts to God and
say the words in our hearts, and maintain and uphold a normal relationship with God. In our interactions
with others, we must be purely open and speak honestly without treachery or deceit in our hearts. We
must handle matters with principle and in conformity with the truth, act honestly and straightforwardly,
and be someone who is open and aboveboard.

2. How are you going to fulfill a mission of being a part of the People of God?

As a son of God, I am called to fulfill the mission of being a part of the People of God by doing
the following:

 Attending the Eucharist Celebrations/Masses

 Going through Confession and Confirmation

 Live up my Christian faith, beliefs and values.

 Conforming and living up the 10 commandments of God

 Repent for my sins

 Reconcile with the Church

 Asking for forgiveness and forgiving people

 Show a spirit of Gentleness and Humble to all

 Being peaceable and careful in what I say

 Pray and Worship God daily.


Teddy Nikolai D. Josoy-12 HUMMS Module 5: Developing the Business plan


Activity 1:

Activity 2:


1. Why is it important to define the target market when preparing a marketing plan?
2. What is the difference between cost-based pricing and value based pricing? Which pricing
scheme is more advantageous for the entrepreneur? Explain your answer.

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