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English 1

20 November 2020

​The Man with the Clown Mask

It’s October 31st, Halloween night in the rural neighborhood of Aurora, Illinois at lake

Timberland. And he knew he messed up. Kyrie was running towards the car with Allison but

then the man jumped in front of them with his knife. Kyrie thought of what he could’ve done

differently. It all started on the car ride home from school earlier that day…

The four siblings were driving home from school. Kyrie is the oldest and a high school

senior. Allison is the Junior and Trey & May are the twins as 15 year old freshmen. While

driving Kyrie gets a phone call. He hooks up his headphones and answers. “--Hello? What’s up

bro. Yea. Yea. Aight, cool. Yea sure, we’ll be there. Aight, see you soon bro. Aight peace.”

“Who was that?” said Allison.

Kyrie responded, “Drake and mel just called asking us to go to that halloween party at

lake timberland. You finna go? Cause if you goin’, then I’ll go.”

“Um, of course I’ll go. Drake and Mel are like, The Best.” They pull in the driveway and

Kyrie pulls May and Trey to the side, “Don’t either of you tell mom or dad about this li’l party.

If you do, we are going to have more than words.”

Trey says, “I ain’t no snitch.” They all walk into the house and get greeted by their loving
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mother. After a little while the parents announce an unexpected trip to Downtown Chicago for

the weekend. Once they’ve headed out, Allison and Kyrie get into their costumes. May advises

them that lake timberland is not a safe place based on it’s history. The Father Clown. About 30

years ago, A family of six lived near lake timberland. One day, the family went missing. A

relative from the city asked local police to execute a wellness check, but what they found, there

was no fire in hell that could burn away the stain. The mother and four kids had been brutally

beaten and stabbed to their end. The father was nowhere to be found. Once an investigation

started, the evidence showed that the father was responsible. The local police and sheriff’s

officer led a search through the nearby forest and the lake area. The man was never found. Ten

years later, the lead detective was found dead at the lake. It was clear the father had killed his

wife, kids, and a local detective. From that day, the lake was abandoned and the man was never

found. Kyrie and Allsion head out in Kyrie’s new car he got for his birthday. They drove

forty-five minutes to the lake, where a lot of people were already there having a good time.

Meanwhile, deep in the woods, the sounds of rap music echoed. Deep in the woods, there

was nothing but darkness. Deep in the woods, there was a man. The man was tall. Dirty.

Mid-fifties. He stood from his wooden stool, where he then walked outside. The music was loud,

but far away. The man grabbed a bag filled with weapons. An axe, ropes, chains, butcher knife

rusted with old blood, and a clown mask. He put the mask on and headed towards the music.

Back at lake, everyone was dancing, drinking, and just having a good time. Kyrie smiled

as he sat beside his sister.

“This is the life I want when I go to college. Hanging out with the homies and havin a

good time. Now that’s how you do it!”

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“Oh my god, you so goofy bro. You better hope dad doesn’t come home early. You know

damn well he always finds out what you are doing.”

“Oh yea? Well, he find out about your boyfriend, he’s going to take your phone,

computer, bedroom door, everything. He might even go to the school, you know he overreacts to

stuff, but how about you not worry about that, grab a beer or some cigarettes or a vape and party

like it’s 1999.”

“Yea, alright.”

The party at lake timberland was poppin off. It was about 1:20am when people started

packing up what they brought such as lawn chairs, tables, coolers and lights. Someone even

towed a trailer from the back of their pickup truck. There were only about 10 people left,

including Kyrie and Allison. The music was turned down and they were around a bonfire, just

making small talk.

“Alex, do you mind grabbing me another beer man? I'm so wasted, but it’s soooo good


“Why am I always an errand boy? You owe me though.”

As Alex went to grab Ice out of the back of the truck, he turned to see something that

would stay with him, for eternity. He saw a man, wearing a clown mask, holding a butcher knife.

The man stuck his arm up and struck Alex in the chest. Alex was shocked with fear and didn’t,

no he couldn’t speak or yell for help.

“Shhhhh, hehehehehehehehehe…,” went the clown. His laugh was spine chilling and his

mask could give nightmares for months on end.

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“It’s been a while, where the hell is Alex? Somebody should go check up on him and see

If he’s ok.” said Lexi.

“Nah, he’s fine. He probably is on his phone or drinking up all the beer.” said Kyrie.

“Jordan, go check on him. Something doesn’t feel right. We should probably go. Like

right now!” Jordan walked up past the two tent’s left behind and tables, where he walked up

beside the white ford 2025 pickup truck to which he found Alex’s body. Cold and Blue. His

throat was covered in blood as he was gasping for air like a fish out of water. Jordan, being on

the football team and a heavy weight champion, he picked up Alex’s body and ran back to the


“Um guys….This is how I found him. I...I...I don’t know what happened, I mean, he was

just sitting there, gasping begging for hair. Just seeing him like that was terrifying--” stumbled


“Damn, shut up man!? Is he still breathing? We gotta get the hell up outta here, like right

now bruh!” blurted Kyrie. Everyone grabbed their things, including trash, bags, coolers, anything

they brought. Jordan stayed with Alex in the back seat of the pickup truck to keep an eye on him

and stabilize his condition while stopping the bleeding. They packed everything into the

remaining cars, when Kyrie realized Allison was nowhere to be found. “Allison!? Allsion!?

Allison, WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!?!? Kyrie screamed.

Lexi said to Kyrie, “Look, right there next to that tall tree. Can you see that?

“ALLISON!!! Ah $#!T!” Allison was being dragged through the leaves by a tall figure in

a clown mask. Kyrie ran to his car and grabbed the loaded gun his dad gave him to protect him

during times like these. He always told Kyrie to do what is necessary to protect his siblings, no

matter what. He grabbed the 9mm Glock 19 black. He ran towards the tall figure holding his gun
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on his side. He told the others to try calling 911 even with the terrible reception. Kyrie ran faster

than he ever did in his life. He had a flight or fight, and he chose to fight.

“Get your F****** hands off her, with yo clown mask. You are not even scary, bruh.

Stop playing games with me bro.” Kyrie pleaded.

“I have been here for all my life. You are trespassing, and you will be punished dearly.

You cannot stop me. You cannot stop the inevitable. You are on my lands now, boy. And you

ALL will pay the ultimate price. Your life. You come onto my lands, my lake and blast your

music and leave your trash everywhere. You have no respect for what I call my home.”

“Get your hands off her. I will not ask again. I don’t want to shoot you…”

“Well then I guess, I’ll shoot you!” The man takes a pistol from his side and says, “Now

that we’re on the same page, you can give me one of your other speeches you’ve got, huh?”

Meanwhile, back at home. May and Trey are on their dad’s computer trying to activate

the tracking device their dad placed in all their shoes. Trey says, “I got it. They’re at Lake

Timberland. It’s past 2 and they’re still there. Should we call the cops?”

“Yeah. I knew that the psychopath was still alive. I mean, the FBI didn’t catch him 30

years ago. You’d think he fled to another state or committed suicide, but no. He has to still be

there somewhere.”

“Bzzz. Bzzz. Bzzzz-. 911, what is the location of your emergency?” stated the operator.

“My brother and sister and their friends are in trouble I think. They’re at Lake

Timberland.” stated Trey.

“Oh my...You said Lake Timberland? Ok, local police and the sheriff’s office have been

dispatched. Is there anything you know about who’s there or what’s going on?”
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“No, but my other sister says the Clown Killer from 30 years ago is still there.” stated


“Officers have been dispatched to the lake and will be there soon. You did a good job

young man. Now where are you and your parents?”

“They’re in Chicago for the weekend. My other sister is about to call them.”

“Ok thank you young man, for calling. You did the right thing.”

“Dispatch to all units, we have a possible disturbance at Lake Timberland. A man

possibly early 60s, white, black hair, tall, and medium build. He is a wanted fugitive and is

considered Armed and Dangerous. Federal police and state police have been contacted and are

en route to the scene. All officers are to proceed with caution. Air one is en route, eta 10 minutes.

Caller stated a halloween party with teens from a nearby high school were having a party when

they didn’t come home at the suspected time. Caller stated a male black, wearing an orange

jumpsuit costume by the name of Kyrie and a white female in a cat costume by the name of

Allison. There may be multiple teens, caller didn’t report anyone harmed but EMS and Fire will

be 10-8 and standing by.”

“10-4. En route.” stated multiple officers over the police scanners.

Back at Lake Timberland Kyrie and the Clown Killer we’re at a standoff. The man said,

“I’m too old for this $#!T.” “BANG!!” The Man shot Kyrie in the arm.

Kyrie felt a piercing in his arm. He looks and grabs his arm. Blood. Kyrie drops his gun,

from the loss of feeling in his right arm.

Sirens in the distance caught everybody’s attention. Aurora police and Kane county

sheriff’s dept were racing down the dirt road leading to the lake and field area. Two helicopter’s
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were overhead. Some officer’s checked on the other 8 teens in the cars and called for EMS and

Fire for Alex while officers worked on the wounds. The rest of the officers approached the man

saying, “Get on the ground! Drop the Gun! Let me see your hands! Drop the Gun or you’re

gonna get shot, dude!”

“I’m not going down without a fight!” pleaded the clown masked man. He held up his

gun at the officers, but he wasn’t fast enough. “BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG!!” Multiple

officers shot at him. The man fell to the ground instantly. His mask fell off him and Kyrie caught

a glimpse of his face. It was grey and still. Like he was already dead. His eyes seemed to be

glazed over and his face was just dead.

“Dispatch, Shot’s fired, suspect down. We need Fire and EMS. I got 1 critical stab wound

to the chest and another shot in the arm. Suspect is down and 10-45D.”

The Fire dept and Ambulances came for Alex, Kyrie and Allison (who was knocked

unconscious by the man) The Man with the clown mask didn’t make it and died on scene.

Unfortunately, Alex was put into a coma after a devastating loss of blood. Kyrie’s arm was taken

care of. Trey and May were dropped off by officers and their parents arrived minutes after. The

story of the “The man with the Clown Mask” was all over the news as federal police and agents

scouted the entire woods and lake area. At last, the serial killer known as, “The Man with the

Clown Mask” was found. Or taken down.

Back at the hospital, Kyrie was beside his sister and the rest of her family. The mother

was hysterical, while the father was frustrated that they were even at the lake in the first place. A

few weeks later and Kyrie couldn’t stop thinking about the man. The man’s grey and still face.

His mask. Kyrie thought to himself, If the cops hadn’t come...would The Man with the Clown
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Mask have killed them? Kyrie, Allison and all the others that attended the party knew for certain,

to never to go back to Lake Timberland, ever again.

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