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Nervous System
-Jerky, uncontrollable movements,
usually of both arms and legs and
particularly of the face, feet, and
hands, called Sydenham chorea may
begin gradually in children with rheumatic fever but usually only after all other symtomshace subsided. A
month may go by before the jerky movements that disappear during sleep. The movements may invlove any
muscle except those of the eyes. They may involve any muscle except those of the eyes. They may begin in
the hands and spread to the feet and face. Facial grimacing (a distorted expression on the face) is common.
Children may cluck their tongue, or the tongue may dart in and out of the mouth.

In mild cases, children may seem clumsy and may have slight difficulties in dressing and eating. In severe
cases, children may have to be protected from injuring themselves with their flailing arms or legs. The
chorea lasts between 4 months and 8 months.



Acute Rheumatic Fever Rheumatic fever may  Fever  Chest pains

develop after strep throat  Painful, tender joints  fever of 38.30C
Rheumatic fever (acute or scarlet fever infections (arthritis), most  joint pain on his knees
rheumatic fever) is a that are not treated commonly in the and ankle.
disease that can affect the properly. Bacteria knees, ankles, elbows,  jerky movements
heart, joints, brain, and called group A and wrists particularly in his
skin. Rheumatic fever can Streptococcus or group  Symptoms of hands
develop if strep throat and A strep cause strep throat congestive heart  His skin at his back
scarlet fever infections are and scarlet fever. It usually failure, including chest shows a rash with a
not treated properly. Early takes about 1 to 5 weeks pain, shortness of faint pattern with a
diagnosis of these after strep throat or scarlet breath, fast heartbeat pinkish center and
infections and treatment fever for rheumatic fever  Fatigue slightly raised red
with antibiotics are key to to develop.  Jerky, uncontrollable border .
preventing rheumatic body movements  rapid heart rate of
fever. (called “chorea”) 110 bpm
 Painless lumps 
(nodules) under the
skin near joints (this is
a rare symptom)
 Rash that appears as
pink rings with a clear
center (this is a rare

In addition, someone with

rheumatic fever can have:
 A new heart murmur
 An enlarged heart
 Fluid around the heart

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